Chapter 10: A Day Out and a Prank

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I finish eating breakfast, then go back to my room, where I sit on my desk chair and think back on the events of yesterday. When I started crying, I felt so vulnerable... And then Rimar grabbed me and held me close to him.

I wasn't really focused on it at the time, but I think I felt safe in his arms. It's probably why I ended up crying so much. Something about his presence and proximity was comforting, and I wish I could experience it again, but without the overflow of emotions this time.

As I think that, I start imagining Rimar gently holding me... which causes my face to turn completely red!

What am I even thinking? He was just comforting me, he wouldn't do it without a good reason. And I... Yes, that's it, I'm not fully over everything, that's why I'm craving his proximity. There's no way there's any other reason!

Satisfied with my excuses, I turn my computer on and launch one of the games I play regularly. Not long after logging on, I get a message from one of my friends:

"Izei, long time no see! How have you been doing?"

Veryn is an old high school friend of mine, which is why he uses my real name when sending me private messages. We managed to keep contact through the games we play, but we rarely meet in real life anymore.

"I've been really busy and tired lately, had an accident at work and had to spend a night at the hospital. I'm back home now, though."

"Oh wow, did you get seriously injured?"

"I guess? Can't work for a bit, so I might be online more than usual."

"Really? Then how about we meet up for something? It's been a while since we did some split-screen co-op together."

I type "Oh that sounds great!" but, as I'm about to send it, I remember... I'm a woman right now! How would he react to my new appearance? If it's him...

I start smirking as I think about the possible scenarios. We've been friends for long enough, and with his personality, I'm sure I can prank him without any risks of damaging our relationship. If anything, he'll just find it hilarious once he finds out.

I don't have a concrete plan yet, but I still send my message. If we organize something now, I'll know what timeline I'm working with to prepare my little surprise.

"Nice! Then how about next weekend?"

"I'll be free."

From there, we move to a more permanent chat to figure out where to meet and when.


On the first day of the week, I wait for Rimar to go to work before calling Marie. It's a bit of a gamble, considering the way she is, but it's thanks to her that I have women's clothes now, so she can almost certainly help me further.

"Hey, Izei! Didn't expect you to be calling me so soon."

"Hey Marie! Ummm... Okay, so, this is a bit embarrassing, but I'm going to meet up with an old friend next weekend and I'd like to use my transformation as an opportunity to play a prank on him. Any ideas as to what form that could take?"

"Oh oh! I like where this is going. So what are we thinking? Something quick and inoffensive, or something you can drag on forever?"

"Well it'd be nice if I could keep it going for as long as I think it's funny."

"Mmmh, yes... Then how about just showing up as a drop-dead gorgeous woman and pretending that's how you've always been? Has it been long enough since he last saw you for that to work?"

"It's only been a couple years, so there's no 'I was just a tomboy, ah ah' scenario that can play out here. That being said, I could make him think that he's going insane by insisting I've always been a woman. I wouldn't want to keep that up for too long though."

"Yeah, I'd guess so. What about pretending to be a stranger? Would that be doable?"

I grab one of the short strands of hair dangling in front of my forehead and play with it as I answer:

"Well I still very much look like myself, so he might recognize me. Although, with a wig of a different color, it might be an option. But how would I approach him...?"

"Well, where are you meeting up?"

"We plan on going to an arcade we used to play at frequently as teenagers. After that, I'll be going to his place to play on some of his old consoles."

I hear some shuffling on the other side, then some typing on a keyboard.

"Mmmmh... Activities that are a bit 'boyish', then. Could make for a funny contrast if you show up with a completely feminine look. If you pretend to be a stranger, you could ask him to guide you to the arcade, pretend to be lost and all that. Then reveal your identity before going to his place so he doesn't assume you're giving him the go to do... something else."

"Ah, right, I wouldn't want to send him any wrong messages here. In that case, I'd have to end the prank pretty early."

"You think he'd get interested too quickly?"

I let out a sigh as I remember all the times he messaged me about his love problems.

