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Looking back at how far we've come, do we ever truly realize how much we've altered the course of destiny? Or was this destiny's plan, to begin with? Either way, there's no denying the past. Everyone's actions—mine, the Dragonguard's, and Vexx's—have been woven into the blanket of time. A formattable foe or a misunderstood adversary, I cannot say. All I know is that we've all lost those we cherish, but we also continue to make new ones as we move on. We protect those we can until we can no longer, and we trust that they have grown to protect themselves and their loved ones. All I know is I've done what I'm able to, but damn these prosthetics, I wish I could do more. There's still so much left, and yet I lay here helplessly looking upon the faces of those I've loved for so long. If only destiny wasn't such a bitch.

Mostly private currently because it's still a work in progress!

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