Sage HunterChristmas1247
Benard Calvin "Hunter" Hendrick VIII

Table of Contents

Prologue Prequel Baxter's Beginning New Friends Christmastide Valley Attacked

In the world of Your Inner Child Series: World of Ancient Power Codex

Visit Your Inner Child Series: World of Ancient Power Codex

Ongoing 2346 Words

Christmastide Valley Attacked

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It was after 1946 but before 1990 one event took place. This one event affected Christmas and Nicholas’s orders!

The year this took place had eleven months to go.

Baxter stayed up north. He was to oversee Christmas Preparations while Nicholas and Gertrude left on vacation.

For whatever reason, they had Christmas Team #1 AKA Original Nine with them. And that was a good thing.

You see, Nicholas had a standing order about Santa’s Herd of Christmas Reindeer AKA Santa’s Flyers. The order stated that many reindeer are required to be grounded due to the loss of belief. This same order also affected the Christmas Elves.

Many were okay with that. They knew Nicholas wanted the Crystals to save energy to power the city for many months.

And Baxter also said this was why staycations were invented!

Things went smoothly. Father Winter had also left for the Convention of Gods as well as a Winter Deities Meeting. Then returned.

February came and went. So did March.

It was early one morning. Baxter felt something he hadn’t felt any time before then. He called out to Father Winter. Both guys stand still.

“Do you feel that? An empty void of nothing but hate and cruelty.”

“I’ve spent the last few days thinking I was just paranoid! But yeah, I feel a presence so strong that I think we found why…”

Explosions ring out! The duo head outside to find Christmas Town Central District getting destroyed.

The Christmas Elves, Christmas Reindeer, and other residents immediately awake to these deafening explosions. Many go outside and see the Manufacturing Center buildings in the midst of harm. They look up in shock and fright!

The Twelve Polar Horses and Santa’s Unicorns quickly leave their homes in the stables unbeknownst to any elf.

Baxter and Father Winter teleport over.

The frightened elves see them. The department heads walk close to Baxter. A nod indicates Baxter can make an executive decision.  With his staff and as Prime Merlinean, Baxter speaks.

“We are under attack! I have no idea why. However, I’m instructing all Christmas Beings to evacuate ASAP from the city and into the forest. I don’t know how long but we are together. That’s all that matters.

Reindeer and Sleigh Elves, please go and return by transportation. We’re leaving soon as the sleighs are here and loaded.”

The elves who care for the reindeer go to the barns. The sleigh elves also go with them. They return with all reindeer and sleighs.

The first few have supplies to shelter and feed elves and reindeer feed. Behind those, elves hop in to sleighs they wouldn’t otherwise get into without permission. Other sleighs are filled too.

“Let’s move to the woods!”, ordered Baxter.

 Without Rudolph, Clarice and Ridley and Leonard led the entire herd to safety. They find the Twelve Polar Horses and Santa’s Unicorns safe. And the Yetis and polar bears found them too.

Then Baxter arrives in his sleigh. He senses their fright. Pastor Francis comes seeming to recognize how uncertain the whole city feels.

He leads them in prayer.

Baxter now speaks.

“Thank you, Joe! We are a family and family sticks together. I want you to know everything will be alright. I know we may not get much sleep but try. We are all apprehensive and maybe scared. That’s okay. This is something that hurts every one of us. Right now, we have me and Father Winter who can lead.

We should set up camp. And I’ll think of a plan.”

Baxter helps them set up camp. After, he gathers them once more.

“I will fly back tomorrow”, he told the elves. The heads speak up, “May we go as well? We would like to see how extensive the damage is. And we are probably the only ones who can go look objectively.” Pastor Joe Francis said, “I can go as well and pray that you Rulers may fix it.”

Baxter did say yes to these requests.

All tried to make the best of their situation that night but didn’t get many more hours of sleep. The next day, the community ate some but not all the food.

The parliament got up. All eleven set off, via sleigh, from The North Pole Valley Forest. Each saw major damage in every area. But the most destroyed area was The Manufacturing Center/Christmas Town Central District (CTCD).