"More like the opposite, actually. He's completely oblivious when women flirt with him, and has a tendency to jump to thinking he's getting scammed when one approaches him. He's not overly paranoid, he just has funny reflexes I guess."

"I see, so we have to make sure not to scare him away, or that'll ruin the day for both of you. So, a wig you can quickly remove to reveal your identity for a short prank?"

"Seems like the best option if I want to have some impact on him. I guess the safest option would be to go wearing baggy clothes that hide my body as much as possible, but... That feels like a waste, right?"

"It sure does. That's the spirit! You'll need something really nice to wear for that though. Oh! And makeup!"

I start touching my face, unsure of how I feel about the idea of applying cosmetics to it.

"Ah? Isn't that going a bit too far...?"

"Of course not! Especially if you want to sell, even just for a short bit, that you're this very feminine woman. I'll take care of it on the day of the activity, okay? Oh, but I still want to teach you the basics, let's see... I'm free tomorrow, and I only work in the morning the day after..."

And she's doing it again. Guess I'm learning makeup now. Well, I can't deny that I'm curious to see what kind of look I can get with a little extra help, so maybe it's not all bad. Still, like with the clothes, that feels a bit emasculating. Am I strictly gaining new knowledge and experiences by letting Marie use me as a doll like this, or am I also giving up something in exchange? It's a scary thought.


The weekend is here, so I leave my room dressed up in the clothes I took the habit of wearing. I really don't want Rimar to see me in the new outfit I bought, so I hid it in a bag. As I head to the entrance of the apartment, he asks:

"Going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I'm meeting up with a friend today. I'll be back after dinner."

I'll omit the part where I'm taking a detour to go through Marie's house to pretty up.

"A friend? Are you going to be okay with your body like that?"

"I think so. It might surprise him at first, but I'm sure he's going to get used to it."

"I see. Well, be careful still. Oh, and call me if there's trouble."

"I will. See you later!"


I feel the makeup brush against my skin as Marie applies the finishing touches. I met with her a few times this week to practice the basics, so I'm familiar with this sensation now, but I still can't properly take care of it on my own.

"There you go. When you're like this, even with the short hair, no one would ever suspect you were a man not so long ago."

I laugh nervously before responding:

"Is that really a good thing? I'm still a man on the inside."

"Well, you want to prank your friend, don't you? So it's better that way."

"Ehhh, I guess so..."

There's still something weird to me about the idea of hiding my old self in some way or another. My face is the only part of me I still recognize, even if it became a lot more feminine with the transformation. Seeing it with heavier makeup... I brace for impact, but am instead stunned when Marie lifts a mirror up so I can see the result.

It's still me, but my most feminine traits were enhanced while my imperfections were hidden. The makeup didn't make me into someone else, it instead kept what I already had going for me and made me even prettier on top.

I stare at my reflections for a few seconds before saying:

"Thanks. I... I like it."

"I'm glad you do! You only got to try a few basic things so far, but I went ahead and gave you the full treatment for today. Make sure to wash it off before you go to sleep, okay?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Now, let's complete your fit!"

She grabs my hand and drags me in front of a mirror before putting a new wig on my head, this one being a brunette color instead of my usual blonde. She then gently brushes it to get rid of the knots and other imperfections while asking:

"Are you going to let your hair grow longer?"

I try to turn towards her, but she keeps my head in place to keep brushing, so I end up talking to her reflection in the mirror instead:

"Well, uh... I don't think so? I already have the wigs, and I'm so used to my hair being short..."

"Aww, but that would be waste! You have really pretty blonde hair, I'm sure it'd look great if it was longer. And it would allow you to style it in a wide variety of ways. With a wig, we have to be careful to keep the seam hidden. If it was your actual hair, you could have it tied up in a ponytail or a bun, or have some fancy braids, or try out different styles for your bangs... The possibilities are endless!"

"Ugh... That's a bit overwhelming though."

She laughs a bit as she passes her fingers through the wig to make sure it's all ready.

