Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

The Alchemyst Adventurer Class is an oddity among the list of professions and skill sets. They are listed under Hybrid Classes because of the need for components, in addition to magic, for them to perform their functions. While Alchemysts are “Technically” Adventurers, like many Mage classes, the large majority of people with this label vastly prefer working in a comfortable and reasonably safe laboratory rather than out in the field.


After our party meeting in the sealed space, with all secrets aired, and upfront, we sent Zynna out with enough clat to purchase everyone in the squad basic replacement therras. When our Copkin companion returned, Navor revealed a hidden control panel behind a false wall segment and activated some unknown system. She then casually explained that if we linked our new therras to the house network labeled Far Echo during the initial setup, it would offset the device location ping by two blocks in a random direction for each device.

With safety measures in place, we activated our new devices and tied them to false identity profiles Navor had already drawn up for each of us. The fact that the old warhorse was already prepared with those profiles had me asking internal questions.

Once our therras were linked and dislocated from our actual location, we had to systematically go through every device in the house with a wireless connection, that being almost every device in the house, and perform factory rests on everything and bind the new addresses to the dis-locator system. That took a fair bit of time and no small amount of personal complaining from everyone involved at the loss of personal settings and digital material lost.

With false profiles in place and security measures active, we set to work planning our next steps and acting accordingly.

The first official step of any planning is research. We had a list of names of corp-rats we were tasked with saving. Six targets that we needed to find first. That meant we needed access to their work profiles in the Vartex database. Unfortunately, Vartex had updated their network security since the last time when Skitter had gotten us access. Meaning that we needed our Arachnyte acquaintance to give us a helping hand again. However, if we were buying help from the spidery hacker, I was going to ask for a package deal with a few extra pieces we could use to get ahead.

Navor begrudgingly gave me access to enough funds to purchase the stack of gate passes. She flicked me two thousand credits paired with a stern warning about how much money I had been throwing around. “Don’t get comfy with having this much pay power, kid. You threw the original plans for this training trip right out the air-lock, and this is a special condition. You won’t be getting this kind of help again for a very long time.”

With the digital equivalent of two hundred gold Deckra, I contacted the arachnid and placed my order. I would have paid Skitter with another few Black Gold stimulant drinks, but the limited batch release I had purchased before was almost bone dry on the market. A single can of Black Gold was going for thirty gold a piece. For what I was asking Skitter to do, he’d charge me an entire pallet of the drinks. So, credits were the cheaper option.

When the deal was done, and I got what I had paid for, I had walked away with a fist full of falsified security access credentials, backdoor access to several secure networks, and specially designed aliases injected into a few strategic registries.

With a fair bit of deliberation, I divvied up the digital goodies between Nennel, Ozwald, and Zynna and set to digging.

Ozwald was tasked with nosing through the Vartex network for the profiles of our targets. Nennel set to work going through the Regulator database for some specific information we wanted on hand. Because Nennel and Ozwald both had targets on their backs, they stayed in the safety of the house while they researched.

While Nel and Oz were holdup in the nest, Zynna was using a set of falsified credentials to do some research in the field. Zynna, being a shapeshifter, had been and would likely continue to be an immense boon, allowing her to become anyone and go almost anywhere with enough preparation.

While those three were digging up dirt, Kharmor, Ferris, Demierra, and I were keeping busy in our own ways. Kharmor was building me a replacement Devil’s Tail, along with a few other pieces. Ferris was interviewing the local street scuffers for any news that had trickled down into that social collection. Demierra couldn’t do much, so she kept busy with training.

And what was I doing, you might be wondering? I was the busiest of the squad. On my laundry list of to-dos, I had:

-Speak with Lind and get arm repaired.

-Build a new Mimic Facade for myself.

-Build Ozwald a disguise pin like Nennel’s.

-Return to the Razor Wing hideout if it wasn’t hazardous.

-Find a way to get Nennel into a better fighting condition.

-Design support gear for Kharmor, Demierra, Zynna, and Ozwald if I somehow had time.

