
In the world of Adventures in Valerick TTRPG

Visit Adventures in Valerick TTRPG

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4: Nowhere on the way to Everywhere

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      Vondiras sat down gingerly to break fast with his companions. It had been a week since his punishment, and though his guildmates had done very well by him, his back was still scarred and inflamed. Daveed even dipping into the guild's limited stock of healing draughts, beyond the two given to him earlier, which had helped massively in this quick recovery. It was likely why he had needed no stitches and had only needed bandages and poultices for three days after the incident. The last four mornings he'd worked through shooting, stretching and trying to simply loosen up his back and the forming scar tissue. It was uncomfortable, but it could have been far worse.


      Trade season was in full swing now, the first few short range contracts had come and gone, his companions passing on most of those, simply making some money going out on two excursions hunting anubites and gnolls. During the trade season, this four to five month window that encompassed the rains and the first month or two of the dry season, there was an open bounty on the canine like bestials. A set of  Anubites ears paid two gold, and a set of gnoll ears paid four. They'd made modest coin in their efforts, adding to the group's coffers, and savings from the eight months of the dry season, waiting for their chance to sign on to a big score, a long distance mercantile escort. The twenty or so mercenaries in the mess were all abuzz, each in small groups, some paired, some in threes and fours. Vondiras had been approached a few times with invitations to join, his fellow mercenaries showing him respect beyond his station and brand, a feeling he enjoyed. However he and Silvius were committed to Coris, Belle and Beliana, the chemistry they had with each other well nurtured and well tested over the months they'd worked together, and thus he had politely declined these offers.


      Unusually for the love drunk couple, Beliana and Coris were actually at the mess before Vondiras, which immediately had the elf excited, sitting down with his two friends, an easy going grin on his face. Belle joined them not long after, as Vondiras joined in conversation with Beliana. "It is rare to see the pair of you here so early, normally you distract each other with some morning romance. Were you simply up earlier this day?"


      Beliana shook her head, an excited gleam in her eye, one that Coris shared. "I overheard Guildmaster Daveed late last night as I went by his quarters, speaking to Marta and Amerylis. He was informing them of some numbers, and that we have the first swing of big contracts. Three mercantile caravans, each at least a two week job, a week of travel each way. Two leaving tomorrow, one on Freya. So I wanted to make sure we were present, all of us, and ready to make quick decisions. You know the rest of the guild will be hungry to take such jobs, and there is every chance, even with three of them, they won't be looking to hire twenty between them."


      Beliana was talking good sense here, and Coris agreed with her assessment. The pair had done their research, they knew the culture. Mercenaries were expensive, however so too were employing full time 'day' guards. The difference was that mercenaries cost more per day, hence why they were only on payroll generally for trips like this, and the number hired would be limited. Whereas day guards were full time employees of a merchant outfit specifically. They were skilled enough at arms, but nothing like a Sickles mercenary. So mercenaries were hired on to add an edge, an elite core to the basic guards that would travel with a trade caravan during this time of year. The other benefit of mercenaries, which did make them a cost effective core to have, is that though you had to pay much more daily for each mercenary, you did not have to pay out anything outside that fee. Should they die, you still had to pay for the entire length of the job, that was non-negotiable. However unlike day guards, you did not need to give some sort of stipend to any next of kin, widow or child. It was why the Sickles charged so much, and why they could. Day guards made around twelve to fifteen gold a day, based on seniority, though they could get as high as twenty. This was before their own guild dues naturally, which were around the same as the Sickles, perhaps a little lower by percentage. Whereas the Sickles charged thirty-five to fifty based on seniority and the skill and reputation of those they were sending or had been requested.


      Vondiras smiled wider at this, letting his teeth show, his eyes finding a bit of light and energy amongst their greyness. "This is good. I long for some proper work and a chance to get away from the city and its dark spots." he replied. He took up some of the sliced papaya and fresh lyrra bread that was brought out by some of the kitchen staff onto his plate, adding to it a slice of the olive and red pepper grilled crocodile meat that was the main course of breakfast. He skipped out on the heavy aged ox cheese that completed the course, though his friends took a small wedge each. He found that cheese too heavy, it sat rough for him, but the bread, papaya and crocodile meat more than made a full and hearty meal to break his fast. The lyrra bread was fire toasted, soaked with a sweetened coconut butter, making it greatly enjoyable. 


