Sage HunterChristmas1247
Benard Calvin "Hunter" Hendrick VIII

In the world of Your Inner Child Series: World of Ancient Power Codex

Visit Your Inner Child Series: World of Ancient Power Codex

Ongoing 5801 Words

Baxter's Beginning

293 1 0

We turn to March of 1935. In the lively small town of Clermont Ridge, Texas, we meet Baxter Jevon Oran Baggs. He is a young adult male who is reading a newspaper clipping from five years ago. 

"Baxter Revives Town" is the article title where it talks about Baxter finding gold and how it led to the town being renovated. Quotes from the article like "Our new citizen who gave selflessly and with love for this town!" from the mayor. A regular citizen called Baxter "this town's kind and loving spirit." and others said similar things. 

While Baxter is reminiscing, a servant enters the room.  

"Sir, His Honor is here to see you."

"His Honor, The Mayor?"

"Yes, sir."

The servant lets the mayor in. He leaves. 

"Baxter? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just remembering those days."

"The days before Clermont Ridge or your early days?"

"Both, to be honest."

"Missing them?"

"Sometimes I still do. But really just remembering those I’m stronger now than before. Remembering they lived life with the values they taught me. Remembering their love for me. Just keeping their memory alive.”

“You finally admitted to me and the sheriff that you’d left home promising never to go back after you discovered your dead parents lying in blood at home. You had said that you couldn’t live there after that trauma. But you did stay until their bodies were laid to rest and their will was read and had gone through the court. Did I speak incorrectly?”

“No, His Honor did not.”

“Baxter, are you doing well?”

“Today is bittersweet. As my fifth anniversary has come, I was looking back to my beginning and what led me here.”

"Baxter, we cannot take away the pain and heartbreak of losing one's parents. All we can do is love you for who you are and hope that we fill some of the void and be here for you."

Suddenly, Baxter breaks down having finally realize how much they meant and how much he loves them. The mayor and Baxter hug. Baxter, struggling to mentally and physically let go, cries for an hour. 

He soon begins to stop crying. Although it took some time, Baxter feels better. The mayor says nothing. It was about two hours later when the mayor takes out cards from both children and adults congratulating Baxter for five years of service and a sense of community.

He places the cards on a nearby table. 

The mayor, seeing the time, wishes him much love but has to go. He leaves Baxter upstairs as he heads to the elevator.

But Baxter stays saying, "The mayor is very busy but I appreciate him not only checking on me but comforting me when I break down and also for the cards today. I'll read those later. I think the mailman is coming!". 

A few minutes pass.

The horse-drawn postal wagon pulls up minutes later. The postman gets down soon as the horses have come to a complete halt.

“Morning, Mr. Postman!”

“Morning, Baxter!”

“How goes it today?”

“Good so far. Happy anniversary!”


“I’m glad you’re out here. You have a letter from somewhere. They just found it in our local office this morning.”

“Really?! How?!”

“Not one of us knows how someone could get into the office overnight. But it happened. You won't believe where it came from!”

“And here is my letter for you. I wanted to hand it to you myself. Listen, I know you've told me trauma led you here but if you need anything like an ear and to talk then I am here if you need me."

"Thanks! All good for now though. The Mayor was just here and I saw the sheriff last night. Everybody here has been so gracious and so supportive and kind.”


The mailman hands Baxter the mysterious letter and one more. 

“Thank you! You might should continue your route.”

“You’re right! But I enjoy our friendship and our talks.”

The postman climbs on. He flicks the reins. The horses walk on. Away from the house they trot to their next destination.

Once Baxter goes back inside, he informs the closest servant or staff member that he is to be uninterrupted as he'll be working in the office. Whoever hears him immediately makes sure to tell others while Baxter walks to the elevator. Soon, he is in the office.

Door locked and sat down, Baxter focuses on the strange envelope. 

On the envelope is a name: Center of Christmas Spirit and Magic City. 

“The postman was right! That is a place I have not seen on any map! The only person I can think of would-be Santa Claus, but he is not real! “Is he?”, Baxter thought.

Baxter hadn’t believed in “fairy tales and children’s stories” since middle school. Before that, he was adamant about them existing. His parents feared he would be a target for bullying in middle school, so they explained about discussing this subject and he said he would not say anything.

