Chapter 7: All That Glitters

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Nyx, Tav and Astarion PoVs. Opening with Nyx.


Tav summarized that according to the scout reports and maps, Moonrise Towers was built on an island and only accessible via a land bridge or by boat. Barring the boat, the bridge was located within the forsaken town called Reithwin and the group had to venture through a tollhouse to enter.

Tav continued, "And not just any tollhouse. A haunted one at that."

The others snickered and snorted. Wyll added, "The scouts sighted floating lights and heard strange noises from within. But Absolutists were seen coming and going without qualms."

How odd.


They had been following a dilapidated road. Tav paused at an intersection to consult her map, since the curse was an ever-restricting nuisance for discerning where they were at any given point. Tav was tracing their progress with her finger and confirming the way onward.

Nyx had become accustomed to the curse's 'normal' noises, the loud clacks and creaks of the land, distant howls and shrieks from things unknown. The wafting scent of decay was ever-present too, both dry and damp, old and new. She was observing the fog; how it moved and settled naturally on the ground. Her surveying gaze caught Gale's frown. She shrugged at him and his frown deepened.

Here I thought Lae'zel was the grumpy one.

Gale blurted, "Does it not bother you?"

She blinked at him and replied evenly, "There are a great many things that do and more that don't. Would you care to be more specific?"

There were snickers and grins from the others. He ignored them.

"The fact that he needs to drink blood."

Tav and Wyll cringed while Karlach sucked in a breath.

Wow, I didn't see that one coming.

Nyx recovered and said, "He is a vampire after all."

"I know that."

"Then what exactly are you asking me Gale? Come to think of it, I don't recall asking you about Tav's doings."

"Well, that is different.", he crossed his arms over his chest, "It's not like we need to worry about such, things."

By the Abyss, what are we even arguing- Wait...


Nyx gave Astarion a cautionary glance and his lips quirked in reply. She returned her attention to Gale, "Not that it is any of your business, but if you are asking me whether I'm the source of said blood - you can put your worries to rest."

Gale's flustering was trying to find a way out of the hole he had dug for himself while the others tried to hide their amusement.

Shadowheart quipped, "I can attest to that, nothing in Nyx's", and she smirked, "Health would suggest otherwise. Also, it would have been less awkward to simply have asked me."

Gale glowered at Shadowheart's growing smirk.

Nyx rolled her eyes, "So is this how you pass your time now, petty gossip?"

Shadowheart gasped with a hand on her chest in feigned offense, "It's hardly gossip when it's true."

Nyx rubbed her hand over her face and Shadowheart continued unperturbed, "I have a question for you though."

And why is it so important for it to be answered? Small town syndrome...

"Fine, if only to put a stop to the nonsense that may result of it going unanswered."

Shadowheart's eyes flashed, and her grin widened, "Does it not make you jealous though?"

Nyx blinked at her, What could I possibly be envious of? Drinking blood?, and she replied, "Come again?"

"That he does indeed, feed from others?"

It took all her willpower not to burst out laughing at that question, What? Like tell him when and how to feed? Come now, I don't have the capacity or the energy for possessive insecurities.

Nyx gathered her thoughts and replied evenly, though her voice betrayed her own amusement, "Are you jealous of a cinnamon roll? I'm not."

Astarion barked his pitched laugh, "Well played, my dear."


The silence stretched as she let that sink in. Eventually Tav and Wyll's roaring laughter joined Karlach's mighty guffaw. Shadowheart's shock was easing back into amusement and Lae'zel was grinning as well.

However, Gale remained unimpressed, "So, the people he kills have been merely degraded to food now?"

The laughter died down and uneasy looks between the group resumed.

Nyx set her mouth in a line, "Murderers, cutthroats and butchers of innocents? I do feel as little for them as I would a loaf of bread, yes. Besides, you and I have been killing them just as easily too."

Gale's eyes widened and his jaw moved several times, but he looked away from her not replying.

Tav declared more than asked, "Let's move on, shall we."




The curse was moving again, parts congealing into Shadows that danced at the periphery of her vision.

Wyll asked, "Why aren't they attacking?"

Shadowheart quipped, "Perhaps they've learnt their lesson."

