
Table of Contents

Ch1: Empty Pages

In the world of The Veil of Stars

Visit The Veil of Stars

Ongoing 1998 Words

Ch1: Empty Pages

479 0 0


Aurelie clutched her satchel close to her chest, covering it as best she could to avoid the contents getting wet. She sprinted through the alleyways, avoiding the warmly lit street lamps as she made her way closer to the university library. Behind her, heavy footfalls lay chase moving faster than when the endeavor started. 

Looking back every so often to see if the palace guards had placed Aurelie in their sights. Thankful, they hadn’t tracked as well as she assumed. However, they were all around her from the sounds of it, with several trailing behind. She stumbled on the uneven cobble, lurching forward as she traversed the darkened alleys. She caught herself rounding a corner, having made an abrupt stop and ducking back into the shadows. 

Soldiers rushed past, shouting orders amongst the splashing of shallow puddles. The soldiers behind her must have taken a wrong turn, or they were recalled back to the main streets. Regardless, she had a chance to catch her breath and regain composure before she continued this endless chase.

Aurelie set her back to the stone wall covering her from the guards, sliding down to where her knees were at her chest. She sighed, pressing her head back, then looked down at the now-soaked brown leather bag emanating a soft changing light. What are you?



A stack of books rested in the middle of a large wood table, creating a narrow barricade warding off fellow students. However, with how big of an area Aurelie was taking up, Most passers-by flashed warry looks as they flinched away from the chaos. Multiple dully colored, bound texts were propped open in different fashions, some with spines down, others up, and some standing straight up on the table, rocking slightly when Aurelie scribbled notes onto the disheveled parchment scattered across the table’s surface. 

Aurelie had her nose stuck deep into a blue leather bound book: Gifts of Ancastor: The Creation of the Gods. The myths about the realm had always been fascinating to her. The history of its development and the importance of Avrasill were captivating all on its own, but Aurelie had always sought the strangest subjects in historical context. It was the reason she chose to study the records of Ancastor, going as far as attending the university set just several blocks from the palace. Before Aurelie could only dream of visiting the Palace archives, but now they’re within reach and the university held limited exclusive access sessions for upper classmen. The unread documents and artifacts hidden by the towering gray-white walls of the palace were so intriguing. There had to have been a reason why what was said to have been in the archives has never been released to the public.

Rumors of the archival contents came in a variety. Notable Ancastoral historians stated there are endless texts dating back to before the founding of the kingdom, including written forms of dead languages and weaponry. Activist group members proclaim an extensive list of the tyranny and crimes committed by the royal family. Conspiracy theorists and select members of the student body believe the archives hold god-craft weapons or an ancient amulet gifted to the first king by the goddess Salaara. 

Aurelie could only scoff at the last one. God-craft weapons were an impossibility. Even if they had existed at one point, why trust a human with such power? The corruption humans are avidly consumed by has never been unfamiliar in historical texts. Most of which reside within the library walls, no doubt. However, the curiosity of god crafts never eluded Aurelie’s mind. If such things did exist, the types of powers they granted or even the makeup of these objects would be a spectacle to interact with. Though, only under great care and supervision should they be handled.

She flipped the page, to a new title page: The New Legends: Gift of the Divine. An odd title for a mythology book. The old legends discussed the creation of the six ruling gods and goddesses, along with speculated stories about their existence. Followed by subsections about the different prayer and worship styles practiced across the realm, though ultimately the same when analytically compared. Calling a chapter ‘new legends’ either proposed the idea of recent god and demi-god encounters or contemporary interpretations of the original myths.

A book slammed on the table next to Aurelie. With a squeak, the book Aurelie was holding was cast high into the air and she fumbled out of her seat. A soft feminine laugh erupted as the book landed gingerly across the room, followed by a harsh hush from the other partitions in the surrounding area. Aurelie looked up, before her was a taller-than-average girl of a darker complexion than most citizens of Avrasill. Thick blueish black hair framed face with long rippling waves. Though it was spring, the girl’s attire completed her warm chestnut eyes wondrously beaming at her echoing the cheerful laugh from the owner. A deep blue and multi-shaded brown plaid circle skirt, paired with a white button-up with a frilled collar, beige bow, and long sleeves. Beneath the skirt were white, flower embroidered tights and scuffed brown winter boots. 

“Honestly Marine, you could simply greet me with a hello, instead of startling me and casting whatever parcel I carry across the room.” Aurelie sneered, trying to carry a friendly attitude towards Marine. 

Aurelie was happy to see her companion regardless of the mischief that always followed suit. Marine offered a hand to her friend.

“I did try to get your attention, Ari. How you’ve managed to ignore my greetings and bustling around you is beyond me.” Marine said. 

Aurelie took it gratefully, smoothing down her skirt and straightening her blouse. Marine had moved to pick up the book that was now sprawled in the middle of the walkway. Flipping through the pages, examining the contents in doing so.

“What are you reading something like this for?” Marine asked.

She handed the book to Aurelie. Aurelie shrugged, marking the chapter she had ended on.