As he entered middle school, Baxter did indeed stop believing in magic and magical beings while there. And he now can’t believe in things unseen.

Baxter chooses to not do anything for now.

A few nights pass.

Known as Tooth to her fellow Guardians, Toothiana has come to the mansion late at night to personally give Baxter his childhood tooth box from her own realm (The Teeth and Memories Realm). 

With her is Gertrude Claus. She flew a sleigh that is levitating outside the window although the deer pulling it are not ones most people recognize which is always nice for them. 

She too brought a gift. This gift being hundreds of years old. 

So, what is it? It is one of the Metaninaite Crystals of Ancient Power. This crystal is filled with belief in Ancient Power. As both women enter, they have one decision to make. And that which is easy should be quick. 

Both the crystal and tooth box are hidden until the moon wakes for its' next cycle. This should allow enough time to swirl around Baxter and fill him slowly with belief in magic and in things not seen.

Baxter awakens. The day passes quickly.

That night around nine, the tooth box materializes. He sees it. No idea what it is. It looks like a box. It seems like a box. But from where? He takes it. He looks at it. He closes his eyes. The box opens.

At the same time, the crystal senses Baxter with the tooth box and opens as his memories flow in front of him. This state he’s in comes only for a few minutes then it passes.

Later that night, three voices speak. All womanly.

“Baxter, you once believed. And you can do so again. The spirit is within as it has been all your life. You just need to believe and let it flow through you. We ask, and only ask, you to stop and believe as the children do, as you once did.”

Baxter wakes up the next morning.

He remembers three voices from last night. He remembers what they said. And he feels something. As if his subconscious mind is reawakening an old part.

Again, he goes to bed for three more consecutive nights and on that fifth day awakens feeling differently, almost like his heart is open to the possibility that magic exists and therefore to those who are the Guardians of this world. A world not thought to have survived until now.

Baxter wakes up the next morning. After his daily morning routine, he heads upstairs to his office where the letter is laid down.  

He sits down and thinks to himself, “Call me insane! After all, I’m about to sit down and read this letter from a man believed to be the immortal Gift-giver. And magic. Does it exist? Could the Guardians themselves truly be alive?”

All these and more swirl around his brain. Baxter breathes deeply to prepare himself. He opens the envelope. He inches the letter out. It is thrice folded. He unfolds the paper.


Dear Baxter Jevon Oran Baggs,

I am Nicholas Claus, the Father of Christmas AKA Santa Claus. Yes, I know you have doubts. But please just listen.

Baxter, you were born on Christmas Eve. As a child, the Spirit of Christmas always held a special place in your heart and soul. A wise soul once said believing is a form of sight.

I ask that you keep this in mind because I would like us to meet somewhere away from Clermont Ridge. 

Signed and delivered, 

Nicholas Claus, Father Christmas


Baxter reads it through once. Then a second time.

Baxter finds this letter hard to digest!

“Why does he want me? Is he really alive? Do the Guardians my parents told me about exist? Should I go and see?”

With questions in his mind, Baxter takes an hour to think earnestly on following this path. He will think about this more but he must have lunch before his afternoon meetings in the town.

It is after lunch that his servant informs Baxter the blue Semi-state Landau is at the front door. Baxter, sitting in the coach, feels it pulling away from the mansion. He returns in the late afternoon after the last meeting.

Baxter soon eats dinner. He goes to his office.

It was the next day when the Navy Landau took Baxter to the City Hall, although he often calls it the Mayoral Hall. Probably because it only holds the mayor and his secretary.

It is here that Baxter, His Honor, and The Sheriff all discuss things. His Honor’s secretary is there to write importantly stuff down.

That night, Mrs. Claus steers a sleigh down to Clermont Ridge. Nicholas quickly and quietly moves to the front door with another letter.

The letter is seen in the morning. Baxter opens it to find a date of meeting. He returned to town to invite the mayor and sheriff and their families to go camping. Without a doubt, the answer is yes.

The week of each member of staff hears about the camping trip.

Friday evening comes. All leave on the trip.

Saturday evening comes. After dinner, all hear sleigh bells before seeing the sleigh and Santa driving.

Santa takes Baxter aside to ask Baxter if he would be his official apprentice and successor. Baxter said yes.

