Grandmaster Mekachu04
Mekachu ZeroFour

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Act 1 - Lies ACT 1 Part Two WIP

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ACT 1 Part Two WIP

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Ska and Compo were the most skilled at slipping though the other pack territories to the Night Market to pawn off each treasure, earning them a fair amount of coin and any shortfalls were pilfered and raided easily enough to keep the pack living comfortably, even in squalor. Their nest was never lacking for indulgences, even if it did mean six different omegas having to bicker over how things should be arranged and smell and the weeks leading up to heats where a contestant passive aggressive fight on the arrangements.
Usually the whole pack would sleep there, but as internal clocks clicked down, Killer would be the first to find himself unwanted - leaving a stink to everywhere he settled - and then Kidd next, whose pup smell just negated anything they set up. Ska and Hop where kicked next - their noses not as refined, and there for 'unhelpful'. The four would watch from Kidd's pup den by his workshop, or from Killer's den in the lighthouse tower, until the Heat started to ramp up, and the betas
The number of omegas in their pack overrode any hunger for an alpha, the ferociously and desperation of heats reduced to lazy orgies, and having a pup around kept heats short and mellow. Even if he wasn't /their/ pup, his child scent was so strong in their collective nest, having him there dulled the desire to breed into non-existence, leading to a lot of snuggling of omega and older beta alike. And when he eventually got bored of basking in their adoration, and wandered off, there were plenty of others to help scratch the itch.
Twice a year, at the height of fall and spring, pack Eustass hunkered down at its most vulnerable. Ska and Hop on the inside, keeping them safe and fed, hydrated and tended to. Killer, and Kidd by the last few days, on the outside, body or two of trespassers caught sniffing around piled for disposal once the week was said and done.

paroled the nest each time, taking the safety of their crew far more seriously than most of their age should, but that's why he was leader after all.
he'd be overtly tactile with them as they wandered out
scenting and rubbing cheeks before either UK or Bubblegum would roll their eyes and - being the most tactile of the group - would haul their tiny teenage boss up and aggressively rub their heads together, leaving Killer's already messy greasy hair up in an absurd cowlick
UK didn't seem to mind if he ended up wearing Killer's sour smell for a few hours, and Bubblegum as a bonded omega already had a warp scent of the world and was very vocal in arguing Killer had a lovely mint smell to him that was most likely just bubblegum's own alpha he was smelling as some weird scent projecting
kidd would take their rubbing much more gracefully, short red hair already spiked up from a lifetime of treatment of Killer doing much the same on a daily basis
even letting Ska prop him up in what might of been a hug, studying the young man's face and frowning at whatever he found there. The two had the most uneasy relationship, Ska still forever regarded with a protective suspicious air when it came to Kidd


They thrived on the coast in a way very few pack before them did, easily driving away interlopers and other upstart packs from the north. Sea protected them from the south and the west, leaving only the outer city to the east as a threat. But the land was narrow and Pack Punk was ruthless, and a turf war between them was going to happen long before Hearth let some outsider trespass for a shot at his rivals.
Even their rivalry was toned down as of late. Last winter, Hearth and Wire themselves had walked right up to the lighthouse, wanting to negotiate a cease-fire. Something had the other pack leaders on edge, and while neither seemed keen on sharing anytime soon, something in Hearth's demeanor had Killer's full attention.
When asked later, Killer would shrugged and just said, he smells like he needs help. It was said so nonchalantly, that UK had placed a hand on his forehead, checking for fever, and only slightly meaning the gesture as a jest. Killer had scowled, but leaned into the touch regardless, even giving him a sarcastic irritated growl and head butt when UK grinned and pulled his hand away.