“It was a new title. One of the librarians handed it to me on my way in.” Aurelie said.

“It must be very new since the second half is filled with blank pages. Did they say it was a manuscript?”

Aurelie cocked her head to the side in questioning and quickly flipped to the latter half of the book.

 “No, they didn’t tell me anything other than it had recently come in.” Aurelie said.

The book's second half was blank, roughly five pages after the beginning of the New Legends title page. There was no trace of ink or warding seal. The parchment was without tar. Even the binding showed no sign of tampering or rebinding. Aurelie furrowed her brow as she examined the book. The chapter just ends mid-sentence. She snapped the book shut and waved for her friend to follow.

“Let’s ask one of the librarians. Maybe they’ll know something more about this.” Aurelie stated.

As they stepped off, the sound of bells boomed through the library. Aurelie sighed, lowering her head and moved back to her study area to collect her belongings.

“We’ll have to ask them tomorrow.” Marine said with a shrug. 

Gather the closed books on the table and set them in the empty cart nearby. Returning and gathering the rest of her belongings, carelessly shuffling papers into her bag before hoisting it up onto her shoulder. 

“Tomorrow marks the beginning of the festivals. It’ll have to wait till next week sadly.” Aurelie corrected with a frown.

The pair set off towards the lobby. Waving to the librarians at the desk as they made their way into the campus courtyard. The area was bursting with life; students occupied the open grassy area casting spells, practicing instruments or playing games. Colorful woven blankets were spread out beneath blooming sable trees, adding a sparkling rainbow reflection to the surrounding area. Several students had climbed up into the trees, dropping tethered lanterns from the branches and tossing brightly colored streams between the trees, filling in the canopy. 

“I just adore this time of year. The university has always put on the most wonderful Locsong festival.” Marine cooed.

Her eyes wandered between the bustling activities. Aurelie had to grab Marine’s shoulder and pull her down to avoid a rogue tree streamer roll. They looked back at the group of freshmen laughing and incident, but with an eye roll the pair continued on their way. Keeping a close eye on decorators situated in the trees.

Aurelie didn’t add to Marine’s thought. Locsong was new to her. Despite her family's reputation and upbringing, Aurelie’s family never was able to observe Locsong in Oberin. The city was a border country, nestled in the great farming valley in the north east between Ancastor and Faelin. During the spring months the Wren family was called into Faelin to aid in the overseeing of commerce and tax agreements the council arranged each year. Though the meetings took up only a few weeks, staying in the capital, Lyalinth for several months allowed Marquee Wren to establish himself as the mediator and understand what the citizens needed. 

There had been a few years when the Wren’s had returned on the tail end of Locsong. However, from her childhood memories, Avrasill’s approach to the festival was extremely different. Or perhaps that lantern and streamer hanging was just a university thing and the students enjoyed having free reign over the campus.

Aurelie observed the courtyard’s happenings. It seemed everyone was preparing something for the festival, though how it played into the celebration was unclear. She didn’t expect the gods would be pleased to watch the magically gifted toss around spells or a bundle of students playing with miscellaneous floating objects — What sort of game was that? Aurelie nicked her brow as she watched several people toss, kick, and bump a sparkling object.

“They’re playing Ovunta. It's usually only played by magic users, but everyone can do it. If you know a wielder of course.” Marine said. 

They watched one of the players jump out of the way from a very reckless shot. They returned the favor to their friend in kind but with more accuracy.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” Aurelie trailed.

“Not at all, unless someone is sending an attack move as we just witnessed. It’s a bit complicated to explain with such a small group.” Marine said. 

Aurelie waited for a further explanation of the game's mechanics, but from the empty look Marine was giving her, it seemed that Aurelie would have to study up on the matter at some later time.

“Oh, that’s right! This is your first time at Locsong. This is going to be so exciting! You weren’t planning on traveling home were you?” Marine beamed.  

“No, my family wouldn't be able to receive me as they’re currently in Faelin for the annual conference,” Aurelie stated.

“Perfect!” Marine screeched, bursting with energy.

Aurelie sent her a wary look in response.

“Not your family's preoccupation. I mean, you not going home. We’re going to have a blast!” 

“I’m sure we will.” Aurelie chuckled.

Marine grabbed her hand and the two made their way to the dorms. Marine talked about everything that happened during the festival, all the events they would do together, the wonderful things they would see, and all of the special goods they could buy. Aurelie listened intently, though her mind was drifting back to her book's empty pages. There was something off-putting about it, but she couldn’t figure out what it could be. Just like Ovunta. One mystery after the other kept popping up this afternoon which seemed stranger than it should have been.



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Pronunciations (excl proper ipa spelling)
Aurelie ->  Or-a-lie
Marine -> məˈrēn
Avrasill -> Av-ra-sil
Ancastor -> An-cast-er
Salaara -> Sa-lar-a
Locsong -> Lock-song
Oberin -> Ob-rin
Faelin -> Fay-lin
Lyalinth -> Lie-a-lin-th
Ovunta -> O-vun-ta

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