Santa then said a letter would arrive discussing details of this matter.

Santa leaves.

A few days later, all thirteen Guardians meet.

“Greetings, friends and council members.”

“Father Christmas, how did it go?”

“It went well. I’ll bring him here to ease him into our world. Then he can leave, and we can then meet him and inform him about the prophecies.”

“All seems to be going to plan.”

“Please continue with the plan.”

Nicholas writes another letter inviting Baxter up to his realm. Baxter receives it in May. The same week Baxter is doing business and packing, Nicholas is ensuring his elves prepare for Christmas. Friday, Baxter is excited to explore the world of Santa Claus and waits patiently for Nicholas.

It was dark when Santa approached the mansion. He landed and parked in front. Baxter sees the lamps on the sleigh. He comes out.

“Good day, Nicholas!”

“Good day, Baxter! You ready?”

“Just a few bags to put in. Then yeah.”

His bags are loaded. He boards the sleigh. Santa soon flicked the reins. The deer sped away. They soon fly over the northern part of Canada.

“We’re almost home.”

“I prepared for cold, but the sleigh is comfortable. And the Lights! How beautiful! I have a good view. I am willing to see how this goes.”

Soon, the sleigh comes upon the simmering glacial wall. Baxter continues to stare in amazement and awe.

They go through the magical wall.

Santa flew Baxter around the city pointing out all the districts and what was in them. After the air tour around the city, the sleigh landed at the home of Mrs. and Mr. Nicholas Claus (Enchantment of Noel Grand Palace). 

Out front stood Mrs. Claus waiting on the prophesied one. 

“Baxter, this is Mrs. Claus.”

“Please call me Gertrude! I am not one for formalities if it can be helped and welcome to our realm. I’ve already made a room for you.”

“Gertrude, it is lovely to meet you! And thank you for hospitality.”

“Let’s go inside, shall we?”

Baxter gathers his bags then walks behind the couple to the front door.

As the three steps in, Baxter is shocked by the Christmas decorations and the gigantic space! There are even toys of ages past lining the walls!

The Clauses let Baxter adjust his mind then show him all around the house. Baxter’s room was last. It was upstairs.

Mrs. Claus asks if he would like dinner. Baxter replies with a yes. Baxter goes back downstairs after he settles in. Delicious food cooked by the Missus was served shortly after. It was soon bedtime.

Baxter’s first full day in the Center of Christmas Spirit and Magic City began with an all-access, no limits tour. He had a chance to meet all the infamous residents including but not limited The Original Eight (becoming the Original Nine), the North Pole’s Most Distinguished Elves (Lords and Ladies of Santa’s Council and both leaders of Yetis and Polar bears.

During dinner, Baxter complimented the colorfulness of the city. He also spoke highly of the friendliness and kindness of its’ residents.

Beginning the day after, Baxter is taught about Ancient Power and everything under the umbrella. Baxter soaks up everything.

 A lot was thrown at Baxter. All is well.

But he didn’t know Santa had more to teach!

The next day, Baxter found himself busy!

He attended an official meeting of the Great Christmas Parliament, learned about the Christmas Yearly Calendar, each department/the toy process, and sleighs pulled by flying reindeer. Seemingly, Baxter soaked the information in rather quickly. This goes for flying as well!

Santa would later say “Natural as if he was born to be The Gift-Giver” when referring to the quickness of Baxter’s education.

Day four came and allowed Baxter to rest and just explore on his own. Baxter woke up later but decided to explore the city and to drive a sleigh. He first drove on land then did some flying around the city.

Day four turns into day five.

In one of the Claus-Class Sleighs, Nicholas and Baxter drive to an Elvin Clothing Maker. Getting Baxter’s measurements takes one hour. They drive back out into the Quarters and Outer Limits.

There are elves out here who build sleighs. Baxter knew nothing.

Saturday comes.

The whole community gathers as Baxter is declared Official Santa’s Apprentice and Ambassador. His ceremony went well.

After this, he packs up. He checks the room twice. Then he takes everything down and to the front door.

Minutes pass.

Baxter is startled by knocks at the front door. He walks towards it. He opens it. On the other side is Frosty and an elf. Behind them, a sleigh with six reindeer.

The elf and Baxter load up bags. Then all three leave.

