
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Locusts at the Gate Chapter 2: A New Name Chapter 3: The Capital Prepares Chapter 4: The Princess is Dead, Long Live the Princess Chapter 5: Outside the Gates Chapter 6: Inside the Black Tent Chapter 7: Surrender at the Temple Chapter 8: The Cult of the Locust Chapter 9: The Locust's Tenets of Faith Chapter 10: Mourners on the Cliff Chapter 11: The Eye of Betrayal Chapter 12: The Dead King's Bedchamber Chapter 13: The Arms of the Goddess Chapter 14: Zayaan of the Narim Chapter 15: The Eyes of the Priestess Chapter 16: A More Permanent Disguise Chapter 17: Tribute Chapter 18: Sacrifice of the New Moon Chapter 19: The Lost Bird Chapter 20: Manah and the Priestess Chapter 21: Desert Creatures Chapter 22: Become the Swarm Chapter 23 The Price of Betrayal Chapter 24: Life Under the Locust Chapter 25: Wild Rose Chapter 26: The Lady Wren Chapter 27: Thought and Desire Chapter 28: The Lady's Captivity Chapter 29: The Wine Maiden Chapter 30: End of Childhood Chapter 31: The Children of Aisha Chapter 32: The Forest Runner Chapter 33: Three Sisters Chapter 34: The Hunt Chapter 35: Bones in the Forest Chapter 36: Lullaby Chapter 37: The Hunter's Horn Chapter 38: Ways Between Ways Chapter 39: Morning Star Chapter 40: A Prophecy for Baraz Chapter 41: Equinox Fires Chapter 42: The Lord Prince Takri Chapter 43: Evening Star Sets Chapter 44: Chaos in the Courtyard Chapter 45: Dasha Chapter 46: Memories Chapter 47: The Body Slave Chapter 48: Caged Beasts Chapter 49: Message from the Capital Chapter 50: Heresiarch Chapter 51: The Color of Blood Chapter 52: Winter Winds Chapter 53: The Bookmaker's Closet Chapter 54: Wrapped in Dignity and Beauty Chapter 55: Vessel of the Goddess Chapter 56: Cracks in the Walls Chapter 57: Two Brothers Chapter 58: The Court of Women Chapter 59: Favored of the King Chapter 60: The Sweetest Fruit Chapter 61: Daughter of the Temple Chapter 62: A Nation of Bastards Chapter 63: The Lute Player Chapter 64: Aisha's Prayer Chapter 65: Promises Chapter 66: Lives Lost Chapter 67: The Tea Maker Chapter 68: Object of Desire Chapter 69: Empty Shelves Chapter 70: Darkness and Light Chapter 71: The Love of Men Chapter 72: The Cursed Ones Chapter 73: Hiding Places Chapter 74: Old Men's Tales Chapter 75: False Prophecies Chapter 76: The Lord Prince Radu Chapter 77: Love Becomes Life Chapter 78: Mistress and Mother Chapter 79: A Test of Strength Chapter 80: The Strigoi-Viu Cometh Chapter 81: Scraps from the Table Chapter 82: A Fool's Errand Chapter 83: The Little Ghost Chapter 84: Stolen Honeycakes Chapter 85: Breathe Chapter 86: Beneath the Palace Chapter 87: Red Pebbles Chapter 88: Common Men Chapter 89: Love and Duty Chapter 90: Nightmares Chapter 91: Earth and Sun Chapter 92: Love and Creation Chapter 93: Until My Last Breath Chapter 94: Fruit and Flower Chapter 95: Two Days Chapter 96: Small Comforts Chapter 97: Heroes Chapter 98: Fire, Water, and Wax Chapter 99: Beneath the Temple Chapter 100: The Way of Eagles Chapter 101: The Gallu Chapter 102: The Cast Off Chapter 103: The Empty Bed Chapter 104: If It Is Her Will Chapter 105: Hunger Chapter 106: The Strigoi-Viu's Gift Chapter 107: Pennyroyal Chapter 108: Forgiveness Chapter 109: Fragile Chapter 110: Another Lord Prince Chapter 111: Divine Intervention

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Chapter 107: Pennyroyal

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The classroom where Dasha sat facing the arched windows was as cold as the courtyard below it.  She had heard the calls for help below and the scramble of soldiers and priests, followed by the shouts of “MURDER!”  She felt the shudder of the temple gates thrown wide, and the clatter of horses’ hooves on the cobblestones below, one leaving and several returning.  She did not see the young Lord Prince carry his pale lover’s limp body stained in blood and vomit across the courtyard, but she did hear his fear echo in the hurried tempo of his boots racing to the women’s quarters.  

Lady, grant me the strength I need, for I have given all that I am in Your service.  I have emptied myself for You.  You took my children and my sight.  Yet still I pray, and I know not why. 

Her answer was the sound of soldiers’ footsteps mounting the stairs to her place of meditation.  

“Take her!”  

Gloved hands reached under her arms, forcing her to stand.  She could hear her Eyes behind the men trying to push her way through.  

“Mother!  Tell them!  Tell them you hurt no one!”  

“Quiet, girl!” yelled a soldier as the younger woman wrapped her arms around her mentor.  

“If you take her, you must take me as well,” said the Eyes. “How can you think a blind old woman could murder someone?” 

“It makes no difference if I lock up two rather than one,” said the soldier.  “All that matters is that the God-King has his vengeance.”  

“I would die for her.”  

“I am sure that can be arranged.  Take her as well,” said the soldier.  “There is room enough in the cells beneath the palace.”  

Takri burst through the doors of the women’s quarters with Nasreen still cradled in his arms.  Armed soldiers stood inside barring every exit, while the women cowered in the center of the room.  “We need help!  She is bleeding and it will not stop.”  

