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01 The Gentle Heaving of Stars

By l.i.l.a.c.

2421 3 2 3111

The eyes of all are on a spattering of galactic incidents that keep all eyes off a War Unseen. The players of evil are pushed back ongoingly no matter their crafty ploys. But the forces of light never have to deal with mortals getting in the mix... until now....

The Unhallowed

By prestonthedm

33044 0 0 46584

[b]LAST UPDATED: 5/10/2024[/b] It's been almost a thousand years since the great Hallowing War sundered the barrier between the Seven Hells and the mortal realm. In the wake of this conflict, the denizens of Emmeron have slowly rebuilt while suffering through...

The Tranquil Expanse

By Athena Rae

156055 4 1 114887

[b]Part 1: Inyarel[/b][br] The country of Inyarel has been thrust into war between the elves and the humans. The humans went from peacefully living in Inyarel to invading the cities and forests the elves called home, claiming these locations for themselves....


By Dylonishere123

21344 8 0 3519

Thomas "Killjoy" King is a seeker of Oxenfree, an organization dedicated to tracking down those lost in other realities. They search for one young boy in particular, Micheal Graham. After learning of Michael's location, the organization prepares an operation...