The North Pole Noel Convention and Conference Center is a towering structure. Comprised of two floors with a grand hall and various meeting rooms, this place hosts many celebrations.

As the people arrive, they see lots of sleighs but no people.

All three unharness the reindeer and help to park the sleigh then enter.

Upstairs, the majority await! 

Frosty and the elf make a big show about helping to do something. And they stop. Baxter walks backward. They enter the grand hall, and it is dark.

After the door shuts, he is told to turn around.

A few minutes pass.

Suddenly, all lights turn on and the entire Christmas Community Beings Family surprise Baxter. In the middle, two things are hidden. Both draped with a sheet. He walks toward them.

Baxter is shocked when two elves unveil a sleigh and the red suit on a mannequin. He takes a minute.

“Nicholas, thank you!”

Baxter inspects both objects. Then he says they are of beauty.

A few moments pass.

Nicholas is told they have only a few hours to return and still be not seen. Nicholas tells Baxter. And Baxter goes to hug Gertrude.

After some kind words, Nicholas interrupts.

“Before we go, I wanted to introduce you to your team. These reindeer are taking you home tonight.”

Baxter and they say hi. Nicholas introduces the reindeer. As the few elves harness them, Frosty brings some bags. Baxter receives permission to say a few words before departure.

“I just wanted to thank you. For everything. I’m sure we will get to know each other better on my following visits.”

Nicholas walks off. The Elfin population parts.

“Clear the way!”

All clearly step back further allowing Baxter to see a sleigh with Christmas Team #1 ahead. Baxter gets in the sleigh for him. His suit beside him. He is ready.

All elves watch as the people depart.

Nicholas goes first. Baxter follows.

As they draw nearer, a stable catches Baxter’s eye. It is red and green with some decorations made. They land by it. Santa explains why. Elated and thankful, Baxter looks at the stable and the huge room for everything. 

Santa then must go. He takes off into the night.

A few days passed.

All Legendary Guardians of Childhood arrive in the Guardians Chamber-Ancient Power Headquarters. They’ve gathered to discuss Baxter’s visit.

They ask for a report.

“As you all know, I put my plan into action recently. And I feel it went well. Baxter came up. He was kept pretty busy. We covered all information regarding Ancient Power during his time below. Hopefully, he’ll get used to the idea before overloading when it is time.”

After this meeting about the plan, Nicholas writes Baxter an invitation to return

Weeks passed.

Baxter flies up north. He lands at Claus Castle. He enters. No one is home.

To surprise them both, he makes the most delicious meal. Both Santa and Mrs. Claus come home just as Baxter had set dinner on the table.

“Smells like home!”, Santa exclaimed.

“Baxter, welcome back! We are glad you made it. Father Winter gave you any trouble on your sleigh ride?”

“Not trouble, just some bumpy turbulence.”

“Good! Shall we eat?”

The three dig in!

After dinner, the three sit and talk.

“Baxter, I know you’re lost and afraid. I know losing your parents hasn’t been easy. I know because I’ve seen you crying, seen you hugging friends tight. I have seen the pain within because I too lost my parents although I was much younger than you. And while the years have helped to soften the death of your parents, I have some advice for you to think over.”

“I need the truth, Nicholas! I need to know!”

“What, my child?”

As Baxter gets teary-eyed and starts to cry, Nicholas sees.

“I can tell you a few things. First and foremost, they love you! Second, they have faith and hope in you. And lastly, you need to know they have and will always be with you. You have carried the hurt and fear for this for so long that you don’t know how to let it go, do you?”

Baxter, already standing, nods at Nicholas. Nicholas and Gertrude stand to hug Baxter. Baxter begins to feel the sack which held his pain and fear, fall off.

Fifteen minutes pass.

Santa and Mrs. Claus escort Baxter to his room.

Soon, they too go to bed.

For the morrow’, the thirteen Guardians could divulge the truth about Baxter’s connection to Ancient Power!

Morning came. As it was June 17th, sound sleepers awoke refreshed. All three showered and dressed. Gertrude cooked them a hearty breakfast. Then Nicholas, Baxter, and Father Winter transported up to the sky!

The Ancient Power Governmental Headquarters, floating above North Pole Valley, is a huge building not seen by mortals.

