Sage HunterChristmas1247
Benard Calvin "Hunter" Hendrick VIII

In the world of Your Inner Child Series: World of Ancient Power Codex

Visit Your Inner Child Series: World of Ancient Power Codex

Ongoing 742 Words

Prologue Prequel

569 0 0

1700 began with the usual biannual meeting of The Legendary Guardians of Childhood.

All thirteen walk through the doors and into the Room of Childhood Guardians. They all bow to each other and sit. It is customary that Father Time, Mother Nature, Fathers Winter and Christmas will open with a greeting. Today is no different!

Before the meeting continues, The Book of Mystic Prophecy suddenly and violently opens.  Its pages swoosh like angelic wings flapping. 

A new page is landed on. It say Prophecy of Power.

The Prophecy of Power

Pure of soul, a newborn lass

Born on the wake of Christ’s holy mass

With blood in telling it of potent power

And releasing untold Magic in Earth’s finest hour

With a pivotal role in Magic’s play

This humble man shall help show the way of Light

Father Time walks over and reads it through once. A second reading is completed by Father Christmas. 

“Now that this latest prophecy has been revealed, we should discuss its significance and importance for Ancient Power.”

”I think it has great significance and importance for us, Mother Nature! Could this male be a Guardian like us? Could he be powerful enough to bring back Ancient Power to what it was? Could he help the Humans see? Could he be a bridge between mortals and Mystical Beings?”

Different voices asking these questions. Mother Nature and Father Winter both send a chill to the others. The talking stops. 

“We have no idea what the baby may or may not do. Or even how powerful he might be. Maybe in time. Maybe. However, what this should give us is hope. 

“Father Time and Mother Nature, may I let Gertrude see the prophecy? I feel we should include her because I love my women!”

Everyone chuckles. Both Time and Nature nod.

Nicholas leaves and returns minutes later with Gertrude. She reads it as well. And she too speaks her mind.

“I have many questions. Probably the same as you all. I do believe, in this case, that we should wait and see. Maybe than questions will be answered.”

With these words, the meeting ends. 

210 years would pass before they were able to any answers.

It is now 1910. 

As the year turns to December, The Guardians celebrate Yule and soon Santa Claus will leave for his rounds!

He takes off and completes Asia, most of Oceania, Africa, and Europe. 

He continues to deliver toys on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States when both staffs shine. While it was early in the morning there, it had just hit midnight on Christmas Day in Mountain  Time Zone.

It is within Christmastide Valley at the same time that The North Pole shines brightly in red and green. Christmas Elves, Santa’s Reindeer, and the other beings in the valley see it. The Guardians also sensed mystical energy and left. 

Nicholas and them met under electric lights in the same room as a father, mother, and a babe. The thirteen hidden beings see a babe with two glowing auras. One being of Christmas. The other a multi-colored version.

The babe is Baxter Jevon Oran Baggs. His name is heard by the band hidden in the room. 

All thirteen and Gertrude find themselves in the Room of Childhood Guardians a few days after. There, a new prophecy awaits. 

Return of Ancient Power Prophecy 

With power more enormous by far, it soon will be Earth’s finest hour. 

Afterwards, many friendships form and discoveries are uncovered.

All read it.

“It is obvious this new babe is part of our world. Both prophecies prove this. I do believe he is our Chosen One.”

Everyone seems to agree. However, Mother Goose thinks they should wait until he is older. She says it is all about giving the child an out if he chooses not to pursue it. 

Her thought process is sensical. Each agree that Baxter would get the opportunity to learn and then give his answer. 

The Prophecy of Power and Return of Ancient Power Prophecy are no doubt two prophecies that are about Baxter. But maybe it was tine fit mortals and magical beings to return to their senses and former relationship.

For now, each of the thirteen pledge to watch over this potential Guardian. The hope of a new beginning and the return of the mystical world possibly returning ignites a renewed desire to move forward and maybe better the world we all live in.

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