Grandmaster Ellianette
Ellianette Von Clyve

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Journal Entry: 247/001 - August 12, 1296AS

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❝ Journal Entry: 247/001 - August 12, 1296AS 


Subject: Dr. Asimov Samford, regarding my latest addition to the research I am conducting on my late mentor, Crowley. 


Though it has been almost six decades since Crowley had disappeared and left the other Saints wondering just where she had gone, I have had no rest from diving into her research notes and continually discovering new things that otherwise would never see the light of day.  


They have yet to find a replacement for Crowley, however, Sir Elias Rosenrot has been kind enough to help take over her role and aid with sorting through the literal mountains of books she had left behind in her study. It unsettles me a little, she was such a neat person, so to find her library a mess was a cause for concern for us. Yet, it has been 57 years now and even in my old age, I have yet to discover what caused her to vanish suddenly.  


My great nephew Argus has recently become a professor and has the idea of taking over my little study and turning it into some kind of Research and Development division for the church. I am unsure how to feel about this, as until recently, the Archives has only served as a place where those studying at ERA can come and log their theories. It's merely a branch of the Imperial Library and nothing more.  


But Elias seems to think of it as a good opportunity to expand, and it may be my old age, but I think he may be right. Though I do envy him, being almost two millennia old and not looking a day over thirty. Those Saints are indeed something else, but I could never compete despite reaching the ripe age of 99. But enough frivolities, I digress on the topic at hand. 


Madam Crowley was infatuated with the dark arts, much like Elias, who was often seen as her rival, and though he was good at making Grimoires, he could never quite get the hang of the Abyss as she did. But again, I am trailing off on my thoughts here. I write this journal here in light of a recent discovery I have made when cleaning up my old study. A small box, no more significant than the palm of my hand and made out of a beautiful stained oak. It is old, possibly older than myself. But it's not something I am familiar with. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that it contained a rather peculiar specimen. I can't quite describe what it is or whether it is organic - But it is foreign.  


Along with it, a note. It is most definitely in Crowley's writing as she always had a specific hand which she used in her works. The note speaks of an old tale, and I hadn't much chance to read it as the parchment disintegrated before I could do so, only deepening my speculation on its age. I could not make out much, as it was written in foreign tongue, just as Crowley often did to encrypt her works - But something stuck with me, a phrase that I can't help but think I have heard before.  


❛ Ty Quii Com'th ❜ 


It's odd, but it feels somewhat familiar to me. I've since not stopped diving into old journals and whatnot to find any references for it, though I have turned up naught. 


I will update as I find out more about this; it is very curious indeed.  



Dr. Asimov Samford - Head Magicks Archivist of the Imperial Library, Candria ❞ 

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