Nyx snorted and Astarion remarked, "They seem preoccupied."

The others frowned at him, and he continued, "I smell the feintest whiff of something burning."

Everyone looked at Karlach, who shrugged then they collectively surveyed their surroundings. Several moments of walking later and Nyx spotted the source of the burning at a distance through the rolling black fog. "Over there?", she pointed and squinted.

Gale extended a hand in the direction and declared, "Magic, someone is fighting up front."

They drew their weapons and approached with caution.


The individual spells became visible, delivered with precision and skill at Shadows who kept materializing from the curse. The source was blocked from view in a ditch behind a bridge. Said bridge lead across a river to shrouded buildings on the right. The tollhouse, Nyx surmised. Nyx, Astarion and Shadowheart were sent for a closer inspection.

Peering over the bridge's wing wall, Nyx could make out the outline of a tiefling every time a spell was flung at the Shadows. They were backed up against the shoreline of the river below and at the rate they're expending magic would not last long. Shadowheart touched the side of her temple and Nyx felt the telepathic message relayed to the others. Another wriggle from her tadpole along with Astarion and Shadowheart readying their weapons suggested that Nyx should do the same. Astarion caught her eye and signalled, After you, followed by a flash of fangs. She inclined her head grinning and nocked her arrow.


The enchantment on her bow responded lining the arrow with force magic. Nyx doubled it up with hers. She stood, took aim and fired. The tiefling was up to his ankles in the water and the Shadows were closing the distance in each successive attack, he wasn't going to last much longer without assistance. Astarion's arrows glimmered with force magic as well while Shadowheart's enhanced radiance spells joined the wizard tiefling's against the Shadows.

Lae'zel, Karlach and Wyll sprinted past the bridge to engage the Shadows at the rear while Tav and Gale joined the others on the bridge to pick off Shadows between the two sides. A silhouette darkened the waters further up the shore. Nyx disengaged and moved further down the bridge and hopped onto the wall proper, taking aim and tracking the silhouette in the water. Her arrows intercepted the blackened hand reaching for the tiefling. More silhouettes joined the first; the Shadow undead rose and shambled onto the shoreline.

Tav called, "Rolan! Get out of the water!"

Rolan's eyes snapped to Tav, beads of sweat running down his forehead. He turned when an undead seized his leg, he levelled outstretched hands at the creature, but another grabbed his other leg and yanked him off his feet before he could cast the spell. They trashed violently in the waters as the creatures attempted to drag him under.

Tav projected, "Karlach, Wyll keep them off Lae'zel's back! Nyx, Astarion keep them off Rolan. Gale, Shadowheart, we'll carve a way through for Lae'zel to reach him!"


Gale and Shadowheart coordinated their attacks to sear radiant lines through the swarm of Shadows in front of Lae'zel. Tav's bolts assisting in picking off the wounded while Lae'zel cleaved her way through, Karlach and Wyll cleaning up after. Nyx's arrows found their mark in the eyes of the undead whose arm was wrapped around Rolan's throat; the other undead’s approach was cut short by Astarion's multi-arrow barrage.

Rolan had collapsed to one knee by the time Lae'zel reached him, water up to his chest, heaving and weak. Nyx's arrows couldn't reach the undead below the surface with enough force and they grasped him around the waist - both disappearing beneath the waters. Lae'zel's flung her great sword at the dark waters; its force enchantment parted them into arching waves and her blade split the undead in half below. She unceremoniously grabbed Rolan by the scruff and bodily hauled him out of the waters, casting him aside on the shore like a sack of potatoes. Lae'zel blade and battle cry met the undead at the shoreline along with Nyx and Astarion's arrows. They made sure none set foot on the shore again while the others dispatched the remaining Shadows from behind. Soon the undead stopped rising from the waters as well.


--- ---- ----


Tav sighed slumping her shoulders, "Thank Tymora, I thought he was a goner."

Her eyes settled onto each of her companions, partly as a roll call and partly to check for injuries. Nyx dropped back onto the bridge proper and rubbed her forehead leaning on her bow. Astarion looked bored, as usual, after the battle. Karlach whooped, sharing a brief high-five with Wyll while Lae'zel pinned Rolan into place on the shoreline with severe glower. Gale gave her a warm smile when their gaze met. Her heart fluttered and relief lightened his shoulders too. A determined Shadowheart was making her way down toward a jittery Rolan.