"Yeah, I guess it'd feel like a bit much to someone who didn't get used to long hair while growing up. Still, I think you'd look great, even if you stuck to more basic styles. Think about it, yeah?"

"Sure, sure..."

I don't actually plan on letting my hair grow, but she might pester me until I agree, so I'll just get out of this by giving a vague answer for now.

I focus back on my reflection, and am stunned again by the way I look. I'm wearing a really cute white shirt, decorated with frills and large sleeves, so with the wig and makeup... I look way too feminine!

I start blushing, but the makeup hides the increasing redness of my cheeks. That's probably for the best, who knows what kind of teasing Marie would have subjected me to if she had noticed my reaction to my own appearance.

As I turn around, she hands me a purse.

"Here, to complete the look! Make sure to put your wallet, phone, and everything else you'll be carrying in there. I'm sure you already noticed just how small our pockets are."

"Ah! Yeah, it's a pain! Whose idea was it to make them like this!?"

Marie laughs at my reaction while I transfer my few belongings from my bag to the purse. I'll leave my normal clothes here and come back to get changed, that way I won't have to drag them around all day.

I walk to the door, then turn towards Marie.

"Thanks a ton for today, I'll see you once it's over."

"Make sure to tell me all the details, okay?"

I smile in response and leave.


I'm walking down the street the arcade is located on. I reach a small park, which is where we decided to meet, but I don't enter yet. Instead, I stretch my neck and try to spot Veryn.

Since I'm pretending to be a woman he never met, I'll have to send him a text message to let him know that "Izei" is going to be late, that way I'll give myself some time to mess with him. However, if I send that before he even leaves his apartment, he's going to also be late, foiling my plan. As such, I need him to already have arrived there before I send the message.

Thankfully, I quickly spot him, sitting on a bench. I type a message, send it out, then start walking towards him.

Striking a conversation with a "stranger" is bound to be awkward, but my goal is to get him to come with me to the arcade while he waits for me. I'll just have to find some kind of excuse to talk to him first.

I see him grab his phone, read something, then sigh as he puts it back in his pocket. I think that was my text message. Perfect timing!

I sit on the bench next to him and pretend to catch my breath. I'm a dungeon delver, so something as simple as walking would never tire me, but I want to come across as delicate for the prank. After a few seconds, I turn towards Veryn and ask:

"Excuse me, I'm looking for the Stacked Games arcade. I think it's nearby."

He's surprised to hear me talk to him, and takes a few seconds to stare at me. It's time to see if he recognizes me!

After a few seconds, he snaps out of it.

"Ah, sorry... Yeah, it's really close by. Can't see it from here, but if you keep walking down the street you can't miss it."

"Ah, I see... do you think you could show me?"

I try to pull off the cutest smile and voice I can manage, causing his cheeks to grow a bit red. He closes his eyes for a short moment to regain his composure, then says:

"I'm really sorry, but I'm waiting for a friend before I go there myself. I wouldn't want to be absent when he finally arrives."

"Oh? Is he late?"

"Yeah... Just texted me that it'd take him a while longer. Damn it, and he's usually so punctual..."

Alright, I got him exactly where I want him. With a bit more pressure...

"Then why not show me while you wait? You can just call him in a bit to let him know, right?"

In a flash, his expression becomes serious as he asks:

"Okay, what scam are you running?"

There it is! I figured he would assume I'm some kind of swindler, but I didn't think it'd be this fast. Still, seeing him like this is so funny, especially since it's me he's talking to. Unable to contain my laughter, I lean back against the bench, a hand covering my mouth. After catching my breath, I say:

"Ah, sorry, that was just such a funny reaction. I promise I'm not trying to get anything out of you, aside from some time at the arcade. Look, I even have money to pay for my entry."

As I say that, I pull out a few dollar bills from my purse.

He shakes his head and shrugs.

"Ugh, fine. Let's go. I'll just let my friend know to come directly to the arcade."