      As was the case with every breaking of the fast, the friends were reminded how lucky they were. The guild may demand much, including a large amount of coin, twenty percent of any job a group took, with a minimum contribution beyond that of forty gold a month from each member, however that money was well spent. Training facilities, the finest of quarters, hearty meals, along with contacts and recognition across the city with various tradesfolk whom gave discounts to those with the mark of the Sickles. It was a beneficial relationship, even if they all knew that the guild also charged more for their services than they let on to the mercenaries, that was an open secret. They took twenty percent, in addition to a fee they tacked on as a facilitator fee that often would be one in ten, or about ten percent the size of the contract. This fee was pocketed by the guild, used to pay staff, maintain facilities and generally keep guild compounds running. It was an open secret, one most savvy members of the guild knew, and simply did not talk about it. After all they made a great living, even if the risk and danger was high.


      Breakfast was the same as it always was, raucous, loud, profanity and joke ridden. Everyone was in high spirits, the news having spread quickly, which told Beliana she was far from the only one to have wandered by Daveed's private quarters, and take a moment or two to listen in once Marta and Amerylis had been pulled from preparing to head home for the night to meet in his quarters. The mess was abuzz with possibilities and curiosity. Some merchants had arrived over the past two days, perhaps one of the contracts were them, simply escorting them home? However the real speculative talk was which of the merchant 'lords' of Kalesh, those known to have fingers all over the mercantile structure of the Kaleshin region, were going to be the first to hire in this year. A few names Beliana recognized were being thrown around and bandied about. Domo, Arkfen, Rengilt, and Baracun the four most noteworthy. There were other notable and moderately wealthy merchants from Kalesh and other communities that might very well have sought to hire, however those were the big four, the sort of hierarchy just below the Caliph and his wife, as well as his most trusted advisors. Susma was a nation that ran on commerce, they were an economic powerhouse, the bridge between Kang-Chorath and the ports most available to Waston and Mora to the south, into the rest of the massive continent of Gavis-Lune, and vice-versa for both Rohara and Valewyr to Susma's north. All trade passed through Susma's land, seas, or skies.


      Kaleshin was a sort of microcosm of this effect, being a central territory, smack dab along the only routes around most of the Great Bala, and through the bits that were passable, into Rohara or Valewyr. This key location was how Kalesh itself earned the moniker 'Nowhere on the way to Everywhere.'


      The discussions, debate and theorizing about which of the big four it would be first reached a fervor pitch, to the point where some were exchanging bets of gold and favors, all in good natured fun of course. Beliana and Coris even got involved, betting that if it wasn't Domo, they'd have sex out in the gardens the next morning that they awoke in the guild compound if they were wrong, much to the hooting and hollering of their fellow mercenaries. The pair were without shame, and if Coris and Beliana were to be honest, such an idea, with eyes on them, elicited an excitable response within them, the idea stirring some passions. Still though, other bets were made. Coris betting a fine belt he had against some hand made silver-glass dice, Vondiras betting his famous nik-nik jerky, three pounds of it, against a batch of red tern wing feathers, a rare and wonderful feather for fletching arrows. Even Belle made a small wager with a fellow guild-mate, a gnome known as Tilwi, half a dozen gold. They'd all bet on different names, naturally.


      Daveed entered the mess hall, and soon enough the room quieted down respectfully. The guildmaster smiled, shaking his head. "I heard you, all of you, filthy degenerates that you are, so we'll get the loud part of this out of the way. The first contract that was hammered out and terms agreed to, a writ officially signed and promised, was in fact, just barely, Domo. Only eighteen minutes later Rengilt as well had a writ placed with us. Arkfen and Baracun have requested meetings this coming Lunai, so this year they are the ones off to a slower start.


