„Es ist normal, Angst vor dem Unbekannten zu haben, besonders wenn es so mächtig wie Magie ist. Erlaube dir, der Stimme deines Herzens zu folgen, und mir, dich dabei zu begleiten.“
Chattenberg im Jahre 1790: Glanderas Fingerspitzen kribbeln wohlig, sobald...
“It's normal to be afraid of the unknown, especially when it's as powerful as magic. Allow yourself to follow the voice of your heart and allow me to guide you.”
Join Glandera on her journey of self-discovery. Awakening powers and a fascinating world full...
The first full-length novel by Michael Leonard, Elsewhere Unknown is a slow-burning, high fantasy mystery masquerading as a dystopian urban fantasy. Progressive characters face off against a regressive system built to destroy those who oppose it.
This book...
An ex-gangster. A mysterious old woman. A mythological world of magic and danger hiding behind everyday life.
Fresh out of jail, Umeji Tatsuya seeks redemption in a small town, far from his Yakuza ties. He’s barely moved in when the town’s feisty dowager,...