Chapter 32: Beautiful Darkness

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Opening with Astarion POV and ending the chapter with Tav POV.


Gods, I've missed this.

Astarion was making the most of the opportunity to bask in the dawning sun before they were plunged into the depths of the earth. He scowled; he did not look forward to it. The last two centuries in Cazador's depressing dungeon of a mansion was enough to last him for many more to come. He heard her stir behind him.

Poor sweet thing was still spooked last night.

She had fallen asleep not long after sharing more of her secrets with him.

It was strange.

Firstly, 'staying the night' and secondly, doing so without bedding her. He had gained so much by doing so little. Even though she had been delectably generous in her explanations; he could tell she was holding back more.

However, he was holding back too. He wasn't all that upset about the accusations of stealing - well, he was - but he was more annoyed than anything about her throwing herself off the side of the ledge when the drow attacked her.

I had everything in hand, and it was wholly unnecessary.

He remembered the amount of raw hatred emanating from her during that moment. He recognized it. His abhorration for the Gur and Cazador raged in him similarly. Like how he seethed to carve out the Gur's eye during their encounter in the swamps. He snarled into the sunrise.


She had awoken and he glanced at her over his shoulder. She was lying on her side again, watching him with a soft smile. The light felt warmer, but he attributed it to the rising sun.

He greeted her, "Hello, beautiful."

She addressed him in low tones, "Bellinor."

Beautiful darkness. He grinned at the choice endearment, Excellent.

He had to commend himself for choosing such an uncanny ally in his tactical alliance. She continued to surprise him in various unexpected ways. Not to mention that her blooming affections were utterly adorable. And he so enjoyed the attention, even if it was an unfamiliar experience for him. Nevertheless, he deserves to be doted upon - There is no argument against that.

He turned while she approached, the soft smile remaining.

I'll allow it, he decided, She is poised and ready for the fall. One night of unforgettable pleasure then she'll be utterly infatuated and willing to gift all her resources and skills to me. Unrestrained.

He tilted his head at her, curious about her greeting and asked, "Beautiful darkness, darling?"

Amusement shone warmly in her umber eyes. She answered, "Beauty can be nurtured in both light and darkness. One comes from joy.", she glanced to the brightening horizon. Then pointedly looked back at him before finishing, "The other comes from resilience."

He regarded her silently for a moment. He would be lying if he said that her words didn't reach him in any meaningful way just then, especially when she stated them with such conviction. He didn't know how to respond so instead he cupped her jaw and brushed the words from her lips using his thumb. An arm gathered her around the waist, drawing her to him and he captured the lingering admiration with a kiss to her parted lips. She soothed his face with gentle fingers.


One of his hands moved to stroke her neck while they kissed. Her pulse increasing under his fingers, and he breathed in the hint of blood that flushed to her lips. He pulled away, moving to her neck. Her pulse was beating rapidly against his tongue while he dragged his fangs over her skin, down into the crook of her neck. Tasting leaves and greenery. He nipped at her collar bone, making her breath hitch. Her soft lips brushed against his ear in reply. He quite liked her mouth at his ear, but before he could lose himself in her neck, he returned to her mouth. She caressed his face fully in her hands, eyes murky with desire. He stole a gasp from her in one last consuming kiss, and her tongue languidly skimmed over the tip of one of his fangs.

She is delicious, he broke away smirking.


--- --- ---


They were running out of ways to entertain themselves. They had found the entrance to the Underdark some time ago and the long downward spiralling ramp. Its descent into the bedrock was monotonous at best. They had bantered, shared several stories, Tav sang hauntingly enchanting songs in her rich contra alto voice, and they've showed off their various magic abilities. The unmoving, soundless air made it seem as though they've been travelling for days. Then a dreadful request came from Tav. She wanted to hear more music from Tufani. Nyx decided that she'll whistle the tunes rather than attempt to sing them; especially following Tav's performance. Tav was pleased with Nyx's selection and asked whether she may 'formally' record them sometime.

Nyx inclined her head, "I'm sure the Tufani musicians would be honoured. And I would suggest asking for lyrics from Clive, his singing voice is leagues better than mine."

The others gave her shocked glances at the last comment, and Tav grinned toothily.


Karlach gave a mighty yawn that echoed through the chasm. The walls were lined with glowing crystals, and a growing number of different luminescent mushrooms.