      Elin'ia, an emerald magister, and the woman that had made the bet with Coris and Beliana shook her head, cursing. "Well damn it, that would have been quite the bit of entertainment." She called out.


      Beliana without missing a beat, yelled out in response "Entertainment my arse Eli, you've told us in your cups before you'd give anything to watch us, or better yet take part. You just wanted a visual to go what you imagine some nights to please yourself too." Beliana laughed, enjoying the banter and the sheer lack of shame or taboo behind it, the others in the room cheering and hooting.


      "Well I mean I would not have said it so crudely, but I will not deny that may have also been a thought." Elin'ia replied shamelessly. 


     Daveed held up his hands, waiting for the hall to calm again. "Yes yes, all this is quite entertaining. However it is our busy season now, so I ask you, my Sickles, are you ready to reap a golden harvest?!"


     "We stand sharpened and ready to reap!" came the appropriate response, booming, unified, every voice raised.


      "Excellent, then let us begin. We are blessed this first busy day, for though the biggest contracts will not keep all twenty of you busy, combined with a few smaller matters they shall insure you all have work moving forward. Some requested, and we shall handle those first, starting with the four of you." Daveed stated, pointing to Vondiras, Coris, Beliana and Belle. "The Stone-Sun companions have been requested in particular by Lord Myrin Domo, so it would seem. He in fact mentioned Vondiras by name, worthwhile to note, given he is a second cousin to that bastard Lirel. He informed me to extend heartfelt apologies for the behaviors you suffered. He cannot control such extended family, however as an olive branch, he wishes to hire you and your friends specifically." This declaration elicited some slapping of tables from the others of the Sickles in the room, and general cheers and shouts of approval. Vondiras had to admit, he was enjoying this side of the guild, seeing it now, and coming to better understand what Daveed had been trying to help him see before the lashing he'd taken a week before. 


Daveed waiting for this din to die down, then continued. "The job is a simple escort, a week long journey to Tyril, at the edge of the Teeth of the World, the large copper mining settlement north-east of here. You are escorting both trade goods and Domo himself, as he wishes to meet with the mine owner, his business partner, Bovik Iremac, as they do at the beginning of every wet season. You shall be paid a two hundred gold a day for your service, less of course the guild's commission of forty. This will work out to about five hundred and sixty gold each total, as well as a stipend provided up front by Domo, most generously, of a hundred suns each. Furthermore, this is merely the escort fee, and he has agreed to provide a further five hundred, so a hundred each, and the one hundred for the guild, should you be required to actually bear arms on the journey. Not each time of course, however generously he is willing to provide a premium bonus should you see any action. He wishes to leave after the sun crests the horizon on the morrow, respecting Beliana's religious requirements. So, Stone-Sun Companions do you accept the job?"


      Vondiras rose swiftly, not needing to even confer with his friends, almost feeling their excitement. "Yes we do, Guildmaster, and we look forward to serving with distinction."



      After meeting with Amerylis, a middle aged gnomish woman whom handled the guilds higher end fiscals and mercantile contracts, and collecting their stipend, and their own personal funds, the group took to the town. They stuck together, mostly unarmed, though Coris wore a small handaxe, and both Vondiras and Beliana had a dagger or two tucked away on their persons. Belle of course was always armed despite her brands, though no laws could stop her from being such. They moved through the commons, down to the nearby Dicer's Square, seeing the Hall of Fortune, the city's cathedral to Varis Tomain, was already well and truly busy.


      Beliana still marveled at this faith, always struggling to understand and bridge the connection between gambling and worship, though she knew it was something similar to her own 'dawning' ritual every morning. Gambling and games of chance were much like kneeling bare before the sunrise to welcome the goddess' warmth, and whispering prayers of love and farewells at sunset to bid her warmth thanks for the day. But it still seemed so strange conceptually to her.