This came to be thought of as the main target by those above the city surveying the damage. The small pack returned and gave a report.

Nicholas and Gertrude returned at April’s end in the mid-morning. This being a few days later meant that they knew nothing. Upon sight of the Center of Christmas Spirit and Magic City, Nicholas and Gertrude see no sign of life. They gasp upon noticing the village. The sadness of the destruction shows on his face.

They circled the city to explore the damage. Nicholas probably knew the residents were hiding.  

“If I know Baxter, and I do, he’ll have everyone safely in the forest waiting for us to return. And Joe would be providing some spiritual enlightenment.”, Nicholas spoke to himself. 

Santa Claus located Baxter and Father Winter by using the sixth sense of locating other mystical people and Magic in general. Baxter and Father Winter have this ability as well. And both were in the forest opposite where the couple came in. St. Nick headed there.

In the meanwhile, the citizens hear sleigh bells. All know that Nichloas and Gertrude must be back.

All come out of hiding when they hear sleigh bells near them. They come out. All see Santa landing the sleigh. His and his wife see a sea of gladness, albeit temporary gladness, on the residents’ faces. They were glad to have the whole community complete once again.

All started to talk at once then Santa said loud enough, "Please be quiet. You're hurting my hearing and I'm missing the entire story."

Mrs. Claus announced, "We wondered what happened when we saw the village! Please tell us from the beginning."

Several elves narrated the story in parts.

Once all was good, Baxter and Nicholas talked with each other. Nicholas agrees about Christmas Town Central District being the prime targets. The other parts of the village itself were in disrepair or destroyed. 

Baxter asks if Mitchell could help. Nicholas says yes.

Baxter flies down telling all he shall be back. Heading straight to Mitchell’s house, Baxter asked him to return. This time, it was to help Santa. Mitchell wasn’t sure why. He saw why upon arriving in the village. He said that all together the harm was less without bodies lying about and toys destroyed. 

As calm as possible, Santa informs Mitchell of what happened. Mitchell could tell the calm and collected exterior was holding the fowl anger and rage and hurt inside. Mrs. Claus thanked him.

Santa, Father Winter, and Baxter call to the others. All come. Santa tells of the attack while he vacationed.

The group teleports to the North Pole. Yes, the actual Pole. Each person circles it. Baxter, as the Ambassador of Ancient Power and Prime Merlinean calls upon the Spirit of Ancient Power to return the city back to working conditions.

The others make sure they too are silently asking for renewed buildings. It is the Spirit who, in its’ own way, speaks to them.

The brightness of the items and of the Ley Lines brings winds of magic into the valley as a tornado. Beams of magical power shoot out from the Pole. At the same time, a blast radiates throughout the whole valley. It makes the city whole and function once again!

The city, the whole landscape of the Pole, is put back together again. However, Nicholas immediately dashes off to his home. Baxter finds Gertrude home as well. Everything is good now!

The elves gleefully re-start work on the toys starting the next day. It was that day and time that the perpetrator behind the attack came back. An agent of Dark Magic sees all this. This agent is so angry as he listens to all the cheer and happiness. This agent now must take more steps to weaken Santa Claus prior to Dec. 24th-Christmas Eve. 

Mitchell came up after hearing about Santa’s Village being attacked.  He is doing whatever he needs to do. 

Between attacks, the perpetrator opts to go a separate route of attack. This new route, as the agent probably knew, would involve the Spirit of Darkness covering the Christmas Crystals. Strike that! The agent knew, somehow, the city and those who dwell within it would be out of operation when the crystals blocked the Christmas Spirit!

It is now June. Fourteen Guardians meet. Baxter is helping with toys. Nicholas shares his concerns for future attacks and who he fears it is. But the name is not released. Then the Summer Solstice comes.

But right after, a huge cloud began to hang over the valley.

It was after it came that elves couldn’t work, and reindeer couldn’t fly. Nobody knew why. Why can’t the elves fulfill their duties?  Why can the reindeer not fly? These questions came up. Yet, no answers presented themselves.

