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sexually explicit


By Amancham

2731 1 0 7532

Eine Geschichte, so alt wie die Menschheit selbst. Neue Erfindungen bringen neue Probleme und bergen große Gefahren. Medizinische Nanomaschinen sind eine Gefahr für die Menschheit. Sie sind eine geheime Waffe der Regierung. Sie läuten den Untergang der Gesellschaft...

In Which a Demon King Meets His Human Partner's Parents

By sbdrag

6173 0 0 26833

Malson's wife, Jaevve, finally arrives with their two children - and brings with her former king and queen Ebener and Eweylona Ealdwine, Braelin's parents. While Jurao is happy to see his partner's family whole again, he finds the reunion stirring other feelings...

In Which a Demon King and His Partner Enjoy Time with Their Friends

By sbdrag

5893 0 0 29146

An old secret is revealed, affecting the relationships between Jurao and Braelin's friends. Old friends arrive and are soon settled into life at the castle. Meanwhile, Jurao and Braelin consider their future together - and how they might extend it. 

In Which a Demon King and His Partner Attend Events

By sbdrag

5858 0 0 25758

In an effort to calm the conservative court faction's ire - and the progressive faction's enthusiasm - Jurao and Braelin continue to attend public events together. Meanwhile, they learn more about old acquaintances and make new friends as their relationship...

In Which a Demon King and His Partner Do Something Exciting

By sbdrag

6268 0 0 28041

Malson and Beneford get settled in as Braelin gets back to work... and as the King and his parnter prepare for their first court event together. Though perhaps there are other things on things on Jurao's gardener's mind than just mandatory social events...

The Simulation 1

By ctkdjane1

2637 0 0 2123

Chloe is an 18-year-old virgin, and she lives in a world that is more sexually liberated and more advanced than our world, Earth Sol; she lives on another Earth known as Erosia as it is much more advanced than our world, where they have much better AI, simulation...

Sensual Squat 1

By Accaworld1

4176 1 0 2800

Lola, a short haired red head, with blue eyes and with white skin, explore her sexuality one day at a local adult video store, here is the first place she would explore and learn about not only about herself, but who she is as a person, and what makes her...

The Night of Safety

By JAmegedin

12053 1 0 4189

The recount of the time Elizabeth found comfort in James arms.

Ba'Yeduk porn scene

By Mutterwolf

14924 4 1 1537

This was produced for an artist who does a series similar to the anime "Interspecies reviewers". Others expressed interest. Events take place after the Ba'yeduk chapter of "Ghenid Clans of Incaras" manuscript.

Fallout LA

By Innokha

31569 1 0 14800

Fallout LA (or FOLA) is text-based roleplay in an original section of the Fallout Universe. This is the archive log of this active and ongoing RP. Innokha is the author of Cricket; a spitfire wasteland raider chick with little to live for. While Rust, a mysteriously...