      Dicer's Square was the market square, or in truth, several blocks, in the Commons. Toric's Arms and Foundry was the largest smithy, but there were two others, as well as several tanneries, two bowyer and fletchers, a gunmaker, several general stores, an alchemist and herbalist, and a handful of other shops. Besides this you had three bakeries and four eateries, as well as two bunkhouses. It was the largest and busiest market in Kalesh, and though not the richest, which was located in the Steelside Markets, found in the Steels district, on the other side of the city's southern half. This was the group's eventual destination, however they all had stops to make here first, having commissioned and paid for goods some weeks ago that they were due to pick up. They did intend to wander the bazaar here as well, for though most traveling merchants and most of the higher end curiosities or useful objects for their particular line of work oft ended up in auction over at Steelside, it was not unheard of for some to make it into Luckside Markets.


      They all kept their wits about them, and a hand on their coin pouches however, for they also knew the rakes and cutpurses would be out in force, now that the trade season was under way, an unsurprising correlation. Moving into the markets from the north, they came soon enough to the edge of Toric's property, and they all milled about for a moment as Coris strolled through the open gates. He and Toric had a heartfelt back and forth in dwarven, the mood good, spirits high, for many a minute. Vondiras seemed noticeably uncomfortable, shifting a little, and Beliana glanced at him. "Calm Von, calm, you are not alone and it is broad daylight. You've no reason to be nervous here. He hasn't been being harassed, and all is well. They are simply making small talk." she told him softly.


      "You speak dwarven?" Von asked her, for he knew she'd been getting lessons these last few months, finally, now that they both could speak elven. He too had been trying to learn but the language was a struggle for an elf.


      "It is not so different from Koltish, honestly, which is basically a sister language to Mogishu and Rengab, and I speak all three of those tongues well enough." Beliana replied. "I don't have a dialect when I speak the tongue, I cannot sound like a dwarf, though Coris greatly enjoys that. Says I bring a fire and tempo, a pepper and rhythm to the language that it is not supposed to have. Finds it very attractive, so he says." she told him, smirking. "Watch."


      She called out to her husband in dwarven. Vondiras was not entirely sure of the words, however he did understand the gist of it, and it was quite intimate. Coris immediately was flushing red, and shaking his head. "Ach, lover ye can't be speakin' like that wit' t'at accent 'ere in public. Ye wants ta get arrested?" he called back to her. "Or does we need ta find a shaded spot in an alleyway somew'eres!?"


      Beliana leaned a little forward, clearly striking a bit of a pose, teasing her curves in her simple soft orange dress and skirt, a finger on her lips. Vondiras chuckled, shaking his head at the pair's antics. "Nothing of the sort lover, you can wait until tonight, we've to much business to accomplish today. So hurry up the faster we get done the sooner we get home."


      Coris didn't need to be told twice, retrieving the shirt of riveted steel chain he'd had on order, a clear upgrade from his damaged brigadine he'd normally wear over his padded gambeson. It was only a covering for his torso, forgoing sleeves, as the way Coris fought he did not wish to be too heavily armored. He pulled it on, feeling the fit and the way it sat, having worn his gambeson just to check the fit. "Ach ye does good work Toric, ye 'ave me thanks." he told his fellow dwarf, satisfied with the fit and finish of the item.


     The rest of them picked up assorted goods over the next two or so hours. Beliana stopping next at Tiana's Miracle Mixtures, the alchemist most of the Sickles used at Daveed's recommendation, and left with a small case of various medical ingredients, as well as six smaller healing draughts, the potent liquids money well spent in her opinion. Once she'd sorted these into her medical bag properly, securing everything, the friends moved on to Lenivil's Leathers, where both Belle and Vondiras went in to collect their new gear. Vondiras was quite pleased with the fit of his new archery guard, his old one having worn out, and generally having deteriorated over years and years of use and patchwork repair. This one was made of layered leathers, the string guard layer, the one facing outwards from his forearm was hardened crocodile skin, more resilient than his previous antelope hide one, with inner layers of softer camel and giraffe hide treated and layered together for comfort. All dyed to be a more sandy mottled color, like he preferred to wear, sand, soft muted greens, and other browns, like the scrubland, stony and sandy terrain that made up their home. Belle had a set of camel-hide gloves, custom fitted, with iron caps sewn into the knuckles that would sit a bit loose and lifted when she had her hands open, but would rest and fit over her knuckles perfectly when making a fist.


