
In the world of Zodiak

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Chapter 1

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Genevieve was sitting in the wide window, she was not worried about her dropping twenty stories towards the ground. She knew that her balance was good, not as good as it used to be. Tears stung in her eyes, something that happened a lot lately. Especially when she thought about her old life, the last city she called home. Her gaze went aimlessly over the buildings that stretch out before and under her, it was another city. How knew? Apparently Rycharde Erewaker did, he left Benevolence just before shit hit the fan. Before Justin took over, before Justin used the Freedom Fighters as his own personal army. Before she was forced to see everyone she loved die, her crew, friends, her adoptive parents. Although she never saw them die, she heard their screams, she could hear Allia fight for her live when Justin did his worst to her. The police and some freedom fighters that were on Justin's side were holding her down, which was a wise decision. Because she had killed Justin then and there. She swallowed the vile taste that crept into her mouth away, it was blood mixed with her hatred for the man. Her mind banned the thoughts of him, and let it again wonder towards the city that she saw right before her eyes. All the buildings that she was able to see were covered with plants, which was a fresh breath of air. No pun intended, but plants were rare in Benevolence. There were some trees in the more wealthy districts of the city, but the rest of the city was covered in neon lights. Her hand went towards the wound, or where the wound had being. It was healed up now, although it had left a nasty scare, no more crop tops for her. Unless she wanted to explain the scar every time someone saw it.

"Yeah, I got that one when I was forced to fight the man I once loved. No, he was the commander of the Freedom fighters and I admired him. But then I discovered that he was the one we initially were fighting, and he had used us to do his dirty work."

No, that wouldn't be a fun opener for any type of conversation. Her gaze went down, the people down there would never understand her. Not that she would give them a change too, she was not even allowed to leave this apartment. She was not a citizen of this city, and after what happened in Benevolence, she doubted that the city council would ever expect her as one of them. She raised her hands, they seemed to be clean, but they were drenched in blood. Genevieve had killed a lot of people, in the name of freedom. No, that was not in the name of freedom, but back then she didn't know that. Still, that was no excuse for the crimes she had committed. Funny enough, it was Justin that told her that a soldier was not allowed to make that kind of excuse. They all had a brain, and they needed to use it.

"Ahh, I already thought that I would find you here." A deep voice behind her said. It didn't scare her to hear it, this was his home, after all. "Wallowing in self-pity, as per usual." She turned her head to face him, by the wasteland, he looked so much like him.

"What else can I do, old man." She said, with a low voice. She was not going to use his name, he lost that privilege when he left. "I have slept, eaten, trained, used the bathroom once or twice, and now all that I have left to do is wallow in the sad reality that is my life. Which I deserve, don't you agree." She knew that he didn't agree with that at all, he made that crystal clear.

"I didn't patch you up, for you to waste your life away." Rycharde snapped at her. "I know that legally aren't allowed to leave this house, but that never stopped you before. Where is the Freedom Fighter I once knew?"

"She was killed, she was killed by your son." she snapped back. "And now what is left of her, is done fighting." She climbed out of the window, and went towards the bed. "I am sorry that I turned out to be a huge disappointment." Genevieve knew that he didn't see her in that way, he never had seen her in that way. But he knew her as the bright young girl, the girl that joined the Freedom fighter from the tender age of fifteen. Rycharde back then was the leader, and he placed her under Justin's watch. He had trained her, taught her everything she knew about various type of combat and weapons. Her taught her how to hunt, harm and kill. All things she believed she needed to survive, but now she knew that he was grooming her into the perfect obedience tool.

"I am sorry, Genevieve, I really am. But no one place a gun to your head when you joined, you wanted to be part of the Freedom Fighters." he said, and this was true. Nobody hold her at gunpoint. She let herself fall upon the soft mattress, it was softer than her last bed. Not that it reflected into her rest, her nights were hunted by the memories. 

"Not when I joined, but after you left. There was a gun placed to Meak's and Allia's heads so that I would stay. There was a gun to their heads when I was reluctant to kill, and trickers were pulled when I refused to do anything Justin wanted." she said. She looked up, and saw that his whole stance changed.