Yes! I managed to get him to trust a "stranger"! Although, since I'm still me, maybe he doesn't actually feel like I'm much of a new acquaintance, which might have helped here.

We make our way to the building, pay for a few hours of unlimited play, then start going around the machines. Seeing what's new and what's still there from the previous times, playing a game here or there... I must admit I missed this. I also completely abandoned my role and am acting normally now, partly consciously but mostly as a reflex.

After losing at one of the machines, I throw my head back and groan before taking a few steps back. From the corner of my eye, I see Veryn who seems to be suppressing a laugh.

"Hey, what's so funny?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, it's just... You act exactly like the friend I was waiting for when you lose. The resemblance was so uncanny, I couldn't help but find it funny."

"I see, I see... Speaking of that friend, shouldn't you call him?"

"Uh, why? A text message should do the trick."

"He might not get the notification, it's better to call!"

The truth is that I want him to hear my cellphone ring in my purse, and with the music currently playing, a simple text message ping might get drowned out.

"Ah... Sure, whatever."

He turns around and accesses his contacts. In the meantime, I remove my wig and grab my phone, getting ready to surprise him. Soon enough, he hits the large green button to call me, and my phone rings loudly in response. He turns towards me, completely astonished, as I shout:

"Ah! Got you!"

His eyes become completely round.

"I... Izei? What are you... Wait, did you... But how...?"

His reaction is priceless, and causes me to start laughing so much that my belly ends up hurting. As I catch my breathe, I say:

"Bet you didn't expect me to show up looking like this, eh?"

"Well, no, but... Is that all just a costume? And how are you able to pull off such a perfect voice?"

"Ah, I guess you deserve an explanation. How about we go get lunch? It'll be easier to talk around some food than while playing games."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go."


"What will it be, miss?"

"I'll have your pizza submarine, with a side of fries please."

"And for you, mister?"

"Ah... Cheeseburger, with bacon. Also fries."

"Coming right up!"

The waitress walks away, leaving us alone to discuss my situation.

"Alright, so... As I was trying to explain, I'm not wearing a costume. I'm dressed more femininely than usual, since I wanted to prank you, but my body really is like this now. Same with my voice, I'm not manipulating it in any way."

"Wait, so you like... Actually became a woman?"

I nod.

"It's temporary, though, even if I might have to stay like this for a while. I told you about my accident at work, yeah? That's how I ended up like this."

"Wow, that's... Really surprising. You delvers have it rough."

"Right? Anyway, I'm glad I was able to have a bit of fun with it today, and sorry to disappoint you, but the fashionable lady who asked to go to the arcade with you was just your old pal Izei all along."

"Honestly, that's more a relief than anything else. I was expecting you to ask me for some money any time now."

I chuckle before taking a sip of water. Veryn continues:

"Still, what is it like, being in a woman's body? Does it feel any different when you... y'know, do the thing?"

I frown and tilt my head in confusion. What is he even talking about? Seeing my reaction, he leans forward and whispers:

"Y'know... masturbating?"

I recoil.

"Why would your mind even go there?"

"Come on! Don't tell me you never thought about it! If I was in your situation, I'd lock myself up in my room and keep going until I couldn't move anymore. Isn't this a perfect opportunity to learn more about what it feels like for the ladies?"

"I am... thoroughly uninterested in your fantasies."

Now that I think about it, ever since I was transformed, I haven't really felt any sexual urges. When I was a man, I'd have to "release some steam", so to speak, pretty regularly, but now... I really don't feel anything particular going on. The massive emotional roller coaster I've been on non-stop for the past days might have played a hand in this, and I remember the doctor saying something about my hormones needing some time to stabilize, so I guess it's not too much of a surprise.

However... The idea of touching myself while I'm like this is also extremely scary. What if it awakens something weird in me before I go back to my old body? It's a risk I'm not keen on taking.

I take another sip of water before continuing:

"Look, if you were in my situation, you'd probably be too busy dealing with everything else to worry about what things feel like between your legs. There's the hospital tests and visits, the emotional turmoil, the unexpected bits of daily life that changed drastically, and...