Killer'd been picking more fights with the local Alphas,
The first hint should have been the angry muttering of the alpha's that Killer ran off; they seemed to be even more put off by Killer's smell than any of the omegas. At first it seemed nobody liked his smell - but there was something else - something they should have noticed.
Pup's did. Pup's besides Kidd. Pup's from other packs. They would crowd him in town. They would follow him around until Kidd eventually ran them off. He was the pied piper of children, a duckling line of them following him everywhere though the markets.
Distressed omegas too. His crew was more than aware that he was good at finding them, but they'd forgotten how good he'd smelled to them too in the beginning; His angry prepubescent growling almost soothing, a deep chest rumble that chased away nightmares in the late evening hours. Only Bubblegum seemed to remember; he still swore up and down that the rest of them where crazy - Killer smelt divine. He'd rub himself all over Killer to prove his point, just making the sour smell worse for the rest of them.
They'd dismissed him - his prior bonding must have messed with his nose.
Tea tree and mint, Bubblegum had called it. Burning rubber and rotting leaves was more like it.


Kidd had turned fourteen over the summer, Killer was 18 now, and bets had started to be made on when and if their pup would end up presenting. Quincy also had a betting pool going on how long it would take Killer to have his first rut - her having long started to suspected the smell of pup having effected him just as much as the rest of them. After all, the two of them had been sleeping in a pile together longer than the rest of them had been part of their gang. She was sure Killer was all pent up and grumbly and sour smelling because he'd been cockblocked since puberty.
She was closer than anyone had realized, yet so, so wrong.

{day 3 of eustass pack heat}
kidd feels itchy and leaves to go find killer
  • this is both the normal time he leaves and the normal place he goes
    • but the itch is new
      • the tower smells weird
        • he feels warm and lightheaded
          • he wants killer, feeling far more clingy that usual
            • it just... itches... so .. bad.
              • its hard to focus. its hard to think
                • he needs killer to fix it

While an understandable part of their truce, Hearth loathed Pack Eustass' heats. He didn't like having his people leaving to go watch over some other pack's omegas. He didn't like having Wire leaving him alone for a whole week. But it was something he had agreed to, something that benefited him far more then he was planning on letting the younger pack know.

Killer had been one of the biggest threat to his pack for years now, and as soon as Hearth had realized he was pregnant last year, he knew something had change before he was far enough along that someone noticed. He just really had not expected the maniac to agree so easily; Hearth had essentially stormed his rival's strong hold and demanded a cease-fire, and instead of an all out war, Killer had shrugged and asked for terms.

The betas from both packs got to come and go and needed. Pack Punk's betas would help patrol both territories during heats, and Killer was to leave them alone and unaccosted. Pack Eustass would lend its own betas to help patrol Pack Punk's territory in turn, along with Killer & Kidd being extra vigilant about interlopers coming in from the north. Kidd had offered to come sit with Pack Puck - apparently a lucky charm that keep the frenzy down during heats, but Hearth didn't want any outsiders to catch on, and had shut that down immediately. He actually felt bad, pretty sure he'd managed hurt the kid's feelings for fucks sake.

No, Kidd, Pack Eustass' omegas, and Killer specifically, were to stay far the fuck away from Pack Punk's omega nest; and more importantly, stayed far away from Hearth's undisclosed solitary nest. This was Hearth's 3rd attempted pregnancy, and he was extremely paranoid, kicking his own omegas out by the end of his second trimester. Besides, he was was tired of them bitching about the pregnancy smell and the hormonal mood-swings. Even if he and Wire considered themselves bonded, biology didn't, and pregnant unbonded omega apparently turned him into a monster.

And in January, he had a delicate little perfect baby and even his own pack said he'd gone feral over his pup, driving everyone but Wire away. He'd gotten... better... after a few months, but he was still very unhappy with Wire leaving to go tend to some other packs omegas, even if he knew he was sulking and being petty.

Wire was gone two days by now. Moai & Disc J were just returning from being replaced by Jaguar & Emma, Hearth's omegas doing two days on pairs while Wire oversaw them all. In turn, Ska and Hip watched Pack Punks boarders when his omegas went into heat so Wire could dote in Hearth and the Pup. Once she was a little bigger, Hearth might, maybe, considered returning to the omega nest and see if they could replicate Pack Eustass' trick with pup Kidd.

