#16: Frostep

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#16: Frostep

Invented by: modification of Subzero Step by Miqo Morquela
Type: Utility
Complexity: Medium-low (C3)
We use it for: walking on water

Appearance: blue-white, opaque, hint of silvery meniscus around the edges of the glass, viscosity slightly above water.

Taste: milk and ice, very cold.

Effect: causes the lower limbs to radiate an intense cold that will flash freeze water just before contact, producing ice and therefore a solid surface to stand on. Will freeze other liquids, but results not guaranteed as other types of ice do not always behave as water ice does.


  • I created this modification to fix the contact problem with Subzero Step. Your foot actually had to touch the water before it would freeze, but that resulted in a crusting effect where it would freeze to your shoe or foot, and you had to wriggle a bit to break loose. With Frostep, the water freezes in the half-second before contact, so your foot doesn't end up encrusted on the ice surface. -Miqo
  • Works better in winter - the water is already cold, so it freezes faster and stays frozen longer. -Kitty




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