Karlach groaned and declared in frustration, "Fuck! This is sooo boring!", throwing her hands in the air. Several of the others agreed and side-eyed Nyx when she stopped 'yet again to pick mushrooms' even though it didn't slow their progress.

Nyx grinned while plucking a bracket fungus in passing and corrected, gesturing with the spongy maroon mushroom, "Hoarding actually; these ones are particularly useful."

Only Gale was intrigued and discussed its uses with Nyx for a while. Karlach again complained about being bored and that 'mushroom talk' made it even worse. Lae'zel and Astarion agreed.

Nyx snorted while Gale tried to educate them in the 'finer qualities of mycology', which was only received with glares and eye rolls. Halsin and Wyll gave good natured chuckles.


Shadowheart had an unnerving look in her eyes. More unsettling was that she directed it at Nyx. Nyx gave her a raised eyebrow in return. Shadowheart's eyes flashed. Nyx wasn't sure how alarmed she should be about the exchange.

Shadowheart's face split and she announced, "Nyx, I challenge you."

Oh no. I'm too scared to ask, she could see the other's interest and ears perk up.

Nyx replied evenly, "If you're referring to a healing challenge, I might as well capitulate now."

The others snickered.

Shadowheart shook her head, "Hardly the appropriate answer, which ironically illustrates my point.", she grinned.

Nyx narrowed her eyes and stated plainly, "How odd."

Shadowheart straightened and formally said onto Nyx, "I challenge you to a battle of the wits."

There were 'oohs' and whoops from the rest.

By the Abyss, Nyx thought running a hand over her face, but then a devious expression crept into her features.

"Challenge accepted", Nyx shot back.

The others could barely contain their excitement. To the point where bets were being placed, much to Nyx's exasperation and Shadowheart's approval.


Like these things go, there was 'the crowd sweetheart' and 'the underdog'. Nyx never pretended to be anything other than a dark horse. Most bets were against Nyx; only Astarion and Tav threw their lot in behind her.

Gale confirmed with Tav, "Are you sure you've made a wise choice?"

Nyx clicked her tongue, and Tav gave him a knowing look, "Oh, quite so."

Nyx decided to start off with a quip, "Do underestimate me, that'll be fun."

Shadowheart took the bait, and the game officially started with grins and commentary from the side lines. Shadowheart retorted, "This being your fun allergy talking? The same one that doesn't allow you to drink at parties?"

"Drinking has nothing to do with fun. Parties are mostly an excuse for wanton recreational drug use disguised as a socially acceptable norm."

There were 'oofs' and 'ows', since that line potentially took a jab at pretty much everyone else in the room.

Shadowheart couldn't think of a strong comeback and round one went to the underdog.

Astarion and Tav shared a wink; they already knew how this was going to end.

Nyx set the tone for round two, "You'd best sharpen up your knives and quickly."

Shadowheart sassed, "My blades are sharp enough, it is your wits that I question."


"A question borne from ignorance or arrogance?"

"Neither, borne from the fact that I am the gods' favourite princess.", cue more 'oohs' and laughter.

Nyx chuckled, "I thought the gods wanted followers that picked up a sword for themselves, not waiting on a knight to do it for them."

"Who says I can't be the knight and the princess? I've been an exemplary follower in that regard."

Nyx smiled, inclined her head and conceded the second round to her. She wasn't about to overstep on that topic.

There were cheers from the others.

However, Shadowheart was lagging with every consecutive round. Nyx may not be good at (or fond of) rude and crude insults. And there were boundaries that she won't cross, but her sarcasm was lethal, especially after the warmup.

In a later round, Shadowheart attempted, "For someone so quiet you certainly have an impressive vocabulary."

"The value of my words weigh more than the quantity spoken, especially when compared to the words of others that merely illustrate the shallowness of the mind behind them."

Shadowheart cringed and motioned like she was clutching a dagger to the heart. She retorted smirking, "It is the fiercest mind that wins the battle eventually."

Nyx nodded considering then pointed out evenly, "Only if the enemy is feeble or weak on strategy. Otherwise, even the fiercest mind will be overrun by the sheer strength of numbers."

Another round went to Nyx.

