This massive black structure was built an uncountable number of years ago by Silver Age humans...
A glass vial on the end of an arrow seems like a good idea. Why not put poison in it?
Original star system of the Erdarians, until an anti-matter bomb made the star go nova, ending all life...
This bomb has the ability to make things randomly skip forward in time...
A dagger carved out of a solid piece of Lapis Lazuli rock, with a bronze handle and crossguard. It can greatly amplify water and fire magic...
One of the largest potion makers on Vreathe. They supply mass produced combat potions to multiple armies and other organizations...
Increases resistance to hot temperatures by about 50% or so...
Home System of the Detesta. This system has two ocean worlds, a mostly habitable planet, and a so-called "rainbow giant"...
A long but not exhaustive look into Cassel's many different religions and ethnic groups...
A short description of dozens of different ethnic groups in the Kingdoms of cassel...
A short description of a dozen different crystal weapons one might come across on the Moon Izi...
One of the darkest events in the history of Werewolves....
Just the latest in a long line of failed werewolves overcome by the insanity of the Bloodright of Leto...
The powerful matriarch of the Wolfhelm Clan. She fancies herself a god among werewolves.
A depowered Werewolf that refused to drink the Blood of Leto, and was excommunicated from the Wolfhelm Clan as a result....
An anomalous basement that exists inside a pocket dimension. Zack uses it to store various weapons...
The Goddess of wolves and the mother of Artemis and Apollo....
A ritual that young werewolves undertake to become fully powered demigods...
A devastating condition that affects Werewolves, causing them to kill in the name of their Goddess Leto....
Contains historical information on the four major Werewolf Clans of Europe...
A collection of Demon Lords and Gods who call the Infernal Realm home...
A selection of Gods that still roam the Earth even after most left for the Celestial Realm...
A selection of the most powerful gods, now living in the Celestial realm...
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