Aye, I see it in thine eyes already—thou wouldst ask why I came to Brackenbridge.
A fair question, truly. Perhaps thou thinkest it was for coin, and thou wouldst not be wrong. I have taken many a road for the promise of a well-filled purse, and many more...
A compendium of short stories from the Cataclysm. These legends span a variety of locations, heroes, and villains and serve as an important oral history one of the greatest conflicts in Aravantia's history. At least, whatever the Bards can remember about...
An anthology of short stories, poems and excerpts from various works by Maria Jones. This is the book of the stories never released, the songs never heard, the words never spoken. Welcome to a world of pure imagination!
A collection of tales told by the priests of the Moonshadow across the world of Vaft.
READ IF you like anthologies, LGBT stories and worldbuilding that invites speculation and interpretation.
Upon his death, the great Brass Dragon Altherian the Devoted donated his most favored tome from his collection to Library of the Dawn College. In this book, Altherian inscribed the best myths and stories he had collected from his travels throughout Sylinia.
A collection of stories centered around different times and factions of the world of Aanrah. Each chapter will have its own warnings and tags related to what subplot it is a part of!