      After this they roamed the bazaar and market for almost an hour, stopping at Sandspear Bakery for a simple luncheon. Onion round-bread, a flattened disc like bread baked with diced onions in the dough, that would be topped with salted antelope, peppered leshe roots and garlics, as well as fire melted goat cheese, topped with a simple gravy like sauce seasoned with a variety of sweet and spicy dried herbs. The whole thing was folded, pinned with small metal rods. Sandspear Folds they were called, a were a popular dish all through the commons. Antelope was the common meat, though some days it would be crocodile, camel, or even things like zebra, or giraffe. They found a street corner with a snake charmer performing, watching and enjoying their meal with honey sweetened water they'd brought in their water-skins from the guild.


      By mid afternoon, they'd made their way to the Steelside markets across the city. The sounds and smells and sights took them, engulfed them, particularly Belle, Vondiras and Silvius, whom had never seen it before. Coris and Beliana were still floored, needing a moment to adjust as even for them it was only their second time, however they swiftly set about explaining how it worked to their companions.


      "Remember how I said the open air markets are not like commerce as you know it?" Beliana explained. "This is what I meant. Nothing is for sale. They won't tell you a cost, and they won't engage you. They simply shout out items, and those wandering by will yell out a number, a bid. Others may join, and if so the auction begins. If not then the seller is honor bound to make the sale. However you see the foot traffic around us, you will never be able to get anything for a nonsensically low bid. Someone will jump in and raise you. So you want to come in low for how much the item is likely worth or would cost to get commissioned, but not too low, that's the trick. Its a tough game to play, which is why its also good to set a budget, which is what we've done. We are rich, relatively, though unlike some here, this is all the money we have. This isn't just spending money, like the noble sorts you see, where they can promise more. This is our hard cap."


      Coris chuckled "Aye, ye nay want ta be biddin' more than ye 'ave. All sales be final, an' if'n ye can't pay, tis 'nother way ta earn a brand like ye lot 'ave." he explained, pointing to their marks of servitude. "Also ye nae can bid yerselves, so ye needs ta stick wit' us. Belle, Beliana will bid fer yerself, so tell 'er 'ow much ye got. Vondiras I'll do t'e same fer yerself an' Silvius, so tell me 'ow much coin ye got. T'en  just keep yer ears open, an' let us nae if somethin' catches yer fancy."


      The pair did as they were bid, soaking it all in. Steelside markets was simply an open square during the dry season but now it was chock full of stalls, little carts, and simple boxes and stands, people yelling and shouting and bartering all over. It was a process to adjust, to focus, to really learn how to filter and focus and listen. However Vondiras had an advantage, and Silvius soon proved her worth, hearing something from a short human, yelling whilst holding up a small ring of what looked like snakehide leather. Von focused at her insistence, as she grabbed and yipped, pulling him.


      "A collar for those of you with pets or work animals, or perhaps a hunter and companion. Made by an emerald magister from Valewyr, its imbued with protective magicks, will keep your fuzzy, feathered or scaled friend safe. Marvel at its wonder, its magick, it is a one size fits all!" the man called out, jumping down to strap the collar on a small feline, which it was far to large for. Vondiras watched, overjoyed as the object shrunk down, fitting the cat perfectly! Unclipping it, the man moved to his own camel and demonstrated the object shifting the other way to fit. In both cases the animal's fur seemed to gain a bit of a glint, almost metallic, and Vondiras could tell, innately through is elven heritage, this object was magickal and legitimate.


      "Coris!" he called out, thankful the dwarf was not far from him. "Bid on this, quickly, to the tune of," he did some math swiftly, and settled on half his current coin, "Three hundred and twenty suns." Von told the dwarf.