Shadowheart was patching Rolan's leg when Tav strolled up to them and said, "Rolan, how are y-"

"Gods damn it all!"

Shadowheart snatched her hands back and Tav's eyes widened at his outburst. He heaved glaring at the state of his injuries then gestured with frustrated fisted hands, "I can do nothing right - not a damn thing!"

Tav recovered frowning and crossed her arms, "Why are you out here in the -"

He turned his glare onto her and sneered, "I came for Cal and Lia. Instead, I found myself cornered by shadow-fiends and in need of rescue." His sneer dropped and was replaced by shame, "From you, of all bloody people.", he finished by gesturing at her with an open hand.

"You were outnumbered, Rolan. Trying to save your family is honourab-"

"Well clearly I wasn't trying hard enough. I failed Cal and Lia, again."

Tav was getting annoyed, "No, Rolan, I understand you want to protect your younger siblings, but -", Rolan took another breath to speak. She raised her hand and said firmly, "Do not interrupt me again." He closed his mouth looking embarrassed and she continued, "Your ego has nearly cost you your life and I've put my people in danger to save it. I'm not going to indulge your self-pity in a place like this. I've already given my word to help Cal and Lia along with the other captives. Given our history, that alone should be enough for you."

He didn't meet her eyes.

She softened her voice, "The best you can do for Cal and Lia is to take care of the others back at Last Light Inn like they would have. And keeping yourself out of danger."

The retort died in the back of his throat when Lae'zel growled behind him, but the scowl remained on his face.




Rolan groused at Tav , "You can't be serious! I'm not going to be lectured and then babysat back to Last Light Inn."

Nyx had this wordless look that could peel flesh from bone. Tav would like to learn how to do that. Nyx calmly levelled it at Rolan, and he blanched into silence.

Somewhat passive-aggressive for diplomacy, but effective nonetheless when required.

Tav made up her mind, "Karlach, Astarion.", and she looked between them.

Unsurprisingly, Astarion protested immediately, "No, absolutely not."

She sighed, "You two would both be the fastest and safest to travel to and from Last Light Inn."

"Bah, we've already escorted the spiders.", Astarion waved dismissively then directed at Rolan, "At least they had more sense than this half-wit." Astarion bared his fangs before Rolan could reply.

Tav rolled her eyes, Could he not argue for once?

"Aw, come on Fangs. It'll be fun, I'll race ya."

Astarion gave her an incredulous eyebrow.

Tav addressed Karlach pointing at Rolan, "If he causes trouble, knock him over the head and carry him back," then looked to Rolan, "You are resistant to fire, yes?"

Karlach and Astarion both grinning like maniacs at a fidgeting Rolan. Tav didn't wait for a reply and turned to organize the others for entry into the tollhouse.


--- --- ---


The tollhouse was more akin to a gatehouse, it loomed dark and creaking before them. A large, gnarled tree had sprouted somewhere inside, breaking through a part of the roof and its teal glow cast apparitional shadows against the broken windows. Nyx spotted movement across the frames as well.

Tav said into the door, "It’s only polite to knock.", and proceeded to do so. The announcement was amplified within the structure, the knock echoing mournfully, but there was no response.

Tav mused, "Not ones for greeting guests? We'll let ourselves in then."


The gloomy structure was more broken inside. The tree had grown through a fissure in the floor and upward through several floors toward the dark sky above. Silhouettes of its branches diffused the light effect of the glow from below. A hiccoughing laugh startled them all and they drew their weapons.

Tav sucked in a breath and announced, "To the keepers of this tollhouse: we request safe passage."

Silence followed and the land replied with its usual haunting strains.

Gale suggested, "Let us not linger where we're not invited."

Tav gave a curt nod, and the others made sounds of agreement. They continued through the ruin.


Nyx scanned the upper floors as shadows moved above, but they did not engage. A brief gleam or a glitter would catch her eye, but the source would disappear when she fixed her gaze there. Tav reached for the handle when they made it to the opposite end of the building. The door seemed to heave against Tav's pulling.