Hearth made a point to bundle Dive up and wait with her in the main nest to greet the duo and get them back to smelling like his pack, not Eustass'

They were already playfully grumbling at him about it when they came in, beta noses too week to pick up on the worse of his nursing scent but still knowing it was still off even after Dive's birth. It would stick around until she was done suckling, just one more layer of defense given to a technically unbonded omega to keep unwanted distractions and bothersome alphas away. Regardless, they dutifully waited for him, heads bowed, and hearth was already pressed up against Moai, purring at the pressure on the gland behind of his ear was scratched against Moai's head and he...

He paused, sniffing at Moai, before turning abruptly to sniff at Disc J. The two looked back at him in confusion. "Boss?"

There was an under current of orange and clove he didn't know. It was weak, but bright.

"Did you meet anyone on the way back?"

Two shakes of negative; Hearth tightening his hold of Dive. He should tell them, send them back to Wire. But Wire was a beta - he might not be able to smell this yet. Hearth sniffed Disc J again. Bright, a touch of spicy.

Alpha in rut.

He hurriedly handed Dive to the beta, and took off in a run.


It got much stronger as he approached the lighthouse, until he stood panting in the door way of the main building. Emma stood nervously at his side, having followed him to the building when he'd run past, Jaguar remain at his post.

Orange and clove mixed with tea-tree and mint soft in the air. and blood. A lot of blood.

"Get Wire" he told her, sending her off to the stairwell to the second floor. He wasn't going to fit though Kidd's crawlspace to the lighthouse, but there was no doubt at all that that was where the smell was coming from. Instead, he left the main building, going around the side to the access doors. Wire met him shortly after, noting immediately his tense posture and started to look around for what had sent him off.


"Boss Killer?"

Wire shook his head, he didn't know for sure were the boy went to sulk, his part of the deal started and ended at the omega nest he'd just left. Hearth didn't need to look around - he just followed the smell.

<><><>V still awkward V<><><>

While at some point 'nesting' had just grown into one big piles they all shared, Killer had his own little den he used sometimes, tucked up against the collapsed-in tower of the lighthouse. No one else was allowed up there, and Killer had never seemed to be happy with it - a constant cycle of building and demolishing, before sleeping in the pile or omegas and betas anyway after a few days of sulking of by himself.

That's where the smell was coming from. The blood was thick enough even Wire could smell it, a visible wince on his face and a quickening of steps. The air was twinged with distress. Panic. Fear. Hearth stormed the stone steps up to the precariously placed den, ready to face down a mindless alpha. He'd come to... well, not like, but begrudgingly tolerate Killer as of late, but he knew this was going to happen! He'd warned them, he'd-

He stopped short. Tea tree mint and distress. Tea and mint and fear.

It was like getting hit in the face with a bat, a second scent he didn't know thick enough to taste.

Orange clove and panic. Orange clove and alpha. In rut. or... Coming out of rut.

Wire was coming up behind him, Hearth taking the last few steps to see up into the den.

An alpha in rut. A distressed omega.

Tea tree and pain and mint clashing with orange and help help help

Hearth looked at Kidd in horror, the two still tied together by his knot, both bloody and bitten to hell in back. Killer catatonic under him. Kidd tried to pull away again, crying and looking at Hearth in panic, looking like he'd only just started to come back to himself.

"hey hey hey," Hearth motioned for Kidd to sop, to stay still, "easy boss."

"I'm not... I'm not," Kidd shook his head frantically in denial, looking back down at Killer, "i dont.. i didn't mean too...."

Kidd being an alpha hadn't been on any ones cards. They should have known better.

"Stay calm," Hearth tried to assure him, Wire pausing on the steps, waiting for Hearth's instruction. The space was small, the ceiling low, and Wire wasn't going to fit comfortably any closer.

Kidd stopped trying to pull away from Killer, Hearth encroaching enough in that he instead pulled Killer against him, growling at Hearth and Wire. The scared boy was gone, angry and defensive Alpha in his place, warning outsiders away form his den. His Mate. The both of them were littered in bite marks, aggressive ones meant to hurt, along both of their arms. Kidd's arm was nearly shredded, and there was a collection of gruesome bleeding bites against his throat.