Unaware as to why, Baxter takes a minute to breathe before he walks in. He opens the door and walks into the room with grace and great respect.

This room, being The Room of Earthly Childhood Guardians, means that he instantly recognizes most people. Some others he doesn’t. Somehow, he knows to bow to everybody. And he does.

“Please rise! Baxter, you are our guest. Only means we welcome you with Goodness and Light. Please sit in a chair. You may find that we’ll get through quicker if you do! For we go into the truth, it lives in you!”

“What lives in me?”

“A very powerful substance. Very powerful indeed!”

“Baxter, excuse him! He’s cryptic on purpose.”

Mother Goose takes over.

“Baxter, you were invited here today so we could speak to you about a potential path. Although what we say may be quite shocking, it is time for us to be open and honest about your life. Your Destiny. Least a potential one.”

Just so he knows who’s who, Baxter is introduced to all. And all sit with Baxter facing them.

Mother Nature begins to speak.

“You see that book on the bookstand? It is called The Book of Ancient Power's Prophecies. The first prophecy was about Nicholas. The last one to show up was called the Prophecy of Power, although we had no clue as to whom it was referring to. After you were born, a second one came. This one is the Return of Ancient Power Prophecy.”

Because two prophies have been written, we believe you are The Chosen One of Ancient Power once thought to be a false deal.”

Mother Goose now continues the conversation.

“If you are the Chosen One, then we want you to know everything up front.”

A few minutes pass.

Nicholas sees that Baxter wishes to speak. The others also notice.

Baxter then speaks after a nod from Mother Nature.

 “Guardians, I feel that, like Nicholas, that greater things are yet to come for me. I don’t know of Magic/Ancient Power in my bloodline. But I: don’t know about this path. Would you mind if I sit on this?”

The others accept Baxter’s words. They all nod. Turns out they thought it would go down this way. The meeting ends.

Unofficially, Baxter asks some members what the best way would be to ask Ancient Power’s Spirit a question. One said to listen. Another said go to the Mystical Pole Circle Room. A map was provided. They left, leaving Baxter to fend for himself.

Baxter went to the Mystical Pole Circle Room.

There, he heard nary a sound from anything. Then minutes pass. A twinkling causes Baxter to look up. Then a voice started speaking.

“Baxter, you are a mortal. But a destined mortal.”

“Who are you?”

“I am the Spirit of Ancient Power. And I know you’ve met with the Guardians. I do not have the answers you seek. All I know is that you have a path before you. A decision of great magnitude with a future counting on you.”

“I do.”

A few minutes pass by until Baxter hesitantly asks his question.

“Am I wrong to take time to decide? I want to say yes. But saying yes may mean more than I bargain for.”

“What if saying yes means you can help people? What if you bring more kindness and hope and love instead of destruction and hate and hopelessness? What if it is worth it? What if you go down this path helping Humanity instead of putting them in further jeopardy or even complete destruction?”

“But saying yes doesn’t necessarily mean that I will do those things!”

“Would you rather not try?”

Baxter doesn’t answer.

“I, the Spirit of Ancient Power, know this is a lot to take in so maybe take some time without me.”


“Yes, my child?”

“May we speak again?”

“Yes. Just use the rest of today to soak it in and we can talk tomorrow.”

Baxter does so.

By the time Nicholas and Gertrude arrive home after a busy day, Baxter is still nowhere to be seen.

“Guess you’d better go get him!”

“I will. After all, he must wrestle with this life-changing on his own.”

Gertrude hitches up Donner and Blitzen to a small red sleigh. She flies up to the headquarters. Once there in the hall, she walks around trying to find him. Baxter is found in the Mystical Pole Circle Room. He is standing but he is staring at the pole. Gertrude stands beside him.

A few minutes pass before Gertrude touches his hand bringing him out of the staring contest.

“It is beautiful, isn’t it?”


“Let’s go home. We can eat some dinner.”

Back in the palace, all three eat. Then Baxter heads to his room.

In the morning after breakfast, Santa left to oversee Christmas preparations. Mrs. Claus stayed and asked Baxter if he had taken in everything from the day before. Baxter’s response was asking if he could go back to the headquarters.

She took him back.

 Baxter goes straight to the Mystical Pole Circle Room.