"Did you..." he started to ask. He wanted to know if she was inside the room, or house when Justin killed her adoptive parents. She shook her head, no, Justin knew that it would break her.

"I was pinned against the wall, just outside. I was forced to hear them scream, to hear the gun shot, to smell the scent of their blood. And after that I was forced to complete my mission, which was to kill another official." Genevieve replied. "I did, kill them, because now the guns were on the heads of my friends. My friends didn't let me into the house, before the bodies of Meak and Allia were removed. They knew that they were next, they knew that if I placed one toe wrong that they wouldn't see the next sunrise." Tears started to stream over her cheeks, her friend who in the end gave their lives for nothing.

"What happened that night?" he asked. She bit her lip, it was not something she wanted to talk about. But there was no point of keeping him in the dark.

"I was not able to complete a mission, Markus and the others knew that one of them would be killed because of it. So instead of waiting who was going to die, they attacked Justin and the men that were loyal to him. I couldn't stand by and watch my friends fight, so I joined. Justin taught me well and in the end it was just him and me left standing. Everybody else was dead, of course Justin knew that there was no way that I would do his bidding after that. He tried to kill me, and he almost did. Only I was able to get a couple of blows in, which left him incapable to finish the job." Her lip started to quiver.

"I taught you too well, it seems. Little Genevieve, look at you all grown up, the perfect soldier." Justin said with a chuckle. Blood was pouring out of his mouth. "But as usual, you didn't think things through. Did you really think that I would let you live? No, I am going to burn this city. I am going to burn it all down, and there is nothing you could do about it. Nothing. You have failed, once again. If I were you, I would start running, maybe you are able to get out of the city in time."  He chuckled again. "I doubt it, but you can try. You can try to keep that stupid promise." 

"Genevieve, come back. You are not there, you are in Maraud. You are safe," the voice of Rycharde brought her back to the room. She was tired, so dammed tired. All she wanted to do now was sleep. The image of the dying Justin was still front and center, so she wouldn't find must piece there. Still, she didn't want to battle against sleep. "By the wasteland, I thought that I lost you."

"In many ways than one, you did lose me." she replied, and then let her eyes fall shut. "I lost, I failed, I died." and sleep took her away.


Rycharde closed the bedroom door behind him, just when Mychaell let himself drop on the sofa. Mychaell caught a glimpse of the girl that was hiding inside that room, her blazing red hair was difficult to miss. He wondered why Rycharde put up with that girls' behavior, she was so different from the Freedom Fighter Rycharde talked so much about. Not that it mattered, actually it did. Currently, she was draining his mentor and leader emotionally dry. He had heard some bits and pieces over the weeks, and he knew that she didn't have it easy. But that wasn't an excuse, they all needed to do their part to survive.

"Mycheall, I am not in the mood." that was all Rycharde had to say when he saw him. Normally, he would ask if he and his mates had eaten. But today he was not in the mood, no he was the last couple of weeks not in the mood. All because of that girl. Mycheall stood up. Rycharde walked over towards the open kitchen.

"Well, neither am I. But we are going to have this conversation either way. You have being cooped up inside this apartment for weeks now, you haven't been to the store once. You haven't asked how things are going over there, either. Nor have you asked about how we, your Freedom Fighters, are doing. All that is on your mind right now is that girl, who hasn't shown an inch of gratitude." Mychaell said loudly. "You haven't been the same ever since we came back from Benevolence, since we saved that girl." Rycharde slammed his fist against the counter. Mychaell knew that this was a dangerous game, but still he was willing to play it. He took another gasp of air, ready to say everything that was weighting on his mind.

"Enough," Rycharde said loudly. The old man's cloudy gray eyes were burning with anger. "That girl lost more than you think. She was only fifteen when she joined the Freedom Fighters, she was fifteen when my son groomed her into his puppet. Her life was a grim and dark place when I left the city, she already lost her birth parents, but my son killed her adoptive parents. She lost her childhood, her innocence, her family, friends, the one she loved with all her heart, her home." Mychaell listened, he had lost a lot in his life. But not that much, he still had his friends, a place that he can call home. He had a job, that supported him and his needs. "And I lost my son, yes, he was an evil bastard. But he was still my flesh and blood. So I am mourning, Mychaell. And I am trying to be there for her, because I know for a fact that this all wouldn't have happened if I stayed." Mychaell didn't have anything to say about that, somehow he had forgotten that Rycharde had a son. A son that apparently had tormented the girl inside the other room.