      Coris didn't hesitate, raising his hand and bellowing "T'ree hundred an' twenty fer the fancy collar Merca'is" using the Halish title for merchant, though as usual his northern slant messed with how it sounded.


      It took the merchant a moment to realize a bid had been placed, but he nodded, pointing, and shouted out, "I hear three hundred and twenty suns, a generous starting offer, but this is an object of magick, and I have but only one such item to offer. Who knows when one will make it this far into Susma again? So do I hear three hundred and fifty!?" he called out.


      A voice familiar to Vondiras called out, a human. He turned to see Rasmus, out of uniform, raising his hand. "Three hundred and sixty!" the man called out. Another person, an elf, yelled out "Three hundred and ninety!"


      Coris glanced at Vondiras, and swiftly asked him "'Ow 'igh can I go?" in a low growl, sensing the elf's tenseness at seeing Rasmus, "I wants ta beat the bastard ta, but nae be a fool. 'Ow 'igh was ye willin' ta go."


      Vondiras thought about this for a moment. He'd hoped to find some enchanted arrows for auction, or something for himself to wear, and had not dared to think he'd find something for Silvius. However she was his best friend, and honestly, she needed protection more than he did, he generally tried to keep his distance in fights. "Fuck it" the elf replied. "All six hundred and forty of it if that's what it takes. Such an object isn't worth quite that. From the mage directly you could get it made for likely four hundred. At a shop specializing in magickal wears perhaps five hundred. Its a simple enchantment for an emerald magister. However it is well worth it, and will provide a great boost to Silvius. I want it."


      Coris nodded, and swiftly yelled out "Five 'undred suns!" aggressively, as the other elf and Rasmus had been steadily bidding each other. Immediately the other elf cursed, backing away to fade into the crowd, clearly looking for other deals. Rasmus' eyes were staring daggers at Vondiras, whom simply returned the favor with a smirk, and even shot the off duty officer a wink. The auctioneer, oblivious to this, was calling out, "Five hundred from the dwarf, most generous indeed, and it will look fantastic on that majestic canine companion. Do I hear five hundred and thirty? Going once?"


      Rasmus raised his hand, having been counting, Von saw that clearly. "Five hundred and fifty!" he called out. 


      Coris glanced back at Von, wanting to be sure, and Von simply smiled "That's all his coin. I watched him counting. He's tapped. Offer five hundred and fifty-one."


      Coris chuckled, shaking his head. "Ye've a bit o' bastard in ye elf. I respect it." The dwarf turned to the auctioneer, interrupting his count. "Five 'undred and fifty-one suns!" he roared.


      The merchant looked back to Rasmus, whom was giving an absolute death stare to Vondiras and Silvius, though the she-wolf simply bared her teeth, yipping almost as if laughing. Rasmus threw up his hands in disgust and walked away. The merchant's voice rang out. "Going once, going twice, sold to the dwarf with the magnificent beard and beautiful she-wolf companion. Step right up under the shade of my stall sir, and we shall finalize the sale and complete this transaction properly."



      Hours later the group, with the sun setting, and only having perhaps an hour and a half until curfew for Belle and Vondiras, left the Steelside Markets. They were all richer for the experience, though all nearly out of coin. Belle had acquired two interesting potions she kept hooked to loops in her belt she'd always kept for such alchemical concoctions, happy to have some again. One that would allow her to become even larger and more powerful for a short time, potent magick, the other a simple brew that would allow her see in the dark clearly for a few hours, something she thought could come in use. Meanwhile, Coris had picked up a copper and gold ring, the two strands of metal in the shape of two serpents, that if he spoke a simple command, the ring would imbue a blade he was touching with venom for a short period of time.


      Finally, Beliana had picked up two scrolls, having the education and the ability through her divine connection to activate such things despite not being able to cast arcane magick herself. One was a simple spell of detection, allow her to sense and seek out magick near her for a short time. The other was a simple imbuement of Doitean, that would heat and ignite the steel of her weapon for a short time, the manna of fire channeling through it, though not harming the metal, it would harm her foes. All and all, the four of them returned home satisfied with their purchases, ready and excited for their coming contract and adventure that would begin on the morrow.