I smirk playfully.

"... pranks on your other friends, of course."


Veryn claps once in response, just as our meals arrive. We take a few bites, but he eventually resumes:

"You're still living with Rimar, right?"


"How is he taking it?"

"I think it's difficult for him too. He's trying really hard to not treat me any differently than before, but..."

I grab one of my breasts through my shirt to highlight it.

"... there's at least two reasons that's a pretty complicated task. Plus, I've been really emotional lately, so he had to go out of his way to help me deal with all that."

Veryn stares at my chest for a few seconds before finally snapping out of it. I brought that on myself, so I let him continue without complaining, but still bring my glass of water to my mouth to hide my embarrassment.

"I see... So, what's the risk is of your relationship seriously changing? Think he might fall for you?"

Taken by surprise, I spit out some of the water in my mouth and start coughing.

"What... Where did that come from?"

"Well, you know... You've been living together for something like a decade now, so he's used to being with you. He's seen you at your worst, and you probably already had all the talks to smooth things out while sharing an apartment. Now that you've become this pretty, would it really be much of a surprise for him to catch feelings for you?"

I vigorously shake my head.

"No way. He's not into tomboys, for one, and he knows it's me in there. I don't see how he could fall in love with another man."

As I say that, I notice a sinking feeling growing in my heart. Why am I so bothered by the idea that Rimar could never see me as a potential partner? I've never felt that way before...

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Veryn who responds with a smile:

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. And what about you? With your body changing this much, have your thoughts been affected in any way?"

I rub my temples as a large number of recent memories flow back into my mind. Thinking that I actually do look pretty good as a woman, agreeing to wear makeup, being fine with others seeing me with this body... And then wishing to be held by Rimar, or feeling sad about our relationship just now...

I sigh.

"Yeah, I think they have. It's subtle, at least usually, but I can tell I've started acting a bit differently. Maybe it's just because I'm getting slowly used to my new body."

"So, do you think you might fall in love while like this?"

"No, no, of course not! I only ever liked women, it'd be way too weird for that to change as well."

I feel my cheeks redden as I start thinking about Rimar again. Without thinking, I softly whisper:

"And with my best friend, too?"

Before I have time to realize what I just did, Veryn starts laughing loudly.

"Well, look at you there, making assumptions about my question. I was just asking generally."

I glare at him, not hiding my annoyance as I speak:

"You did that on purpose! We were just talking about him, of course I would assume you meant with him. But no, there's no way. Even assuming that it somehow could happen, I wouldn't want to risk damaging our relationship like this."

With a snarky smile, he responds:

"I see I see. Well, if you ever feel like giving a try to dating a guy, I'm available right now."

I sigh while he laughs, and we move on to a different topic while we finish eating.


As planned, after running out of time at the arcade, we head to Veryn's apartment to play some of his older games. The day goes without further incident and, soon enough, I'm waving him goodbye as the sun is setting.

I take the subway to the station near Marie's house, then walk the rest of the way. The sun already fell below the horizon, and few people still walk the streets. A gust of wind causes me to shiver, and I increase my pace. I would have bought a jacket if I had known it'd get this cold tonight!

Ahead of me, under a street light, I see someone leaning against a wall, smoking a cigarette. I don't think much of it, until he takes a few steps forward to block my way and says:

"Hey there. What's a pretty lady like you doing outside all by herself? It's not safe, you know?"

As I'm about to demand that he steps aside, I hear two more people come out of a small alley behind me, surrounding me. I close my mouth and swallow, unsure of what to expect. The guy in front of me speaks again:

"We'll get you to a safe place. You won't have to worry about a thing with us, and we'll take very good care of you."

I finally decide to retort:

"Sorry, but I'm perfectly capable of reaching my destination by myself. Now, stand aside."

The three men get closer to me, lifting their arms up, getting ready to grab me. The first one responds:

"I'm also sorry, but I wasn't asking for your opinion."

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