She huffed at it annoyed, "It doesn't want to budge."

Lae'zel stowed her blade, but the door did not give in to her either, even under her strength.

Nyx's magic prickled and a woman's voice commanded from the dark in dissonant chimes, "No gold. No passage."

They turned away from the door searching the dark for the source of the voice.

Tav cleared her throat and projected, "How much for safe passage?"

Several of the others shot her dubious and askance glances. Tav's face was set with determination, and she fisted her hands at her sides.

"All you have", came the answer.




Scoffs and comments of astonishment preceded Tav's reply, "Surely we can negotiate a reasonable fare."

The voice made a grating sound, and the shadows moved. A strange floating outline appeared on the floor above to their left and it mused in a male's voice as though the suggestion was unimaginable, "Negotiate?", then it stated, "The toll is fixed."

Another floating outline on the same floor straight ahead added in hasty irate words, "Gold is demanded. Gold you shall give."

A third on the right declared sleepily, "There are no bargains here."

The outlines faded and slow thumping footsteps drew their attention to a large silhouette walking down the decaying staircase, its planks moaning and deforming under the weight of each step. The turquoise glow from the fissure gleamed gold off the person's armour. The same woman announced at the foot of the stairs, "Gold is all that matters. Ketheric wants toll, and so I collect."


Tav attempted, "We are true souls, and we have business with Ketheric."

"Present your Signed Trade Visa."

Tav pursed her lips sharing an uncertain glance with Gale. She chewed her lip and replied, "We seem to have misplaced ours."

Grating sounds echoed and the woman's head jerked, "Replacement or renewal comes at a penalty fee of ten thousand gold."

There was a collective "What?!" from them and the voice repeated its statement.

Tav tried a different tactic, "Could we perhaps do a favour in return for a replacement?"

The floating outlines appeared behind the humanoid silhouette once more, the left one glittered in the light and mused again, "Favours?"

Another jittery reply straight ahead, "Promises are hollow. Gold. Gold is now."

The last on the right slurred, "Ketheric’s orders are absolute."

The humanoid silhouette turned her head, "Ketheric made promises. Lies.", and she stepped from the shadows.


She was gold. Encased in a suit of it taller than Karlach and wider than two of her standing side-by-side. Even her face was set in gold.

Gale spoke Nyx's thoughts, "How does she breathe in there?... Is she even alive?"

Tav clipped in whispered tones, "Don't antagonize her", and he promptly pressed his lips together preventing any further spoken hypothesizing. Tav attempted, "May I ask your name, Master toll keeper?"

The toll keeper flexed her long fingers. The small movement made the bags of solid gold around her waist, and the other adornments on her theatrical suit, jingle in response. She said, "Gerringothe Thorm, toll enforcer and customs officer. Now, and before... before all this."

Her head snapped violently when the floating outline on her right's eyes glowed white and Gerringothe whimpered, "The whispers. Their voices are all I hear. Chains of gold."

Tav frowned, "The Absolute?"

The silhouette to the right replied, "Ketheric is absolute. His orders are absolute."

The left one sung, "Ketheric demands more, and so must give."

The middle one demanded, "More gold, or be gone!"

Tav offered, "We can help you. You can escape his chains."

Lae'zel and Shadowheart glared at Tav, Gale and Wyll gaped at her. Nyx rubbed her head.

Gale started to ask something when Gerringothe whined, "No, it is who I am! The gold is my master. I must obey!"

Tav pushed the matter, "You don't need to obey, we can help you."

The hovering silhouettes declared in unison, "Silence", and emerged from the shadows as well.


They were three floating masks, each more elaborate in design and extravagance. The one on the right was featureless and polished white. A delicately engraved iron framework enclosed its head and face, gagging its mouth and shackling its eyes, reminiscent of a scold's bridle.

The one in the middle was made up of several different broken pottery pieces, each painted with different lavish patterns and held together by a gilded silver adhesive that formed a claw over its face. Its eyes were slits, and its mouth set into an intense anxious grimace.