      Myrin Domo sat in the rock garden of his estate, on the bank of his own personal oasis, enjoying a simple fruit salad and a slice of lyrra bread with a bit of soft goat cheese. A simple meal, but one he found agreed with him best in early mornings, along with his morning bitters of course, with fresh squeezed lemon juice. He sat, skimming through the Kalesh Kaligraph, the city's weekly news. The merchant lord was a tall and portly fellow, for a halfman, nearly as tall as some dwarves, and weighing likely a little over eighty pounds. He had short, trimmed golden hair and a goatee to match, the hair kept slicked back to his scalp. This morning he had chosen to dress more simply, in golds, creams, ivory whites, and a deeper orange vest to tie it all together, though his station was still well marked by his earrings, the rings and bracelets he wore, as well as the quality of his garments. His soft green eyes and friendly smile were a charm to many, and had helped him build this empire.


      Myrin was what those other three merchant lords and ladies, as well as Caliph Ruminar, would refer to as 'new money'. They did not like him very much, they thought him too hands on, thought him taking too much interest in the affairs of his 'lessers'. Fools that they were, it was just such affairs that had made Myrin unbelievably wealthy, though it had also caused a rift in his family connections many moons ago with both siblings, whom had much harsher views than he, particularly towards matters like the indentured servants and the laws surrounding them.


      Myrin was no ordinary merchant lord, building his wealth off collaborating with other wealthy businesses and nobles, wheeling and dealing in Susma's upper elite. No he'd built his wealth first as a shipper, a logistics kingpin of sorts almost, mastering the ebbs and flows of trade and getting his hands in transportation and shipping in most major cities in Kaleshin. But once he'd made that wealth, he'd guilded those industries, making them tradesfolk, and divulged himself of ownership. With his capital, he instead navigated the working caste, and struggling businesses and tradesfolk. He had talent, seemed blessed by Tomain himself, for almost any business he decided to back, no matter how much they were struggling, would rebound and be massively profitable in but a year or two. Over the past two decades, it was this talent that had made him, beside Caliph Ruminar, the wealthiest person in Kaleshin.


      Yet Myrin did not hoard his wealth, nor store it at the Hall of Fortunes. He kept notable amounts of liquid capital in their vaults of course, as any sane business man would. But it was perhaps only five percent of his coin at any given time. The rest was constantly moving, paying wages of his staff, investing in new opportunities, helping expand those he had fingers in. Most importantly of all, the reason so many whom he called upon in fiscal crisis trusted him, he never would accept controlling interest. No business or venture that Myrin had his fingers in did he have a controlling stake. The highest he'd ever take was thirty percent, even if providing far more capital than that was worth in a year or two. Myrin played the long game, he believed wholly that coin was meant to be gambled, to be played, to be spent, not hoarded. He was a devout worshipper of Varis Tomain, and would indulge in games of chance at least twice a week at the temple. He treated his business ventures the same, always playing the odds, and always playing for long term success, not short term gains, for that was the best way to gamble. Smart, savvy, with control.


      His reputation was not without merit, though many were the tall tales of him being almost near mythical, as if everything he touched turned to gold. Myrin chuckled, shaking his head. "Always remembered for your successes, so long as they outweigh your failures." he whispered to himself, remembering being humbled even last year, having bought into a tannery that had unfortunately gone out of business but two months ago. He'd never recover that coin but such was the game. Better not to lament and to just shuffle up and play the next hand.


      One of his house staff, and trusted friends, Jameel, brought him out of his own mind as the tall man strolled up to him, bowing in respect. "Master Myrin, it would seem your hired hands have arrived, and Master Ashaan wished me to inform you that the wagons are almost ready, and that all will be ready to leave within but a quarter of an hour should you desire it. Kharil Darro wished me to inform you the same, he's picked his men, they are armed, packed and ready to leave when you command."


