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character backstory

Put an Orc in It

By Alikzander_Wulfe

2861 0 0 8170

Uhtred, son of the Orc Warchief, has always felt like an outsider in his own clan. Lacking the combat prowess expected of him, he struggles to find his place among his fierce and battle-hardened people. Across the border, Andira, the gentle and idealistic...

First Whisper

By Soulwing98

10876 2 0 14059

The backstory to Far Whisper, one of the protagonists of Corroded Destiny. Blood, sweat and tears. It took countless sessions of pleading Two Eyes of the Infinite Cosmos' case to the House of Strings. But at last, the House of Chemistry received the blessings...

Eyes in the Night

By Cr0atoan

20847 0 0 1552

[b]A[/b]fter the coup attempted by the Future War Cult and the other Factions, the Last City is desperate for support. One New Light working with the Vanguard plans to investigate the Dead Zones for any trace of missing in action Guardians. He quickly comes...