Aye, I see it in thine eyes already—thou wouldst ask why I came to Brackenbridge.
A fair question, truly. Perhaps thou thinkest it was for coin, and thou wouldst not be wrong. I have taken many a road for the promise of a well-filled purse, and many more...
Your mother is a kick-ass black-belt karate instructor and English teacher.
Your father? A combat veteran Army Airborne Ranger paramedic with a penchant for saving lives on and off-duty.
So, what are you going to do with your life? Something unexpected,...
Terrorist rage pierces the heart of the United States in a shocking and brutal attack. The attack jolts the country from its naïveté in one, horrifying instant. Jeff Knox, his family, friends, and neighbors are shaken from their comfortable lives in that same...
Will you be content to drift from situation to situation, to sail the course charted for you by others, or will you take charge of your life and chart your own course? For Jeff Knox, a teenager about to start high school in Enfield, Massachusetts, choosing...
When the world came unwound from itself, some lost everything. Their homes, their families, everything they ever knew.
I did the same.
Now, with faeries, vampires, Olympians, and many other creatures wandering around our world, we simply have to adjust....
Gamers Isla and Ger are thrown into a worldwide conspiracy in 2058 as they battle the mysterious cyber-hacktivist, Jericho. Bound by circumstance and hunted by the police, Isla and Ger uncover a conspiracy set up by her own father to steal human consciousness...
Death is dying.
Death decides to do something about it, and enrolls Amdalae to find out what's going on.
Amdalae and her three friends make a pact to enter the forbidden lands of Nevermore, and defeat it's guardian.