Struggling with identity and newly discovered magical abilities, Eldrick, a young foundling apprentice druid ventures into the outside world of Corrigenda. Travelling from his mountain home to the druid conclave. He must be there by midsummer and time is...
When Death has no hold and Hell hath no fury, what's a witch to do? Well in Griffin's case... die. Horribly. Problem is, death never sticks.
Disgraced Witch Hunter Griffin Summerville gets a call to take a job back home in Boston that he can't refuse. The...
Follows some not-so-good characters as they try to navigate through crazy surreal situations while dealing with some very real problems in a crime-filled city ruled by violent gangs. The city will either swallow them whole while they try to live honestly...
This is a retelling of Wednesday with a collection of OC inserts.
Oliver and Dawn McKinney have arrived at Nevermore Academy shortly after the death of their parents.