Astarion and Tav were most pleased with the outcome when Shadowheart gracefully surrendered after round ten - with equal parts of astonishment, amusement and respect for Nyx's ability to wield the truth like a weapon. Nyx inclined her head to Shadowheart for a match well played.

Confident that no one would ask for another duel like this; Nyx safely put her nastier side away where it belonged. She can rely on it, when necessary, but it’s best not to unnecessarily feed certain parts of her personality - for everyone's wellbeing.




The ramp tapered into a long corridor ending in a wide archway. The air came alive while they proceeded towards the archway; muted alien sounds, eerie lighting and new smells greeted them. The restricted view gave way to a breathtaking landscape cast in contrasting shadow and majestic vastness. Some of the group gasped at the scene. The Underdark caverns always had a sense of grandeur for Nyx; like an enigmatic naturally formed underwater cathedral, complete with moody glowing mushroom light and colourful gleaming crystals.

Shadowheart observed, "Such depth to the shadows. I don't care what everyone else says - the Underdark is beautiful."

Astarion lilted, "I'm used to a crypt's gloom, but this is something else."

Nyx caught Astarion's eye and gave him a knowing smirk and mouthed, Bellinor. He flashed her his signature grin.


Then they had a slight problem: They were currently confined within enclosed ruins, demarcated by a wall and gate. Said gate looked to be locked and protected by magic. Soundless white lighting danced from a crystal clutched by a robed female statue. The energy flickered between the statue's crystal and another crystal, mounted on the top of the gate. Shadowheart reckoned that the area was an extension of the aboveground temple given the surrounding architecture. Tav suggested they search for a way to open the gate.

Wyll and Gale approached the statue with caution and inspected the crystal. Lae'zel was browsing weapon racks and trunks while Tav rifled through the desks scattered about. Karlach and Astarion were discussing how to break into 'the armoury'. Astarion had attempted to pick the lock, but it was rusted shut. Loud banging echoed around the area when Karlach decided to take the great war hammer Lae'zel had found to the armoury’s iron gate. Nyx had found logs with a detailed chronology of the outpost's final days.

The ruin was once the Selunite chapel garrison. It had fallen into disuse and was abandoned after being assaulted by drow and Shar's dark justiciars. The logs did not provide why they were attacked, but the occupants convinced the temple priestess to seal the entrance to the ramp. Afterward the remaining garrison acolytes sacrificed themselves to face the army beyond the gates, activating the garrison defences behind them.

Nyx frowned at the logs, Senseless waste of life. Why did they not do the opposite? The defences are still in place, even after a century. Why not fall back to the temple and let the defences do their job? Some things will remain lost to history.

Karlach broke through the armoury gate and the rest proceeded to claim their prize. Nyx shook her head with a smile, Bunch of loot gremlins.

Tav made her way over to Nyx, clutching a piece of parchment to her chest like it’s something truly precious. Nyx raised a curious eyebrow.


Tav showed Nyx a map she had found of the Underdark, parts of it uncharted or faded, but even in that condition it was priceless. Tav beamed at Nyx and ventured, "Would you mind helping me navigate? I assume your dark vision would be the farthest seeing out of all of us."

Nyx inclined her head and Tav added with concern furrowing her brow, "Are you alright with being here?"

Nyx returned the frown, albeit a confused one. She provided, "This is not my first time in the Underdark, I know my way around. I will help with making it more comfortable and safer for everyone."

Tav smiled warmly, "Thank you, I didn't doubt that. I was referring to," she paused looking away briefly, "Your pursuers."

Nyx's eyebrows shot upward, "Oh... Ah. I see," it was her turn to smile, "I appreciate your concern, but I don't harbour ill will against drow in general or the Underdark. Besides, I've experienced it to be harder to track someone through the Underdark than it is topside.", she finished matter-of-factly.

Tav seemed more relieved at the statement than she should be, "Thank Tymora then! I've been looking over my shoulder for the Githyanki inquisition nonstop since we left the creche. I'm starting to get a spasm", Tav reached for her neck, rubbing at the spot.

Nyx chuckled, "I've more good news for you." Tav's eyes lit up and Nyx continued, "The Underdark is permeated with what they call Faerzress. It's old 'environmental' magic that interferes with teleportation."

Tav's delight was infectious, "What a relief! You have just made my day!", she clasped her hands together and added looking around, "Or days, for as long as we are down here. What time is it anyway?"