The one on the left had coins for eyes and a covetous grin spread on its generous lips. It was decorated with glittering gems and seams of pearls. Its plump cheeks were embossed with lace, and it sported a mane of brightly coloured feathers surrounding its face.


Ignoring the masks, Tav tried to get through to Gerringothe once more, "I can see you don't want to do this. We can help you."

Gerringothe's head flinched again when the gagged mask's, to the right, eyes lit up.

Nyx gripped her bow more tightly and readied her free hand over her throwing knives. Tension marred the other's expressions and stances as well.

Anger shook Tav's voice as she glowered at the gagged mask and declared, "We can make them stop."

All three of the mask's eyes lit up. To the left, a greedy smile split the showy mask's lips and Gerringothe shrieked in agitation, "Stop? No, no! The gold, it sings to me. I’m bound to it. I... I can’t stop! It’s all I know, all I am!"

Tav countered, "I can see that you are not. You are more than that", she pointed at the masks, "They are the ones saying that not you!"

The broken mask hovering in the middle quivered and Gerringothe stammered accusingly, becoming more distressed with every word, "Lies, lies! You think you can trick me? You cannot take my gold!"

Tav pleaded, her voice thick with emotion, "We don't want your gold. We can help you get your life back!"

The gagged mask made a strangled noise and Gerringothe shouted in rage, "Fools! Gold is my life. You’ll pay for your insolence!"


--- --- ---


Astarion sighed dramatically walking alongside Karlach heading back to the tollhouse. Fortunately, his nimble stride was easily able to keep up with Karlach's wide gait.

"Darling, I don't understand why Tav wastes valuable resources and time helping people like that idiot back there."

Karlach flashed him a grin and teased, "We help people. It is what we do, because we care."

He scoffed, "Well, I don't. Maybe you and Tav could do with a little less caring too."

She laughed and quipped, "I think that maybe you could do with a little more instead."

He barked his pitched laugh, "Oh, my dear that is a good one. Now, why in the hells would I care more? There is nothing in it for me.", and he inspected his nails.

Karlach shook her head, "It is so obvious that you already do."

"What!? Don't be ridiculous!", he crossed his arms looking away from her and grumbled, "I would have left the idiot to the Shadows."

She guffawed and reached out to ruffle his hair. He swatted her hand away glaring at her viscously. She guffawed again and continued, "Maybe, but I don't think Nyx would have."

He glanced at her askance, "What does Nyx have to do with this?"

Karlach's eyes twinkled, and her grin became manic, "Nyx has everything to do with it and you wouldn't have 'left her to the Shadows'."

Ugh, not you too.

"I'm sure I have no idea what you’re referring to."

"You big dummy. I'll point out the obvious to you: Nyx cares about you and you care about her."

He wanted to deny it, but the words wouldn't leave his mouth - he scowled at her instead. Hoping to glare that shit-eating-grin off her face.

How did we get here?

Karlach continued smiling, "Nyx is good people and I know you are too. Good people help each other, because they care. Otherwise," Karlach gave him a pointed look, "Mama K protects all her soldiers."

Astarion scowl turned incredulous, "You're threatening me with what exactly?"

"If you break her heart, I'll break you."

Has Nyx also been on the receiving end of threats or am I the only favoured?

He harrumphed disgusted at being told off again and waved dismissively, "Alright, no need to get all fired up. You have my word."

Karlach gave him an approving smile and quipped, "You might want to be more careful yourself though."

He gave her a curious eyebrow, "Meaning?"

"You're starting to smile a little when you look at her."

"I do not!"

"It's only a small smile, a very small one. I don't think anyone else has noticed."

"I hate you", he crossed his arms, shrugging away from her.

Her guffaw was loud enough to attract every Shadow in the vicinity.



Gerringothe is a good introduction to one of the main themes for Act II, continuing in the next chapter.

Shar, as with all the other DnD gods and goddesses has a 'too much' problem. There are too many deities and they do too many things, and have too many overlapping things. So, I am going to simplify many of Act II's concepts to fit better into the 'thematic representations' of my story and some of this may not be 100% aligned with DnD lore. I'm going to focus on themes that I think best represent Shar, Ketheric's influence and the curse, especially within the Dark Fantasy focus. The other Thorms being an extension of this.

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