Master BroAndrew
Rev AA Scutt

Table of Contents

One Two Three Four

In the world of The Land of Ho

Visit The Land of Ho

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Idris awakened with a shiver, there was something in the air. He looked outside his cave entrance and sure enough there was a heavy frost on the ground. Winter was on its way and his immediate thought was for his brother Dragon, Whitey, down the coast in his little cove. Okay, they had managed some cover for him but it was only ever meant as temporary, until Ginny’s Aunt could arrange a permanent move. She had promised to be with them after a week but it had been much longer than that, he reckoned. He was getting a little worried. 


“Ah, Miss Ginny, come on in.”

“I’ve got someone to see you.”

Idris had to blink his eyes rapidly a few times in order to make sense of what he was seeing for there before him stood two practically identical young women, one he was sure was Ginny but then the other could well have been

her as well.

“Idris, this is my Aunt, Gwen, from Windy Ho. Aunt Gwen, meet Idris or Big Red, as he is sometimes called.”

“My oh my, what a splendid fellow you are. What a pleasure to meet you.”

If a big red dragon could blush then that is what Idris was doing at that moment.

“I am very pleased to meet you too, Miss Gwen?”

“It's Gwen. Well now, where is the other one?” 

  “Ah, he’s not here, he’s down the coast a ways, in a cove. I’ll show you. Do you mind climbing on, only it’ll be quicker if I take you?”

“It would be an honour big boy.”

“Okay, auntie, that’ll do. Let’s go, Idris.”

Idris was soon in the air, winging his way to Whitey’s cove, with his two passengers sitting confidently like seasoned Dragon Riders on his broad back. Within a few minutes they were circling over the cove but there was no sign of Whitey. Upon landing they started calling his name but got no response. Whitey was not there.

“He’s here, alright.” Said a thoughtful Gwen. And I think he has gained a new talent. You can show yourself now, obviously we are friendly”

To everyone's astonishment bar one, Whitey slowly began to materialise in front of them.

“You must be Miss Ginny’s Aunt,” He said.

“How’d you do that, Bwo, that’s new to me?” Said Idris in amazement.

“I was just sitting here wondering what had happened to everybody and how it would be cool if I could just disappear rather than go and hide and before I could think of anything else it started to happen. I’ve been practising ever since, thought it might come in handy sometime, Bwo.” 

“Something wrong with your tongue, Bwo?”

“Oh, It doesn’t matter. You’re a sharp one, I must say.” turning to Aunt Gwen.

“I’ve had a little experience in these things and I must say it’s going to be quite useful to you. Well done. Now then, to business. Clearly this is not the most suitable place for you to stay but I am pleased to say that I have found somewhere a little better, that I think you’ll like. Not far from here too.” 

  Fifteen minutes flying time found them approaching an inland lake surrounded by low rolling hills and an abundance of lush grazing land but the perhaps the main feature that caught one’s eye was the little island roughly in  the middle of the lake, certainly Whitey commented on it in glowing terms. This was his new home, Aunt Gwen had delivered alright. The area was sheltered by the surrounding hills, protected from the excesses of rough weather. They named the island Llyn Gwyn, in Whitey’s honour.

“You will find this place is well positioned to be able to be in touch with everyone but at the same time, private enough. This is important.” Aunt Gwen addressed Whitey, Big Red and Ginny in a more serious tone. “I have to tell you that there is big trouble brewing, trouble that will affect both Oakwood and Windy Ho in the not too distant future and we all need to be within reach of one another should an emergency arise. I can’t elaborate on this matter right now because I simply don’t possess enough information. I just know something nasty is coming and we need to be ready. We'll all be involved, of that I am certain. I’m sorry to be alarmist at this time, having found Whitey’s home and all but I had to warn you. This is why I was late, I had to wait to find out what I could before seeing you, unfortunately I didn’t glean much. After a brief thoughtful silence.

“Still, Whitey’s got this fabulous island, that’s surely cause for a celebwation.” Idris was trying to lift the mood which had been somewhat dampened by Aunt Gwen’s news.

“You bet, Bwo.” Said Whitey, grinning widely.


As the sun began to sink making way for the night Whitey lay musing over his mixed fortunes and change of circumstances these past months, how his entire life had changed. He no longer strutted around the area of the Lodge, chest puffed out with pride and the funny thing about it was, he wasn’t missing it. Since that momentous battle with Big Red he had found new friends, new family, and paradoxically an identity he was comfortable with. He counted himself lucky, even though he represented in some eyes, a vanquished foe. Or were those eyes his eyes, his old self eyes?

Idris was watching the sun go down on his own island thinking about all that had happened recently, how he had found a brother dragon and was welcomed back into the Lodge, though he chose to continue living on his island. Nevertheless, he was pleased that he would be welcome to visit anytime. And, how it all could have ended so differently had he given in to anger on that day over Oakwood. Two dragons would sleep well tonight.


Aunt Gwen was taking her leave of her niece Ginny.

“Now don’t forget, if there are any signs of things getting out of hand don’t hesitate in contacting me and furthermore. That new Head Warden, you just have to be careful, they are trouble of a different kind.”

“Oh aunt, you’ve got room to talk.”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“Idris, Big Red, ‘Splendid fellow, big boy’ indeed.”

“Away with you, child,” Said Aunt Gwen, playfully elbowing her niece's arm and smiling.

“Till the next time then.”

“Till then.”

With that Aunt Gwen took to the sky, heading for Windy Ho and home.

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