      "Good very good, Jameel. Please inform Ashaan and the drivers to get the wagons out near the front gates, have Darro and his men make their way to the front courtyards and form up ranks by the gates, and have the mercenaries sent there presently. I shall be out in short order, I need to say my farewells to lady Domo and my dearest Blossom." Myrin replied, rising and wiping his chin and the corner of his mouth daintily with a cloth. "Then get your self some food to break your fast, my dear friend, if you haven't already."




      The property they arrived at was perhaps only exceeded in extravagance by Castle Kalenib, the home of the Caliph and even then that was up for debate. Beliana and her friends soaked it all in, this massive manor property, tucked away within the Coin district of Kalesh. It was almost a gated community to itself, with homesteads for staff, gardens, rock pools, walking paths and more. Its own stables, a small barracks like building at the outer edge, likely where Domo's personal day guards were stationed and lived. The buildings were one and all beautiful, sand and limestone, bleached and silvered, with gold filigree finish on door and window frames, copper accent trim at every corner. Stained glass windows, true art pieces depicting wilderness and scenic views of the city of Kalesh, a love letter to Kaleshin. It was a veritable paradise tucked away behind an iron wrought fence and a brickwork wall.


      They were welcomed with refreshment by indentured whom looked better fed and more well off than some citizens they'd seen. Furthermore, Vondiras and Belle elicited no difference in treatment for their own brands, they seemingly invisible, the only marking that mattered was that of the Sickles. Fresh fruit, mangoes, papayas, sei berries, with cool water and fruit juices to go with it. They were guided to the front courtyards, where six wagons and various men and women were working, moving about making last checks, shouting back and forth to each other. Ten armed men and women had formed up near the gate of the property, likely Domo's full time day guards. Vondiras and Belle almost on instinct went to step towards the wagons, to offer to help, but were politely and firmly told such was not necessary, nor part of their expected labor. They were only to be under the house's employ once the wagons began to travel, and as such, they should not provide any free assistance.


      Eventually, they met the man himself, strolling down the path from the large manor house, he cut a dashing figure in his finery, whites and golds with ivorys, all with dashes of silver in the trim, and an orange vest of sorts over the various thin layers to tie it all together, a bit of boldness amongst the softer colors. A palmwood cane, one that Coris could tell immediately as the halfman got closer, hid a rapier, was in his right hand, and at his left hip was holstered a five shot revolver. Both these objects were worn comfortably enough and the four of them had no doubt that the nobleman was at least proficient with them, if not anywhere approaching their own skill or ferocity. They all bowed low, as was only proper, though Myrin waved his hand, smiling wide. "We shall have no need of that, we intend to travel together, and you are to be guards and warriors over our caravan. Formalities are for lesser men and women taking lesser risks." he told them, and then moved to each of them, shaking their hands. "I am Myrin Domo, and am most pleased to make your acquaintances." he told them, that charming smile winning them over swiftly.


      "I am Vondiras, this is Silvius." Vondiras responded, as Silvius bound forward, and the elf was pleased to see Myrin react unlike any other noble or snob, as he knelt down, allowing the she-wolf to sniff and nuzzle and even give him kisses on his cheek, whilst giving her scratches behind her ears.


      "A fine companion, you are a gorgeous creature, and I've no doubt strong and hardy, to survive so far from home in a climate so foreign to you!" Myrin told her. He rose, dusting himself off, and locked eyes with Vondiras. "I do hope Daveed passed on my message." he told the elf with a more dour tone.


      "He did, and it was received in good will and with gratitude, Myrin Domo." Vondiras replied, bowing again. 


      "I am glad to hear it." Myrin replied, his smile returning, as he introduced himself to the rest of Von's companions. "Now then," Myrin spoke, a little more loudly, "We are almost ready to leave, however I feel it would beneficial to introduce you all formally to the rest of our traveling companions. So come, let me introduce you to Kharil Azem Darro, the captain of my house guard, and the rest of the men, as well as to our lead driver, Hazeen Ashaan, and the rest of the driving team. Once those introductions are done, we can get under way, yes? We have a long journey ahead of us after all."

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