#14: Flamáne

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#14: Flamáne

Invented by: modification of Hothead by Mistofelees Viralis
Type: Entertainment
Complexity: Moderate (C4)
We use it for: looking cool

Appearance: orange with green specks scattered throughout; viscosity of a well-blended fruit smoothie.

Taste: mango-pear, sweet and slightly grainy.

Effect: sets the consumant's hair afire without burning it or producing heat. Flame color varies from consumant to consumant. Tends to make the hair rise slightly; safe to touch and play with.


  • I don't drink, but I have been in the same room as people doing shots of Hothead, and even as an onlooker, it was a... less-than-stellar experience. The original recipe doesn't burn the hair outright, but it does char the ends, filling the room with the scent of burning hair, and gives off a heat that is 1) a clear and present fire hazard, and 2) will heat the room to an uncomfortable warmth if there are more than two people doing shots. I took it upon myself to dabble in a bit of brewing to produce a variation on the original recipe that turns down the heat, making it safe for indoor consumption and less likely for your guests or home decor to come down with a sudden case of spontaneous immolation. -Mistofelees
  • This is Mist's first foray into brewing draughts, and I'm very proud of him. Flamáne's different enough from Hothead to be considered its own draught, and I will be using it to replace Hothead on the list of draughts we usually offer at the Neko. It is more effort to make, but also far more friendly to my tablecloths and napkins than its predecessor was. -Miqo




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