As much as I wished that we all found the critical information within the first day,  that was definitely not the case. So, I’m going to jump between discussions that truly matter to this tale. You don’t need to hear me and Ferris bicker over which streets to start with, or the countless arguments I had with Nennel after she developed that ‘self-saving maiden complex’. This entire search took weeks of constant work with no breaks and plenty of overtime.


Search and Study: Day 3

Lind had repaired my arm by this point.

Ozwald had disheartening news for the group after digging into the Vartex servers. We were having a squad meeting in the living room. Ferris, Nennel, and Zynna sat on the couch. Demierra sat in the over-sized chair beside the sofa. Kharmor sat in another chair, which was more his size, in the corner beside the holo-display. Ozwald stood in the center of the room, having convened the gathering. Navor leaned against the doorframe to the room with one arm folded under her breasts with paperback in hand while she sipped from a glass of whiskey in the other. I leaned against a wall with an illusion pin in hand as I inspected it for flaws.

Ferris was toying with a silver Deckra coin, rolling the square piece of metal back and forth over the knuckles of his right hand. His face reflected agitation and irritation.

Nel was reading documents on her therra, intently focused on whatever she was reviewing. Her face reflected intense stress as her eyes aggressively read line after line.

Zynna was dressed in a janitor’s uniform, her form that of a middle-aged Human man with a balding pate and scarred knuckles. While she sat there, she shifted her left hand in shape, size, and color out of evident boredom.

Demierra was toying with her guitar, wearing her spell focus, Hands of Fury’s Wrath, as she absent-mindedly strummed. The Dracose just looked bored and twitchy.

Kharmor sat deep in his chair, intently inspecting an advanced-looking throwing knife for…something.

“Well,” Ozwald started. “I’ll start with the worst news. The rando that tried to put a bullet in my head was one of the targets we were tasked to save.”

We all looked up and focused on the Human who seemed to hold enough stress in his shoulders to support a mega-plex skyscraper. I pocketed the pin I had in hand. Ferris dropped his coin. Nennel seemed to have totally forgotten the documents in front of her. Zynna set Dracose scaled pow into her Human lap. Kharmor set his project blade into his lap to focus his complete attention on Ozwald. Demierra played an off-tune strum before setting her instrument beside her chair.

“I’m sorry.” I started in an irritated tone. “What did you just say?”

“That the guy Demierra put a knife through the eye of was one of the protection targets.” Ozwald clarified with no small amount of irritation in his own voice.

Frag this shit!” I cursed with balled fists and an irritation like I had been told I would have to start a year-long tech project over from scratch.

“Did you ID the other five targets, at least?” Nennel asked, her own tone somewhat irritated. She hadn’t seen the murder firsthand and seemed to have her own problems.

“Yeah.” Ozwald verified. “Three combat specialists with powerful ties, a Sorcerer with problems, and a black-listed Alchemyst.”

“Well crap.” Ferris cursed like he had lost a game of cards. I was annoyed by how easily my Quint friend was taking this.

“Do you got their home locations?” Demierra asked as she leaned forward with eager anticipation, interlacing her hands.

“Yes.” Oz said with his own irritation.

“Then I’ll-” Demierra started, but Master Navor cut her off with a firm “No.” that barred any argument.

“You’re hungry to beat someone’s face inside-out.” Navor accused. “But,” she started in a softer tone. “There will be combat in the near future. Keep calm, train, and stay ready. I promise you more fights than you could hope for, IF you can keep your head.”

The Dracose flopped back into her seat with an indignant huff but made no argument.

When Ozwald said he didn’t have more data on the targets, we broke the gathering to work on our own project.


Search and Study: Day 14

I had repaired my LokLinks by this point, including the Mimic Facade.

We all stood around the dining room. None of us sat with the stress of the situation. We all held our arms crossed with varying degrees of irritation, stress, and boredom.

Nennel had started the gathering with the statement that we were not going to like. “The Arsenal, Kellden, just had a cybernetic spine installed and will be back in action within the next three weeks.”

“Crap.” I cursed with a disgruntled sight.

“Crap? That’s all you got to say?” Nennel accused.

