Master BroAndrew
Rev AA Scutt

In the world of The Land of Ho

Visit The Land of Ho

The Peeps of Windy Ho

Completed 6057 0 0 9301

You could be forgiven for thinking that being ‘as free as a bird’, flying here, there and everywhere was the ideal. Go where you wish with no restrictions but you know, you’d be quite wrong because with great power, i.e. flight, comes great responsibility. It’s one thing to take flight but another to realise when one should and when one shouldn't and how one uses the gift given. As in the rest of life, nothing is simple and being an owl, like me, has certainly been anything other than simple. Allow me, if you have the time, that is, to tell you of some of my experiences as an owl. My life as an owl has had its moments, I can tell you. Well, let me do just that. Let me take you back to a time within and outside of time to a land you won’t find on any map, a land of little people, three feet tall. The Peeps.