The Procuress ran across the room to his side and led him to the dining area close to the fire.  “Clear the tables, now!”  She felt Nasreen’s neck for a pulse as Takri laid her on the table.  “Bring me clean blankets and cloths, clean water.  Someone, fetch the herbs from the brothel.  Now!”  

Takri looked at the soldier who stood barring the door to the brothel.  “Do you know who I am?  Move, or I will kill you with my own hands.”  

The soldier stepped to the side, allowing a woman through to fetch the herbs.  

Aisha sat on her pallet, rocking back and forth trying to catch her breath.  First the soldiers.  Now Nasreen lay on the table where they had eaten almost every meal together, pale as death.  

“We need to elevate her feet,” said the Procuress.  “Lord Prince, roll these blankets and put them under her legs.”  As Takri followed her instructions, the Procuress ripped the stained robes from Nasreen’s body and tossed them in the fire.  

“Aisha!” called the Procuress.  “Your friend needs your help.  Come here and I will show you what to do.”  Aisha ran to the Procuress’ side, thankful to be doing something, anything other than sitting helpless watching her friend die.  

“There’s warm water and cloths here,” said the Procuress.  “Wash her clean.  I must see if the blood is coming from anywhere else other than the womb.”  She looked pointedly at Takri.  “What happened?  Was this at your hand?”  

“She was with the high priest.”  Takri dropped his voice to a whisper.  “Mahleck says it is poison.  Something put into the food they both ate this night.”  

The Procuress took in a shuddering breath.  “The High Priest?  The soldiers told us there had been murder done this night.  I did not know it was him.”  

“He is alive,” said Takri.  “Will she live?”  

Aisha finished wiping the last of the blood from Nasreen’s legs, but the flow was not slowing.  

“If we can stop the bleeding.”  The Procuress began massaging Nasreen’s abdomen, pulling downward towards her pelvis and applying pressure.    

The woman returned from the brothel with a wooden chest which she opened to reveal several small jars and fabric pouches.  “Tell me what you need, Procuress.”  

The Procuress dropped her voice so that only those closest to her could hear.  “Is my pennyroyal still in the chest?”  

“No, Procuress,” answered the woman.  “Do you wish for me to check the stores again?”  

“That is not necessary.  Find Jul and bring her here,” whispered the Procuress.  “And do it quietly.”  

The woman nodded and went off to find the cook.  

“What is it?” asked Takri.  “Pennyroyal?  I will get whatever you need to care for her.”  

“Pennyroyal is an herb used to bring about loss of pregnancy,” said the Procuress.  “Did either of you know she was pregnant?”  

Takri balled his fists as tears rolled down his face.  “Yes.”  

The Procuress swore under her breath.  “Damn you.  And all men.  And whoever stole from me.  Who else knew?  Aisha?”  

“No one.  No one knew but us,” answered Aisha.  

The Procuress dug down again into Nasreen’s belly, cupping her hands around Nasreen’s womb and holding it tight against the young woman’s pelvis.  “You said the High Priest was also poisoned?  What were his symptoms?”  

“When we arrived, he was on the floor foaming at the mouth.  It took six men to hold him still.  I have never seen anything like it,” answered Takri.  

“I would not have expected a man to be effected in this manner,” said the Procuress.  “He has no womb for the herb to empty.  It should not have any effect on him at all.”  

“He was closer to death than she was when we arrived,” said Takri.  

“Then how does he live?” asked the Procuress. Takri did not answer.  

“The bleeding is slowing,” said Aisha.  

The Procuress continued to hold her position.  “Good.  We will stay like this for a bit longer to make sure.  And we will pray to the Goddess to ease the anguish she will feel when she wakes.”  

Takri sat down heavily and put his face in his hands.  “I am so sorry.  I did not know this would happen.”  

“Lord Prince, this is the risk all women face when we join with a man,” said the Procuress.  “Our bodies are where life begins.  Did you not think there could be death as well?  You men can do as you wish with your members, leave and never worry for your own safety.  This is why women are the gatekeepers of life.  We can control ourselves while you cannot.”  

The woman returned with the cook following.  “Is there anything else you need, Procuress?”  

“More clean cloths, and can you bring more fresh water? I am afraid we have quite a mess to clean up,” said the Procuress.  “Jul, stay here.  I need to ask you some questions.”  

“Of course,” said Jul.  “Although I am not sure how I can help.  The food stores are near empty, or I would bring you oranges and a stew of greens and liver to strengthen her blood.”  

“It isn’t that,” said the Procuress, letting off the pressure from her patient.  “I need to know what you put in the High Priest’s food this night.”  

The cook looked at her quizzically, and then at Takri.  “The last of the mutton and all the remaining root vegetables we had in storage.  Garlic, coriander, and cumin seed.  And flatbread.  Exactly what he asked for.”  

“Aisha, let me know if she begins to bleed again,” The Procuress put her hand on the cook’s shoulder and drew her away from the fire where they could talk privately.  

“Did anyone else eat the meal?” asked the Procuress.  

“Aye.  We all had a few bites before I sent it off with that young girl who leads the Holy Mother around,” answered Jul.  

“No one else was sickened?” she asked.  

“No, all of them are here with us and none fell ill.”  The cook furrowed her brow.  “The stew did this?”  

“That is what the Locusts believe,” said the Procuress.  “And we must prepare.  I am afraid both of us will be questioned at the very least.”  

“Why you?” asked the cook.  “You haven’t seen mutton stew in months.”  

“Because the pennyroyal is missing from the brothel apothecary.”  The Procuress shook her head.  “If that woman took it, I may kill her myself.”  

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