Nyx laughed and added smiling, "I might have something for that neck spasm of yours too."

"Tymora bless you!"




Gale and Wyll had successfully disabled the garrison's defences without anything else blowing up. They proceeded into the Underdark proper, leaving the well-lit garrison behind and found themselves in the sea of mottled glowing colour. Nyx spotted something in the distance. She squinted her eyes at it.

Enhanced night vision was all-fine-and-well; the problem was that everything becomes some flavour of grey the darker or farther away it gets. It doesn't prevent one's ability to discern movement, but when things were not moving it becomes tricky.

It looks like a rock, in the middle of the open ground with no other features beside dirt. Her magic prickled slightly, and she reached out with her whiskers to probe the surroundings.

Astarion sidled next to her, "I sense something too, but I don't recognize it. And everything smells, strange."

Nyx regarded him and asked, "Can you describe the smell?"

He took a deep breath and his nostrils flared.

He tilted his head and eyed her sideways, "Turpentine, camphor", Nyx frowned and then the last two words made the hair on her neck stand on end, "Fruit and pork."

"Beholder", she breathed and Astarion's eyes widened as well.

"Looks like we have a visitor", Gale chirruped from behind and Nyx's blood ran cold.


Nyx and Astarion turned. Sure enough there was a large looming, floating shadow approaching them from the other side of the desolate area.

"By the hells! A beholder!", Wyll shouted, and everyone drew their weapons, but remained firmly in place, eyes locked on the impending shape. Ranged weapons and magic were being prepared.

Nyx squinted, picking out details - But it looks, wrong.

"Wait", she said.

"Are you insane?", Astarion lilted next to her in exasperated annoyance, "Wait for what exactly?"

Nyx glanced and him then back to the others who were taking aim. Nyx made eye contact with Tav who was looking over her shoulder.

Tav declared, "Hold.", and they all stood fast, weapons aimed, but not firing. Tension both in their bodies and expressions.

"It's... mutated," was the only word Nyx could find to describe it.

Then they all gaped at her over their shoulders.

Nyx inched closer. The others tracked her when she passed them. Tav whispered for her 'to be careful' and she nodded in reply.

It was part metal, part supple skin, like leather. Armoured spines lined its singular eye, interlocking plates spiralling outward from the eye to create a moving carapace reminiscent of an armadillo. It didn't have eyestalks, instead dark orbs orbited around it along a fixed circular path. Nyx counted them.

Four orbs; a spectator.

She turned to the others and announced her findings. Their expressions were incredulous and when she turned around, the spectator had disappeared.


A deep mechanical voice rung in her mind, "I am Vainglorious Jarrus. Speak thy intent and prove thyselves vanguards."




Tav nervously cleared her throat and addressed the entity, "Vanguards of what?"

"Twilight bastions standing at dusk and dawn. Ye who forge a light through darkness and know there art places the light wast never meant to touch."

Tav remarked in a low voice, "That sounds completely contradictory."

Gale provided, "Spectators are guardians and they are obsessed with order. Some do go mad, but even so, they can be reasoned with." Several of the others snorted or shot him a dubious glance. Then he projected, "Salutations Vainglorious Jarrus.", and made a slight bend at the waist, "I am Gale, Wizard of Waterdeep. May I ask who summoned you and why?"

Tav pursed her lips in confusion and Lae'zel asked why he was asking it such a useless question. Gale ignored the remark and Jarrus answered, "I wast once a fool. High Initiate Jarrus called upon me in his final hour. I am righteous. I protect the betwixt from the deepest shadows and the brightest light. I am the vanguard at the gloaming. Its sanctity wilt not fall, because I wilt not falter. I am a fool no more."

Astarion made a disgusted noise, "Why is it speaking in archaic riddles?".

Lae'zel announced, "It means to trick us."

"NO!", Jarrus boomed, jarring their minds, "I am righteous. I am the vanguard at the gloaming."

Karlach recovered from her ducking position and appealed, "Whoo, Lae'zel! Please don't make the invisible, scary voice mad!",

Shadowheart suggested, "It sounds like the High Initiate was a paladin of Selune."

"I wast", Jarrus replied.