He and the Spirit talk. Mostly reviewing information from the day before. They weigh it all as well. Mrs. Claus leaves them alone for a few hours while she looks at the prophecies. And she also walks around.

Baxter and she have a late lunch. Then both return to look at the prophecies and discuss Christmas preparations, the upcoming holiday, and anything else not related to Baxter’s decision-making process.

The next day, a special Summer Solstice dinner is planned because Gertrude knows what Baxter is going to say.

On Summer Solstice Day, Baxter wears something simple. Nice but simple. The Clauses put on the Christmas Eve Wear. A reindeer-drawn sleigh appears with an elf as a driver. Father Winter, The Clauses and Baxter hop in.

The sleigh is then flown up and to the headquarters.

The quartet walk to the Grand Royalty of Mystic Life Hallway.

There, the other Guardians wait and all but Gertrude and Baxter go in.  Mother Nature comes back out a few minutes later.

“We all await your response!”

With heads high and hearts open, both enter and walk in front of the group as the Guardians stay standing.

“Welcome, all of you! Please be seated. Before anything else, we all shall

put forth our name as present for the history books.”

“Baxter, will you please stand?”

Baxter and Gertrude both stand.

“Baxter Jevon Oran Baggs, have you chosen a path?”

“I wish to embark on this new chapter. I feel something leading me on it and if I am The Chosen Saviour, then I’ll follow my destined journey. So, mote it be!”

“And it shall be! Baxter, it is time. Please follow me everybody.”

All fifteen head down the hall to the Mystical Power Circle. They encircle it with Baxter between Father Christmas and Mother Nature and in front of Father Time on the opposite side of the entrance. 

Baxter just suddenly kneels and starts speaking the Oath of Earthly Legendary Guardians of Humankind.


I, Baxter, kneel before those with unwavering heart and steadfast spirit.

By the Spirit of Ancient Power and the mystical forces that weave within, I solemnly swear to wield Ancient Power and my abilities within with Light, Life, wisdom, loving unity, and peaceful harmony. I pledge to use my powers for the greater good, to protect the innocent, and to defend the Light.

I honor the ancient bonds that unite us all.

For this I say with all my heart and all my soul, now and forevermore.


Soon as he finishes, all look up and to the Mystical Pole itself.  Baxter begins with To Call Mystical Powers.


To Call Mystical Powers



I call forth the Spirit of Ancient Power.

Seek me now for the chime is nigh.

Course unseen throughout the sky,

Throughout the land and sea as well.

For the bell now signals time.


(All Guardians)

Powers we hold dear rise to us who call here.

Come for he is ready.

Ready to take his place as a Guardian of the Light. 


A bright light shines in the room as a rainbow orb envelopes Baxter. It lifts him high. A few minutes go by until the orb floats safely down.

“Behold! Today is a new dawn. For I shall welcome Baxter, Prime Merlinean and Guardian of Belief into Guardians of Childhood and Humanity. He has Merlin’s Staff. It is often called the Power of Earth Staff.”

As the voice fades, the orb around Baxter vanishes.

And all around kneel in his presence.

It takes a few minutes for Baxter to see through his own eyes. But when he does, he asks them to stand. All fourteen do so.

“Hail the Prime Merlinean! Hail the Saviour of Ancient Power!”

“All hail Prime Merlinean Baxter!”

Baxter is a powerful sorcerer (mage) and son of Merlin and is the one mentioned in the Prophecy of Power.

With Baxter now a member of the Realm of Earthly Mystical Community, they return to the chambers.

Each of them talks about the increase of hatred, cruelty, and desolation only having seen it. But reminders of hope in dark times remind all, including the Guardians, that there is enough love and hope and goodness in the world each and every year. Although Gertude and the Guardians do realize Gertrude is right. Humans are in peril of losing that which is the good within us. 

Days later, Baxter and Father Winter discussed Daekiver Turrelon AKA The Immortal Isles AKA Home of Ancient Gods and Goddesses as well as the gods within it. He personally took Baxter to each “house”.

A few days passed. The entirety of Daekiver Turrelon accepted him.

It is now November and soon it now turns into the season of Thanksgiving. A week prior, Clermont Ridge had their annual Thanksgiving feast as many would leave Sunday.

A few days after Thanksgiving in Clermont Ridge…

“Santa! Mrs. Claus! I am here. Hey, Father Winter! Are you joining us?”