Those were not bonding marks - but a killing attempt.


His hair was so ripped and torn and matted with blood that it no longer hung down his back. His neck was decorated with bites too. Including a gory one over the punctured scent gland that adorned every omega's neck.

How'd they fumble this one so badly, Hearth wondered.
<><>V explain better V <><>

There was no way for Kidd to be Killer's actual pup - but some where along the way, Killer's biology outright dismissed that fact. Killer had presented years ago - likely long before their pack had formed. He smelled like a omega with pups. He smelt like a nursing mother. An ugly sour smell that made alphas' stomach turn because he had a pup already. He been unbonded, so he didn't smell like any alpha, just a horrible off putting odor that drove would be suitors away. They all used Kidd's presence as a cheat code for lighter heats - Killer living at ground zero had likely had a stronger effect on him.

Killer who never participated in their shared heats... who built not dens, but nests he hated and Hearth realized that worse... Killer had been having heats this whole time. Alone.

Who may not have understood what was happening to him this entire time... hiding from their incorrect teasing of his alpha status.

All while the rest of them went about ignoring the Kidd and failing to prepare him for this...

Had Killer know Kidd was an alpha? Had he invited Kidd into his nest? Or had he been hiding once again, and Kidd had trespassed..

Did Kidd understand what was happening?

Hearth waved his hands placatingly once again, "Calm, Boss. Stay Calm."

Kidd's young eyes were wide, he reeked of panic, clutching Killer to him. Killer smelling of fear.

And blood.

"Wire," Hearth said low, speaking back to his partner without taking his eyes off Kidd, "get me a first aid kit. And don't let anyone else nearby for a little bit."

Kidd didn't exactly calm down when Wire left, but he didn't tense up any further when Hearth inched closer. "Boss Kidd? Can I see Boss Killer? Please?"

Kidd shook his head no, trying to curl around Killer, too small and them still stuck together on his knot.

"He's bleeding - can I please see?"

Kidd didn't snarl or hiss at him, and Hearth inched another step closer.

"Hearth ..." Kidd was looking at him, eye contact and all. He whispered "i don't know what happened.."

it was every omega's nightmare - an alpha with no control over themselves. Hearth hadn't given much thought into what that was like for an alpha. A newly presented alpha. Damn.

Hearth had eased himself next to the pair, cautiously reaching out to check on Killer. He was lax in Kidd's hold, awake but unaware. He was also clammy and cold, and Hearth pulled at the blankets under them, "Get up, I need these, we need to wrap him up..."

It's awkward but soon they've got Kidd sitting back, Killer cuddled in his lap, blankets tucked around them both. Kidd has stopped being standoffish with Hearth, the smell of him stricken with grief and sorrow as he buried his face in the crux of Killer's neck. Hearth tried not to look at the ragged teeth puncture wounds under his forehead, focusing instead on the still bleeding bites on his arms.

Wire slide a first aid bag next to him but otherwise kept them from being interrupted. Kidd was crying, huddled behind Killer, who seemed to start to be coming around finally.

Tea tree and mint. Fuck. Bubblegum had called it. Hearth dug though the bag, pulling out ointment and wrappings, swallowing down the lump in his own throat at the confused look on his rival's face. "Boss Killer?"

Kidd looked up abruptly, a glare from Hearth keeping him for speaking up. Killer blinked slowly at Hearth, before his gaze drifted down the his bare arm in Hearth's hand, wrapped in a layer of bandages. He looked at his other arm, bitten up and bleeding, and then down at Kidd's arms still wrapped around his middle.

"Boss Hearth?" Killer whimpered, and the man offered a sympathetic smile, gently taking his still injured arm, and starting to clean it next, "What.. what happened?"