"Was?", Tav scrunched her face and turned to Gale, "Did it", she made gnashing movements with her teeth and gestured towards her mouth like she was eating, and finished with, "The paladin?"

Gale shook his head, "Highly unlikely. If a spectator does not agree to what you ask it to protect, it simply leaves."

Wyll provided, "They do have peculiar magic.", and Halsin added, "Their beholder cousins have been known to warp reality."

Tav's eyebrows climbed into her hairline, "Could the two have become one?"

Wyll and Halsin shared a glance and a shrug, but Gale answered, "That is certainly within the realm of possibilities."

Tav frowned, chewing her lip then asked the entity, "Are you both Jarrus and the summoned spectator?"

"I am", it confirmed.

Nyx ventured, "Jarrus fell with your brothers-and-sisters-in-arms the night the Dark Justiciars and drow attacked?"

The others glanced at her.

Jarrus replied, "My novices. Let thine names be known and remembered:

Norn Remys, lost in the deep tunnels protecting thine others from the drow,

Thulk of the Northern Wastes, succumbed to poisoned arrow, one of many,

Bree Brekka, stood against a drider wielding thyself only a mason hammer.

Novices in life, Initiates in death. Ye art the vanguard, thou hast proven worthy. Thine legacy continues through me."

That was tragic and poetic, Nyx mused sullen.


Tav declared, "We would like to continue with our journey, Vainglorious Jarrus."

"Then thy shalt prove thyselves worthy."

Tav queried, "How would we go about doing that?"

"By speaking thine truth."

They shared various expression of confusion again. Tav continued, "And if we are found unworthy?"

"Thou wilt remain here forevermore."

"And if we don't take your challenge?"

"Thou must return from whence thee came."

"Well," Tav concluded, "That's that then. Give us a moment to converse amongst ourselves."

"Thou must do what thy must."

Nyx snorted and crossed her arms.


They discussed the paladin spectator's proposition. They quickly concluded that accepting the challenge was the only way through, lest they risk the Githyanki inquisition and Nyx reminded them that she burnt down the bridge towards the Shadowlands too.

No one was particularly eager to engage in whatever obscure challenge the invisible entity had in mind. However, they begrudgingly agreed to go through with it regardless. Vainglorious Jarrus made his presence known and appeared at the edge of the group. He was looming between them and the bridge towards the rest of the Underdark.

He literally looked like a vassal of twilight. His armoured plates were muted colours of dusk and dawn radiating over his body from his main eye. The four floating orbs were enclosed in black armour akin to rolled up pill bugs.

He recited the terms of the challenge.

"Thou shalt answer for thyself. Thou shalt speak the truth. When truth art spoken thrice, thou art free to go."

Sounds fair enough, but that largely depends on the questions.

"I hate this", Astarion lulled next to her, and she made a sound of agreement. Tav confirmed that they were all ready. They reaffirmed their willingness to participate.

One of Jarrus' black orbs unfurled revealing a glowing orange marble of swirling light. His magic pressed in on them and suddenly locked them into place.


Nyx couldn't move her arms or legs. She couldn't speak either. She could only move her head and her eyes. She shared a wide-eyed muted look with Astarion then Tav. Jarrus glided towards Karlach.

Karlach stared up at the imposing unblinking eye above her. It addressed her, "Hast thee protected the betwixt from the deepest shadows and the brightest light?"

"What?", Karlach blurted, "I've been in the hells for the last ten years. There is no 'betwixt' to protect.", she gestured wildly with her hands.

One of the orbs unfurled again, glowing red. Jarrus' main eye started to glow, silver power flited from it. Jarrus emotionlessly reminded her of the terms, "Truth spoken thrice and thou art released. Twice more lights lit, and thy wilt remain here forevermore."

As he spoke the last words, figures faded into view all around the group. A petrified drow stood next to Nyx, then another and another after that. She stared, looking upon the hundreds of blackened statues surrounding them. Drow, duergar, humans, elves and countless others.

None of them passed the test?

By the Abyss!, Nyx struggled against Jarrus' magic and his voice spoke in her head, Patience. Thy turn will come.

She stopped struggling and replied mentally, Karlach doesn't understand what you are asking of her!, and requested, You need to speak more plainly.

Nyx could see Karlach's impatience growing and her body heating up after surveying the other statues around her.

