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Mythological fantasy

Chronicle of Serakhyr (Aldric, the 12th Mantle)

By elf-witch

252 0 0 4726

THE CHRONICLE OF SERAKHYR A Lost Heir. A Forgotten Oath. A World on the Brink of Chaos. Aldric Varnhold was never meant for greatness. Born to a struggling farmstead on the edges of Old Albion, he knew only hardship—calloused hands, long days of toil, and...

The Artzainaring

By TheTrashman_20

343 0 0 56210

The early tales of the Artzaina, the Eutunaz, and the Illani, of the Elder days of Aelutea.

How Atûm was Forged

By Joe Eakhurst

571 0 0 7972

The creation of Aaras and Atûm was a turbulent time, with great violence and harrowing horrors, but also great beauty and peace, from the first battle to the last labour the Tarriin had to perform to bring the world to be, all is written and collected in Míthrondas....

Calyphera – Aufstieg zur Krone der Welt

By Tesu

7399 0 0 24691

Calyphera – eine Welt wie ein gigantischer Turm, dessen Stufen voller Geheimnisse und Gefahren sind. Jede Ebene birgt ihre eigenen Prüfungen, jede Region ihre Legenden. Ganz oben, so erzählen die Mythen, wartet die "Krone der Welt" – ein unerreichbarer Ort,...

Raven Warrior

By BornlessRaven

38876 15 0 42511

An enchanted , illustrated tale of magic, love, war, treachery, Kingdoms, allegiances and unexpected twists and turns. Raven Warrior reveals herself for the powerful sorceress that she is and that no Universe is too terrifying or perplexing for her.

Deep Down

By Art_n_Zeug

5629 0 0 2469

Go to the world page at your own risk, it contains a lot of spoilers

Equilibrium of The Heavens

By LuciousTPK

6636 0 0 1178

This is an experimental short story written in the style of a script for a lore scroll or animatic. It is mostly inspired from the shorts found within [i]Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel's[/i] story mode, but can also be taken as a script for a narrator as well. The intermission...

Myths of Korav

By DougisYourDM

6272 1 0 766

Here you will find the diverse stories collected from across the Worlds of Korav, collected and edited by the renowned poet and raconteur, Flortex Fizzlehide.

The curse of Dragontina

By Malagiso

74690 1 0 112369

When tricked by the green-haired witch, the beautiful Marfisa is forced to embark on a dangerous adventure to find the misterious Madalgarius and join his quest to discover the origin of three golden fey apples. Along with Medulfa and Aesara, she needs to...


By OrionZoldyck

2596 0 0 0

Chapter logs of the um-brava light novel