"I am going towards the shop," Mychaell said, he was not going to admit that he was wrong. Not out loud, at least. "But do not forget, she is not the only one that needs you."  Which was a low blow, Mycheall stepped out. Derick, and Joshua, were waiting for him. Both were leaning against the wall.

"And did you talk to him, it sounded like you did." Derick said, but Mychaell sighed.

"Well, I laid it out for him, but he put me in my place. Still, this can't go on, that girl needs to pull her weight. Like we all do." he said while making his way towards the stairs. "All what she does right now is sitting inside the window, eat, and sleep."

"I agree with you man," Joshua said, of course he agreed with him. He himself had complained about the lack of guidance from Rycharde for a couple of days now.

"I do too, but I understand her too." Derick chimed in, which was something Mychaell didn't expect. "Just think of it, she is or was a Freedom Fighter. Just like us, and our main goal is to fight against corruption. But we all know what happened to her city, it is no longer there. So that means that she has failed her mission, she has lost the fight. I wouldn't know how I would feel if that happened here." Mychaell narrowed his eyes, when they reached the bottom of the stairs. Why didn't he think of that fact, Derick was the brains in their little group, that was not a secret. And he was right, he wouldn't know what to do with himself if he failed like that. He kicked open the door of the apartment building, people who were standing inside the street jumped slightly out of the way. He just walked past them, but Derick behind him offered his apology. Joshua kept silent as they walked towards the shop, where they all worked. Vanessa was standing behind the counter, explaining to an old lady how the crème worked. Jessica was putting other products on the shelves, then there was Jacob in the back. Smashing the plants together to make the newest products, Joshua walked towards the station next to Jacob and started to do the same thing. Derick started to unbox products that were used to make skin care crème's, potions, and cosmetics. That was their job, and it was honest work. Getting those products to the people who really needed it, but this was only the forefront of the store. Mychaell was working in the back, where he was responsible for the Freedom Fighters. He was the one that excepted jobs, trained new recruits and now took care of the finances. From both the apothecary and the mercenary guild. Jessica followed him.

"Still, no Rycharde?" she asked, and he shook his head. She like him was one of the first Freedom Fighters inside this city. "Well, let just hope that he has a very good reason to leave us hanging like that."

"He says that he is mourning," Mychaell replied, he sat down behind Rycharde's desk. There was a large stack of papers waiting for him.

"Mourning?" Jessica said confused. "Well, I believe he had a son inside that city. So, that makes sense. But what about that girl, the Freedom Fighter that is now wasting away inside his apartment?" Mychaell really didn't want to talk about this, but Jessica was entitled to the answer.

"She apparently lost everything because of Rycharde's son." Mychaell said, and Jessica's eyes grew. He simply nodded, and then he shared with her everything Rycharde shared with him. He also shared, with her, Derick's point of view.

"I hate to say it, but Derick is right. I wouldn't know what to do when that would happen to our city. Maybe seeing some people from her own age and gender would help. I will ask Rycharde, when I am done with working." She said, Mychaell nodded. He grabbed the first file that lay on the desk.

"Take Vanessa with you, the boys and I have another case." He said. Holding up the file, Jessica looked at it with narrowed eyes.

"That man again, you know that I have a bad feeling about him." she said. And he knew that all too well, it was not that she was hiding it from them. Or from the man in question, but Rycharde wanted them to get involved with this man for that specific reason. To win that man's trust, while they investigate his every move.

"You go and take care of Rycharde's guest, while the boys and I take care of this creep." he responded. Jessica nodded and left the office. He had a bad feeling about their job tonight, not that he was going to voice that. It might be better if he kept such things to himself. He then grabbed a few other folders, for reviewing. Wishing with every file that Rycharde would come back. Did that girl feel like this at one point in time? Of course, she has, Justin, Rycharde's son, went on a power trip right after his father left three years ago. The young man, took over the city terrorized it citizens and most of all he made that girl's live a living underworld. Mychaell sighed, this was going to be a long day.

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