“I’m going to rip his head from his shoulders and shove it so deep up his rectum he’ll be measuring his own intestine.” Ferris proclaimed with a melodramatic amount of venom.

“Yeah. No.” I said, denying my friend gently but firmly.

“Why?!” He demanded.

“Fer’, the only one here with more of a grudge against the guy than me is Nel, and I still might have her beat. He carved my dominant arm off me like a damned drumstick from a chicken, then chased me through and tried to kill me in a condemned hospital. I even tried to put him down after his spine broke, with Khar’s new favorite toy.”

“She’s not a toy.” Kharmor replied with mild annoyance.

“Can I hunt him?” Demierra asked eagerly.

“No!” Nennel, Ferris, Navor, and I said in tandem.

“Damn.” The Dracose cursed.

“So we have three weeks to save five lives.” I stated.

“Three weeks from when?” Navor asked.

“From two days ago.” Nennel answered.

“And we know that he’s going to interfere?” Zynna asked.

“I’m pretty sure.” I said. “I think Weaver is pointing him at me like some frothing rabid cannon since he blames me for his sister’s death.”

“Even though I was the one to kill her?” Ferris asked.

“I may have antagonized him with a few comments…” I said with embarrassment.

“Like what?!” Zynna demanded.

“Like something involving a closed casket.” I bashfully admitted.

“Duuude!” Ferris chided.

“That’s just wrong.” Demierra added.

“What is wrong with you?” Zynna demanded with an offended tone.

“I’m sorry!” I tried to defend myself. “I needed to make him angry. It was the first thing I thought of.”

“Dick.” Demierra said with spite.

“Sociopath.” Zynna commented.

“Asshole.” Ferris said with a straight tone.

“Monster.” Nennel said with a strange amount of venom.

Only Ozwald among the students kept quiet.



Search and Study: Day 18

Kharmor had almost finished my new Devil’s Tail by this point. I had been working on something new.

Nennel had more bad news. We were gathered in the living room again, everyone in the same spots as before.

“Kellden let Lynn out with a plea deal.”

“What?!” I demanded.

“Crap.” Ferris spat.

“You’re joking.” Zynna said in disbelief.

Demierra leaned forward, her gauntlets gripping her knees like claws. “Dibs.”

“No.” was Navor’s firm response to Demierra.

“News. Now.” I demanded.

Nennel clearly looked uncomfortable as she made the motions to send each of us the documents she found. “She was let loose on bail if she gave up all of her Street Alchemysts.”

“I’m not sure I believe that.” I said. “She hinged too much on the Zyzivane, and I know she’s willing to take long-shot gambles.”

“How would you know?” Zynna demanded.

“Because I played Garden of the Gods with her.” I started. “She had me responding to her lunges using strong units with flanking. She was always aiming to break my line with anything of any noticeable strength. She took calculated gambles with units she thought expendable. If her Alchemysts, key for drug production, are expendable to her, then she has some kind of backup to keep the income coming.”

“So what?” Demierra asked. “She’s got some other way to make income after selling out her decoction doctors to the Regs?”

“From what I can tell, what she’s betting on can only be made by Alchemysts. I think she kept her best chem-grunts on this cash cow.”

“Why?” Zynna asked. “She bought a rando drug from…” She looked to Ozwald. “Someone with motive, and it was a fumble. Why would she stay with it and double that gamble?”

“Because,” I started. “She must’ve seen results from tests of the drug Oz was fed by the cyber-ghost. The same cyber-ghost that had stolen the formula from a mega-corp. I would not be surprised if they knew that Oz was a corp-kin and doubled down on the experimental drug with high expectations.”

Ozwald fidgeted and lowered his head in shame at the reference.

“Why would she double down on the rando drug?” Zynna asked.

“Because she was told that it was a performance enhancer, like a magical steroid.“ I explained. “It doesn’t take much critical thinking for a Gang leader of thugs to have interest in a cocktail that could make her grunts into super-troops. She was already holding a Kolterath bartender hostage to use his establishment as a midway to joining her cult. I suspect that she was exploiting ‘protection clat’ from victim shops like the Crossline Electronics, where I found the first phantom corpse. If a gang boss would have super-bruisers, don’t you think she’d take it?”