“As I always do.”

“I’ll follow you to the back.”

Baxter walks with suitcases to the back and goes upstairs. After some time, he greets the Clauses downstairs.

As days progressed, he was with good company. Sometimes, he returned to Clermont Ridge for some fun activities throughout December but mostly was in Christmastide Valley doing things for Christmas Eve.

The day before Yule, Baxter is awake and busy with Nicholas for last-minute checks for Operation: Merry Christmas. They go back home and find all the Twelve Polar Horses and Twelve Unicorns out front.

“What are they doing here?”

“Baxter, they come with us tomorrow. Winter is coming after all!”

“Oh, yeah. Tomorrow is the Annual Yule Ceremony.”

They go inside and see Gertrude cooking.

Baxter is shown his Winter Suit.

“I’ve made sure you both are ready to go tomorrow. Winter Suits for both of you are ready. I have my Winter Dress.”

The two thank her and soon prepare the table, Dinner is served as was the conversation.

Twenty minutes after dinner, Nicholas asks Baxter to come with him.

Nicholas’s private sleigh was in the barn as two of the unicorns waited to pull it. With the barn doors opened, Nicholas hitches the two and soon leaves the home. They go a few minutes before he stops it.

“We go on foot now. They’ll stay.”

Baxter walks behind Nicholas. Soon, they come upon Polar Bear Caverns.

“You’re going to meet Natalia Eve and Christobal Neige North, children of Sonja and Umka North. They’ve died but Natalie is the eldest and is Leader of Polar Bears – Christmas Clan.”

“Will she be there tomorrow?”

“Yes, Baxter. Partly why you should meet her tonight.”

Right outside of the caverns, Baxter sees the polar bears and they go directly to Natalia’s Cave. Natalia is there. She bows to Nicholas.

“Natalia Eve North, I’m here to introduce Baxter, Prime Merlinean to you. He’ll see you tomorrow, but I was wanting him to meet you beforehand.”

She bows to Baxter who bows back.

“It’s extremely nice to meet you. Yes, I will be there tomorrow.”

It is now Yule.

Once awake, all dress. Then they go outside. The covered sleigh used has two of polar horses and two of polar unicorns hitched. All three get in.

With ten minutes to spare, the trio and animals made it to the location of the

Winter Solstice Ceremony. The trio get out. They bow to Winter and step aside.

          Baxter watches the entire ceremony leading to the actual release of Winter as twenty gods take part in releasing winter on Earth. He then meets the other nineteen deities. The Clauses and Baxter return to Claus Palace.

          In what seems like hours, it is now time for Nicholas to dress and all to gather at the Christmas Eve Launch Center.

          Santa speaks to all elves then he and Baxter board a Believer-Class Sleigh (an S-1). As Nicholas shouts, they fly out of the center.

Halfway through the night, both hear the hopes and joyful noises of children on Christmas Day!

“Nicholas, why do I hear children’s harmonic voices all together? Is this a secret I never was told?”

“HO! HO! HO! This song wasn’t a secret but something to experience as children begin to wake up.

You see, what you are hearing is The Song of Christmas. I will tell you that this is the most powerful and important ballad of the Christmas Spirit. This is harmony to us but if ever the song is sung out of tune, then Christmas Spirit is in trouble! And you would be able to tell if it is!

Let me tell you something. If Queen Boreal wasn’t alive or even the Northern Lights, this would power them completely. What it does do is give them an extra amount of strength on Christmas Day morning!”

Nicholas Claus continues after giving gifts to another village.

“The whole mystical world could hear this song in the olden days. Now, only us as Rulers and those of the Christmas Beings Family can hear it now. However, Christmas Beings are most in tune with it!”

Baxter and Nicholas delivered all the presents. Nicholas steers homeward. They land back in the launch center. Both headed to see Mrs. Claus and nap before celebrating a successful year.

The celebration of a year ending, and another beginning took place in Father Time’s Realm and Baxter saw Nature’s Realm as well.

At the end of Twelvetide and Christmas Season, Baxter attended the Bi-Annual Mystical Childhood Guardians Conference. He then attended the annual Great Noel Parliament’s Christmas Meeting. He went home after both meetings so he could go back to helping Clermont Ridge citizens.

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