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             A week later the party was across the river from the town of Kurali. They were about to cross the simple arched stone bridge that led across the Nadi river and into the town. They were riding in their usual order with Nahla in the lead with her hound Ryah at her side. Following her was Irene and Ten Rabbit side by side, with Bisha and herself in the rear. They hadn't actually decided on any particular order of riding it had just ended up that way. Although having Nahla and her hound in front was a good idea. After all, mounted on her tall Temee with her seven foot two inch height, Nahla had the best chance to notice anything in front of them that might be dangerous or might delay them. While Ryah had an amazing nose and often added to their rations with a little hunting.

     All week long the party had been riding through open plains and farm land and so far had been quiet and restful. Especially after the fiasco when they had stopped at a the small town of Dirba. The main reason for their stop had been to supplement their supplies since many things, especially foodstuffs were cheaper outside of the capitol. That stop had caused a bit of a stir and they had needed to leave in a bit of a rush. And while they had gotten most of their supplies first, it was still time to do a bit of a restock. The town up ahead would be the perfect place to do so. Even with Ryah adding extra meat to their meals they still needed more grain for the mounts as well as a few other things.

      That was when Devshi saw Nahla completely stop at the bridge. At first she didn't know why the tall Oristani shaman had stopped. And the completely confused look on Nahla's face when she turned to look at her was odd. Generally speaking as far as Devshi could tell the only look that Nahla wore was a stoic dour look that gave no idea of her thoughts. The only time Devshi could remember Nahla having a different look was when she had accidentally kicked Irene in the face breaking her nose. Otherwise, Nahla had worn the same distant look at all times. So seeing the look of total confusion on Nahla's face was in and of itself confusing.

   "Why is everyone covered with colors? They all seem to be covered in paint or something. Many of them seem to be throwing colored powder or something onto others and everyone is dressed so oddly." Nahla asked in a confused and slightly disturbed voice.

    When Devshi heard Nahla's question she started to laugh and clapped her hands together causing her mount to jig in place a tiny bit. "It's the Basta festival! I had totally forgotten that Basta was about to start." Devshi cried laughing out loud.

    Now everyone except Bisha had a confused look on their face so Devshi decided to explain what was happening to all of them. So Devshi reined her mount over to the side of the road they were on. After all, even someone who had never left Alkadharam had heard about trail manners. When you were going to be stopped for more than a minute or two, you made sure that you weren't blocking the road by moving over to the side. That way any traffic behind you wouldn't be impeded in their travels just because you had decided to stop.

     Since it was almost lunch time Devshi figured they could eat while she described what Basta was to the rest of the group. It wasn't likely that anyone would be working at the inn today. Everyone would be saving room for the huge feast that would be served to the whole town once the sun had set. No one would go hungry tonight, especially not visitors. But it might be better if they fed themselves before they crossed the bridge.

    At Devshi's suggestion the whole party set up for lunch on the side of the road. Once they were all settled Devshi started to explain to everyone about the Basta celebration. Well everyone but Bisha, who already knew all about it, having lived in Kishnagar for a couple of years now.

    "Basta is the spring celebration. We cover ourselves and each other in the colorful powders to emulate the flowers of spring that bloom in such beautiful colors," Devshi looked around at all of them, making sure she had their attention. "We also switch clothing during Basta. The boys wear girls clothes and girls wear boys clothes. Everyone eats a really big breakfast. We won't eat anything else until the feast after dark that everyone joins in on."

    Devshi looked at everyone's face. Everyone had expressions ranging from amused to delight. Only Bisha seemed complete unmoved by her description. In fact Bisha seemed to be a bit annoyed by learning that the Basta celebration was going on. Devshi thought briefly about asking him about it but decided not to. If Bisha wanted to tell her why he didn't care then he would, otherwise it was none of her business.  Along with her description of the celebration Devshi also informed the party that if they didn't wish to join in they could go directly to the inn, someone would be keeping an eye on things there. It was common for parents and/or older siblings to use the local inn to keep an eye on those too young to actually join in. And at least one member of the inn staff would also be there. Then Devshi asked if any of them wished to join in, fully expecting Nahla to join Bisha in going directly to the inn and staying there.

    "I will join in," Nahla said, much to Devshi's surprise. "It looks like fun," Nahla followed with a shy smile.

     What followed astonished everyone but most especially Devshi. Nahla changed out of her somber black shamans robes and into the most colorful outfit that Devshi had ever seen. To Devshi's eyes Nahla looked like she had been dipped into a rainbow vat of color with no two colors matching. She had a multi-colored open robe that covered her upper arms but left the chest bare. An equally colored pair of loose trews that tucked into the pointy toed mid-calf boots that Nahla always wore. Around Nahla's waist were multiple brightly colored sashes. The boots were the only piece of clothing that she wore that wasn't multi-colored. Somehow the whole outfit managed to simultaneously clash and match. A feat that Devshi had no way of understanding. All she could say was that Nahla looked amazing and more than ready for the party. Everyone except for Bisha joined the celebration once they had all checked in.

     From then on Devshi was treated to a sight she had never expected to see, Nahla running around like a kid at their first party. She was joining in and having a blast. Devshi hadn't known that the usually sever looking Oristani could even smile much less laughing and clapping her hands in joy like a small child. All day long all Devshi only caught glimpses of Nahla having the time of her life. Devshi was completely astonished. By the time night came Devshi finally caught up with Nahla during the feast. She had never seen her look so happy. Even Ryah her Ashfan hound was covered in colored powder and seemed to be smiling. It was such a change that Devshi was lost for an explanation. But decided that she wasn't going to ask any questions and just go with the flow. After all that was what the celebration was all about after all. Tomorrow would be soon enough to get any questions answered. With that thought Devshi went back to also enjoying one of her favorite celebrations.  

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