Killer tried to sit up, but Kidd tightened his hold with a whimper and Killer looked down at his lap in growing horror. He fought with the blanket, and Hearth who was trying to get him not to look, until he had uncovered his naked lap - and witnessed for himself Kidd's knot still locking them together.

Kidd was whining out a steam of apologies as he clung to Killer and Hearth tried to keep the omega calm, pulling the blankets back up and around him.

"Bo..." Hearth paused, 'Killer-kun,' he tried instead, voice soft and low pitched, and Killer looked up at him, terrified blue eyes burned into Hearth's memory for years to come. "you /will/ be okay, do you hear me?"

By the time Hearth had finished cleaning and bandaging Killer, Kidd's knot had finally softened enough for them to be separated. bubblegum and papas had been called from their own heat pile - bubblegum's heat always shorter than average and he was just vibing with the other ogemas anyway and papas refusing to staw away once he caught scent of distress omega in tandum with Killer's name - and they waited outside to bundle killer up in more blankets and shuffle him off, leaving Hearth in the bloody den with Kidd.

Killer had done a good number on him, his arms just as ripped up as Killer's, and his throat torn and bleeding - he was lucky Killer had only been trying to stop him and not outright kill him.

The boy was quiet as Wire cleaned him up next, voice a whisper, "I hurt him."

"You did," Wire had never had a problem with the kid before - the pup was a wild handful sure, but what pup wasn't? But he wasn't a pup anymore, was he.

"I ... I bit him."

"You did," Wire said again. if Killer wasn't in heat the bond probably wouldn't stick - put it was still the fact that Kidd had tried.

it was Ska who came in to deal with Kidd after Wire had finished bandaging the boy; Kidd wasn't Hearth's pack after all. Hearth didn't owe either of the pair a thing, but he also couldn't just walk away.

they were both miserable, their pack declaring them to be separated until they could confirm weither the bond had taken or not - to stretch it thin and hope it was enough to sever tying them together even more

Kidd was 14 - he was too young to be bonding anyway, and Killer didn't need to be trapped in a pseudo-incestuous relationship without getting a say in the matter first.

it was the first time they'd ever had to deny the kid anything, and that should have been a clue too.

Kidd - coming down off his first rut, no amount of scrubbing able to wash the smell of omega blood from him - crying and demanding Killer be brought back. They didn't even know for sure if it was an alpha thing or the fact the two had never been forcibly separated before.

Where the was one there was always the other

"he needs me!" Kidd had demanded, trying to fight his way free. Wire and Ska agreed to stand guard together, Wire's beta's staying focused on the omegas still in heat in the main building.

"does he, or do you need him?"

"of course, i need him you idiots!" he's snarled, "but it's not about what i need!"

Ska took pity on him, "you gotta give him some room, Kidd. he's gotta clear his head. you messed up-"

"I KNOW THAT!' Kidd nearly snapped at him, "but I'll do better. see! see! i can fix it."

neither wire no Ska did see, but hop, who been with hip amongst wire's beta, looked up sharply, pushing her way though with a look of confusion tinged with horror. "Pup?"

"I can fix it!" Kidd insisted, turning to her, "I can go back! I can fix it! I slipped up, but it wont happen again!"

Ska looked at hop for explanation.

"His smells... gone. He smells like a pup again. Not an alpha, or even a beta."

"I know what that itch means now, I wont do it again" Kidd swore, eyes impassioned like will alone could keep puberty at bay.

"that.. that's not that this works. you can't just stop having ruts... we can get you some suppressants, that will help"

"I don't care. I won't be an Alpha then. I'll fix it, I was wrong. I didn't understand." he rambled, pleading, Wire didn't like the conviction in his words, like this child could speak them into reality, "I wont be his Alpha. I'll be an omega like him. Hell. I'll stay pup if that what he needs me to be."

Hop scented the air in daze, the once bright orange clove of his smell coming back with his rant with a dull almost neutral beta scent, all emotion gone, before flaring sharply with an earthy omega undertone before he changed his mind and it went back to pup.

"I'm whatever he needs me to be. I'll always be whatever he needs me to be!"

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