Jarrus posed his challenge again, "Hast thee protected the betwixt from the deepest shadows and the brightest light?"

Karlach curled her lip and replied in the negative again. Another orb unfurled, its purple magic boosting Jarrus' main eye and its light grew brighter.

Nyx called out to Jarrus in her mind, She fought in Zariel's Blood War! She stood at the betwixt of devil and demon, protecting the other planes from their invasion!

He disregarded her answer, Thy can only answer for thyself. Thy cant answer for thine other.

She countered, But she doesn't understand! You cannot expect her to answer a question she doesn't understand!

Nyx struggled again, pushing against Jarrus and he clamped his magic down around her with brutal might. It forced the breath out of her, and she closed her eyes. Jarrus' shackles would not relent no matter how much she tugged at them. Then the image of Karlach's statue filled her thoughts.

No. I will not let you take Karlach! I will not let you have any of them.


Her tadpole squirmed, flashing memories of those she had already lost. Those who have died because of her and her magic. Her inability to help.

Stop that!, she spat at it. She wrapped her will around Jarrus' shackles and shoved them onto the tadpole. It stilled, and a sliver of her own magic was released to her.

Flames were lapping over Karlach's skin, and her eyes burned with rage while she stared up at Jarrus. He repeated the same question again.

Please Karlach, don't answer - just wait!

Nyx couldn't use her hands to guide her magic. Instead, she desperately coiled her will around it, interlacing the two, weaving them into a lance. Astarion made a strangled noise next to her. She glanced at him. He regarded her with alarm at sensing her magic and she ignored him.

Karlach's jaw moved and before she could finish her statement, Nyx launched the lance at Jarrus. The near translucent force of her magic arched through the air as the last orb opened, shining blue. The lance struck at Jarrus with a shimmering blow, but the magic was reflected back to Nyx. She reached out to it with her will and dismantled it around her, absorbing it back into her well of power.

Jarrus' presence deafened her mind, "THOU DAREST INTERFERE!", his eye rolled vertically over his body, and he barrelled down on her. His orbs rotating around him violently in all directions. She could feel his wrath compressing her being; his intent to smite her where she stood for her transgression.

He gathered his magic to ruin her. His armoured plates lifting from his body, silver power building, crackling lightning strikes sputtering between the plates. The smell of ozone filled the air. His iron  grip released form her body. She planted her feet threw her magic against his when he reached her. Wind flared around them from the impact. His magic pooled between them while he homed in on her, his pupil thinned to her position. He was gathering power still. She wrestled with him long enough to find her voice.


She gasped under the force; her magic was waning against his.

I don't want to fight him. He just needs to listen!

"You remain a fool!", she shouted at the swarming aberration, before he sealed her fate along with everyone else. The blue orb closed and Jarrus stopped dead in his wake. He blinked at her once. His pupil returning to its previous size, plates lowered, and the spinning orbs returned to their orbit.

She had struck at his fear and righteousness. His rippling silver magic fizzled out. Nyx almost fell forward when the pressure lifted from her shield. She took a moment to collect herself and glanced at the others while heaving. They remained locked in place, but they were unharmed. Their horror and terror were replaced with guarded relief.

Thank the graces.

Jarrus was watching her pensively. Waiting. Seeking. His orbs drifting slowly and silently.

She took the opportunity to continue, using the same metaphorical speech and chose her words carefully.

She faced him defiantly, "I stand at the precipice of chaos and order. These people are my charges and I speak on their behalf."

The purple orb closed. Jarrus blinked at it and returned his gaze to Nyx. She stared into the glowing mirror image of herself in Jarrus' eye.

He upholds balance and truth.

She understands. They are very much alike. Unsettling as that was to have so much in common with an aberration - a mutated aberration at that.

Nevertheless, she drew herself up and announced, "I am the both the agent and the keeper of chaos."

The red orb closed.

Nyx took a deep breath, measuring her next words and stated evenly, "If you harm any of my charges you impede my ability to remain the vanguard that protects the betwixt."

The orange orb closed.

The statues dissipated and the others were released from their prisons.




I need to sit down, Nyx's legs were threatening to give out when the realization of what she had done settled inside her and she ungracefully plopped onto the floor. Her stomach was making backflips, and her nerves were crisscrossed splinters.