Even Mitchell is having problems with gaining some Christmas Spirit.

Months go by.

The elves don’t know how to work. But Mitchell has an idea.

“Nicholas, I know this may sound crazy but why don’t we bring the crystals somewhere like the Christmas Town Central District Park?”

“Nicholas, I also think we try this.”

“I will bring it out. We need to work, and we can’t!”

“Nicholas, I think I need to call the others.”

“Go ahead, I approve of them coming up.”

“Ok, I will go after we move the crystals.”

Nicholas then brings out the crystals and puts them by The North Pole.  Just this ceremonial action helps the elves to brighten.

It is afterwards that all Rulers do a little spell in the headquarters to help the return of Christmas Spirit. And the spell works!

Nicholas is glad that they can now work again!

When all return on solid ground, the elves seem happy! Baxter leaves and returns to Texas. He asks the eight friends if they would like to be surprised by visiting something. Each of them packs suitcases.

By the time all awoke the next morning, all eight awake in Christmas Town! What a surprise they receive when they see Santa Claus downstairs! Somehow, they knew it was him.

Nicholas and Baxter give them information and then send them by sleigh to whichever department they needed to go to.

By December, most elves are working 16-hour days and even some retired elves came out of retirement just to help with this year. Although none complain. The nine help where they’re able, which also gladdens the elves and Nicholas.

All Guardians have been here constantly since October. The Agent finally shows himself to each Guardian.

“Guardians! I am here to destroy Christmas and soon each of you. Bow down to Dark Magic!” “No!” “Whatever! Take this!”

The agent shot a beam of Dark Ancient Power against Nicholas but instead Baxter shot a beam of Light Ancient Power from Prime Merlinean Staff. Both held their own and their blasts were gaining strength.

Nicholas and the others closed their eyes and soon a white glow surrounded each of them. Then the nine came and grabbed a hand.

And above them, the Spirit of Christmas Magic Staff and Ancient Magic Staff took all their love, hope and faith directing a beam of Light Ancient Power into Merlin’s Staff eventually saying, “Domlak Freo Exa Te Malum.”.  And this beam almost completely destroys the agent.

“Take that, you evildoer! And we now banish you from this place.”

Soon as that is said, the agent disappears after unsuccessfully taking over Santa’s Valley. And they soon celebrate Christmas!

After Christmas, all fourteen and Gertrude meet in Claus Palace.

“Baxter, I feel that soon the time will come for you to play your part. We all firmly believe you stand here for a reason. You’ve proved that you deserve to be Prime Merlinean. You’re everything we would look for in a Prime Merlinean, in a Guardian. That staff is yours because you belong.”

Baxter does a teary-eyed thanks before he turns away.

“Father Christmas is right! We need to protect this place but we can’t without more power. We barely made it this year!”

“But Mother Goose that was due to the attacks.”

“Her Most Toothy Majesty is right.”

A few minutes pass.

“Damn it! I’m so mad. Why did we have to go through hell?! If I had the power to protect the kingdom, I would’ve enchanted the barrier to dispel any Dark Magic evildoers!”

“But you don’t even know how much you would need.”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t be done with being toyed, with my limited powers to protect the people I love and care about!”

Baxter’s anger turns into tears. His home, his family is here.

An hour passes.

“I promise to do what I can. As the sun rises, so does the moon and on this I pledge to do what I need so we return Ancient Power back to the planet.”

“Blessed be!”

Nicholas talks to Gertrude in their bedroom that night.

“I feel the tides are changing. Baxter’s time is coming soon. His part to play won’t be easy. He is strong. But he is only Human.”

“He was only born Human but not so much anymore. Dear, I feel that his part is much greater than yours. No offense.”

“A surprised fourteenth member has more in store for him? I don’t discount what you’re saying. But does he know that? I mean, Prime Merlinean was unexpected, but you think there are more plans in store for him. His strength is OUR strength. His part is only a fraction of the entire Guardians.”

“Do you believe me?”

“Always, Dear. But let us go down the path and we will see what is in store of us and for him, in particular.”

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