“I…guess?” Demierra asked more than stated.

“She secretly kept drug mixers while selling out a chunk of her gang?” Zynna deduced. “Heartless.”

“I want to punch her.” Demierra said with anger, punching one gauntleted fist into another.

“I think I’m going to need to take a stop at the hospital.” I said in annoyance.



Search and Study: Day 20

Carefully, I inspected the shattered window of the derelict hospital. Ferris and Demierra stood behind me with impatient looks on their faces. When I was certain no one was close enough to see the infiltration, I broke the remaining glass from the first-story window.

With a swift strike of my elbow, I shattered the glass blockade and slithered my way into the hospital. Ferris followed me with little effort, but Demierra had a slight struggle squeezing through the window with her large frame. We had entered the former battleground from the east side. I might have been a bit paranoid, but I chose it for being on the opposite side that Demierra had wrecked through during the Stryker siege.

Ferris, Demierra, and I skulked through the decrepit halls of the first floor as we sought something I had only caught a glimpse of for an instant. A living nightmare. When I didn’t hear a single living thing in the area, I whispered to Ferris to check the next floor for anything of interest. Demierra stuck with me as I circled around to the west side, to the dining hall with the collapsed floor I had been dumped through. As I stalked the abandoned halls, I passed countless bullet holes, plenty of slash marks in the walls, and enough blood strains to leave me disturbed. I skulked around every corner and through every doorway, slow, careful, and paranoid. Meanwhile, my Dracose companion strolled along behind me like she was walking the streets. No caution. No discretion. Just gauntleted fists swaying by her sides, only to prop against doorframes when I took pauses for inspection.

We didn’t encounter a single soul along our path. My caution might have been seen as unnecessary, but I refused to take any unneeded gambles.

We reached the shattered dining hall without issue, and after a quick inspection, I dropped down the hole into the ruined morgue. Demierra waited above with her arms crossed and an irritated look on her face.

I dropped into the dark hole into a darker space that stank of stagnant and halted death. The space was about one hundred and eighty feet long by eighty feet wide, the front-most third of the space was covered in the rubble I had dropped with. I dropped with my back to the morgue doors, facing the… What would you call them? Ice boxes? Corpse Fridge? Dead Cold Space?

I crossed the carpet of dust and rubble to the wall of morgue-cooler doors. What I had seen when I had first fallen through the floor into the space had clung to my mind like a hungry parasite ever since. I needed proof of what I had seen. There was a part of me that worried that the nightmares I had spied were hallucinations. Crazy brain making me see crazy things to make me more crazy. But my horrors were realized. Proven beyond any doubt.

I popped the latch of the cooler door that held the nightmare I had seen. The square door swung wide, and I pulled out the slab to find what I hated to expect. Atop the rolling pallet was a corpse. A deformed corpse. I inspected the middle-aged Human male that lay on the table, nude. The body was… wrong. That’s the best way I can describe it.

The body’s muscle tissues had expanded by seemingly random amounts in seemingly random locations of the body. I could go into the muscle groups of the mutations, but the short and quick of it was that his largest masses of muscle were enlarged to the point of splitting the skin. Across the cadaver, muscle tissue was so enlarged that it showed through split skin like portions of monster meat covered with a tight fabric bag laced with splits and slashes.

When I had first seen this ‘test subject’, he was still living with an expression of constant anguish. If Zyzivane really was a physical performance enhancer, the users better be okay with their inside muscles being on the outside. I inspected the deformed corpse from head to toe for several minutes before moving on.

I opened cooler after cooler, inspecting each corpse before moving to the next. They all had similar, if not the same, wounds. After I opened the eighth door and inspected the corpse within, I stepped back with a mind full of questions and curses.

Demierra still stood in the dining hall above me, with her arms crossed. She looked annoyed, disturbed, and bored. Anger boiled in my guts at the idea of what those people had been through. It was more than inhumane; it was monstrous.

