The World of Tialma is a land of ancient mystery and new conflagrations. Come and see the adventures of a simple man trying to make his way in the world while killing mostly only the right people, using the magic that's going to be his end someday, and uncovering...
In a world defined by elemental influence and scarred by the whims of their fallen gods, humanity believes they now follow their own path. The Kingdom of Accia seeks to spread their influence across all of Emynea, holding the fate of three continents within...
Welcome to The Vau, a fantastical world set on four planets orbiting a brown dwarf: a gas giant that nearly became a star, which itself orbits a red dwarf. In this magical setting, the celestial bodies themselves are sapient beings which watch over the myriad...
Nestled in between several mountains is the small, quaint town of Saltville, Virginia. Two young queens live there. One is an infant, the other has just celebrated her sixteenth birthday.
On the forested mountain between their homes is a camp where a portal...
Over three hundred years ago, the Dentherion Empire began its conquest of Theyndora. To keep the conquered peoples subdued, they gifted their puppet rulers with advanced tech, made it illegal for everyone else to use it, and harshly dealt with anyone who...
What price, Redemption?
Greenglimmer, a dark and secretive part of the Elfiniti Rainforest, initially opens its arms to Vantra, Laken, and the mini-Joyful.
However, the port city, Selaserat, hides more than local corruption. Vantra, completing a favor for...
A few extra tales or even non-canon content within the world of Emynea, off-shoots of [i]In Their Shadows[/i]! Most of this is going to be older, adapted work, while others are short stories written by EBelt ( Jacqueline Yang). Any one-shots I write will also...
In a world defined by elemental influence and scarred by the whims of their fallen gods, humanity believes they now follow their own path. The Kingdom of Accia seeks to spread their influence across all of Emynea, holding the fate of three continents within...
Friedrich was born an outcast, not only born and abandoned in a country where his name and heritage are scoffed at, but he also is a Rook. The same type of magic user who ruled the world over two centuries past, and were defeated for their tyrannical hold....
Mages Nova and Avon have spent years fighting for survival against devil incursions and callous humans. Now, three newcomers threaten to destroy the tenuous safety they've built.
Re: content warnings
I've done my best to cover all the bases, but I'm unsure...
Layla is a young elf on the search for her father's murderer. Olyvia is an experienced killer on the search for her sister's killer. Their paths intersect on a dark, rainy night and lead to a cascade of new questions, including the ultimate question; what...
A dark fantasy serialized novel.
Vantra, a Finder acolyte in the deathland of Evenacht, follows an anguished mental call for absolution. The silent plea comes from Captain Laken, a brazen butcher who slaughtered her Keel ancestors over four millennia ago....
At the age of twelve Porcelana is chosen to go live at the Convento do Pano Vermelho, the Convent of the Red Cloth, despite the objections of the Abbess, who declares she has the look of a traitor because she was born albino. Porcelana is trained to be an...
[b]Part 1: Inyarel[/b][br]
The country of Inyarel has been thrust into war between the elves and the humans. The humans went from peacefully living in Inyarel to invading the cities and forests the elves called home, claiming these locations for themselves....
A family, who all happen to be knights, try to keep their clan of thirty-three knights safe as a mysterious Knight Hunter takes out knights all over the continent. When one of their knights is taken out, the clan decides it time to leave the forest they've...
The night Mylea Rathiain's family are slaughtered in their beds, she is sent on a path that she would never have expected to find herself on. Thrown into a journey that is far more deadly then it first appears, Mylea must now not only stop a Corrupting Force...
Young witch Chamomile is tired of her mundane life, until she explores the creepy abandoned manor on the edge of town, and discovers the secret within.
Oskar Azkanhalyan is a young mage who developed sorcerous magic at the age of 10. Due to his family's fears about sorcerers wielding uncontrolled magic, Oskar is sent to the sprawling medievalesqe metropolis of Theracarcus, where the continent's largest and...