That could have gone very wrong in so many ways. By the Abyss... all the different outcomes played through her mind.

The silence stretched, even Vainglorious Jarrus seemed to be contemplating what had transpired.


"Gods!", Astarion was the first to break the spell, "Do you have, a Deathwish!?"

Nyx blinked at him over her shoulder, her face blank.

His shaken emotions were all over his face and his gestures. His external expressions mirrored her inner world. She didn't reply. He continued.

"I was right here! Extend me the curtesy of a warning when you want to do something reckless like that again. Then I can excuse myself from your momentary insanity.", he gestured to his head leaning towards her.

Gale scowled and remarked, "That's rather ungrateful, she practically saved all of our lives just now."

Astarion snarled at Gale pointing, "Well then, next time you can stand behind her when she idiotically decides to face down the magical equivalent of a derailed freight train!", Astarion fumed with clenched fists.

Gale wanted to retort, but Nyx's lips moved of their own accord, "I wouldn't allow it. I would have been his last."

Astarion glared at her, rattled and confused.

Nyx blinked and tried again, "I wasn't going to let him take any of you. I won't allow it. Even if it meant we'd be tearing each other apart."

Astarion's expression went still then snapped back to annoyance. He conflictedly scowled at her instead.

Nyx startled when Karlach settled herself next to her then laid on her back sprawling.

Karlach's eyes were closed, but she had her shit eating grin on, "That was ratchet."

Nyx snorted and proceeded to mimic Karlach's laidback pose.


--- --- ---


Tav was recovering from that encounter. She was visibly, bodily shaking. She had felt completely powerless during the entire thing. She pleaded with Jarrus, but to no avail, and she couldn’t access any of her magic to help either. She sighed deeply, wrapping her arms around her midsection. Her stomach remained sickly from almost witnessing the death of two of her companions. Fortunately, the nausea was gradually replaced with immense gratitude for Nyx's timely intervention. She glanced over at Nyx, who was taking a moment alongside Karlach, both lying on the floor.

I could do with something similar myself, but I don't know if I'd get back up.

Astarion was eyeing them, displeasure marring his features. His prior accusations were laughably hypocritical and yet, prudent. Tav knows of very few people who would have placed themselves between an entity such as Vainglorious Jarrus and others. It was both touching and somewhat disconcerting that Nyx was willing to do that for them.

However, Tav's suspicions had been confirmed. Gale had misread the altercation. Astarion's anger wasn't purely because he was in the direct firing line of Jarrus' wrath, but it was another example of how much he cared, even when he pretended not to. And it was a bit more than that too. There was a building tension between Nyx and Astarion in more ways than one, subtle but present. Something was definitely going on between them. Tav would be remiss if she didn't notice the discreet stolen glances from Nyx, and Astarion smirking as if he knew she'd snuck a peek. Tav's brows creased. She dearly hoped Nyx knew what she was getting herself into. Or perhaps it was 'just for fun' as he would put it.

That was likely it, and she simply shrugged to herself.

Tav set the thought aside. Her legs were steady again and walked over to Vainglorious Jarrus.


Tav conversed with the paladin spectator. Nyx's insights had put him in a ruminative mood, however he did attest to their passing his test and that they were free to continue. Gale took over the conversation with magical theorizing over Jarrus' condition. Jarrus was more than willing to hypothesize along with Gale. Tav checked in on the others. There were no injuries, merely feelings of being a little abashed, but nothing a breather won't solve.

Before they said their last goodbyes to Vainglorious Jarrus, he requested to speak to Nyx in private. Nyx was unfazed and the two seemed to communicate telepathically for a while. Nyx formally bid Vainglorious Jarrus the final farewell and their group continued over the bridge.



Some Underdark-ish eye candy (Sourced in order: Bazaochi Dumitru, Might and Magic Wiki?, Falling Leaf)


Alright so I was looking for something similar to Vainglorious Jarrus (I'm sure someone has also thought up an armoured Spectator/Beholder/Floating Eye). I managed to find concept art pieces to get the imagination going. Sourced in order: ???, ???, NAT games.


Vainglorious Jarrus was inspired by High Initiate Jarrus' journal, because this was something that stuck with me after finishing the game. Then combining that with Pointy Hat's Beholder vid (I highly recommend checking out some of Pointy Hat's vids, they're a hoot).


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