I clenched and unclenched my fists as I made my way to the stairs of the room. Halfway up those stairs, Ferris contacted me over therra-node local communications. “I found someone. Also found some computers I think you’ll want to see.”

I shot my gaze to the ceiling of the dining hall above. Demi followed my gaze as we both heard the same message. I hurried to reach the first floor, waving my Fury companion to follow me before I made my way up to the second floor.

After Ferris had messaged us, I had pinged his therra as I climbed the stairs. Demi followed me with an eager-for-violence expression while I hurriedly followed the location ping to my Quint friend to the third floor, six doors down from the emergency care ward where I had first met the gang. I passed through a swinging pair of doors into a room full of fossil computers so old I could’ve called any one of them great-grand-dad.

Inside the room of proto-tech computers, Ferris had pinned a Human man against the wall. Ferris’s hand was bolted to the Human’s shoulder, and he held the Infusion dagger I had given him so close to the Human’s eye, I could’ve watched the appendage dehydrate to a rasin.

As Ferris watched me step into the space with pre-age computers, he stepped back and drew an elemental sidearm to point at the Alchemyst. “Dont, Move.” was all he said.

“Fine, fine!” The blond Alchemyst cried in panic as he held his hands in surrender. “What do you want?”
I strolled into the room, drawing my own Infusion Dagger as I went, and triggered its blade as I pressed it against the Alchemyst’s chest. Sparks flew from the lightning-infused edge as I pressed that edge into his chest just enough to break the skin and send a slight jolt. I didn’t even think about my Dracose friend as I moved to play the villainous antagonist.

“You, my dearest friend, have the answers I need.” I said.

“What answers?!” The Alchemyst demanded in panic.

I didn’t hesitate to slightly push the Infusion Dagger just the smallest bit deeper. The man’s arms spasmed in response to the wound before I retracted it.

“What are you doing with Zyzivane!?” I demanded.

“I DON’T KNOW!” the Alchemyst screamed in desperation. “Lynn gave us the formula. She wanted results. She said it was a performance enhancer!”

“So What!?” I accused

“She GAVE us the compound!” He insisted. “She told us to fix it! She demanded!”

“Demand what?!” I snapped, driving the dagger just slightly deeper into a new location on his chest.

“To Fix It!” The Alchemyst said in desperation. “But the docs she sent us said there were four phases!”

“Four phases of what?!” I demanded again.

“I don’t know!” he sobbed. “We were given one part. It was supposed to make them stronger. But they kept dying. So Lynn kept forcing us to change it. Tweaks after tweaks! But they kept dying.”

”Why!?” I pushed. I directed my pent-up rage from everything that had happened into that single word. Every wrong done to Nennel by the gang, every wrong done to me within those walls, fueled my drive.

“I Don’t Know!” The Human Alchemyst wailed. “She said it was a booster! But there’s more! I don’t know what, but more!”

“Explain.” I said in a calmer voice, but the words still held an edge.

“There’s something else with the formula!” The panicked man’s words came in a rush. “I don’t know what! But more to the formula! Missing pieces! There’s at least one other substance needed for the drug to be survivable! Lynn’s got the gang out looking for it, but we got no clue what to look for!”

I withdrew the dagger and pinned the Human with a stare just as sharp. “You know nothing else?”

“No!” He answered as he slid down the wall, holding his head in panic. It was then that I noticed he had soiled himself.

While I had been interrogating the frightened man, Ferris had snatched the Almchemyst’s access card and was sending any files he found to a computer back at the safe house.

I stepped away from the poor man, holstering my Infusion Blade and dropping any pretense of aggression. “You were held up by another gang. You got me?”

“Yes!” the poor guy responded. I turned to check on Ferris’s status only to find him giving me a thumbs up in silent sign of completion. I spun on my heel with a dramatic flourish of my coat and exited the room without another word, Ferris and Demierra in tow.

We fled the building like shadows in the night. The three of us hadn’t even left the courtyard of the hospital when I was already sending a group message for a meeting.

I had a bad feeling about this new development.

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