Chapter 3

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March 21, 1922

Thursday, Noon

Each Ranch, Stevensville, MT


The family and hands that were available joined together for the noon meal. After Grace they began to catch Sam up on what had happened at the ranch and with each person. The two hands that were checking the stock made it back and joined the meal and discussion. None of the family and hands had received an angelic guide or a designation of Champion like he had. While Sam went over what being named a champion meant and that he also had a guide and guardian angel.

While they talked the two riders that went to Stevensville returned and Sam’s two companions from Stevensville Ferry came in. The riders reported that the situation in Stevensville was panicked, over 300 maybe 350 people were taken up. There was a mob by the sheriff's office, but the sheriff and two deputies were nowhere to be found. The one remaining deputy was trying to maintain order. Sam’s companions Tom and Gunner reported that there was no one at the Stevensville Ferry, the ferry grounded in  the middle of the creek. Only 3 men remained at the station. The train is running at least 2 hours late and the telegraph, phone and powerlines are down. Alex and a couple of riders went to check on the train.

When the meal was over Sam excused himself and asked Tom and Gunner to head out towards his place. The three saddled their horses and whistling up Sam’s dogs they set off. They caught up with Bull just finishing with loading the wagon with the butchered remains of the grizzly and deer. “Boys dismount here we have to have a talk.” Said Sam. Dismounting, they all moved to the side of the trail. His companions started to ask what was up all the while they were checking the surroundings. Raising his hands, he said “okay boys, there is someone you need to meet, and a decision to make. Understand this is volunteer only. Guide would you please introduce yourself?” As the angel manifested the three companions stepped back Gunner reaching for his pistol, but stopping wide eyed as the aura enveloped them.

“I am Hevakhemel, an angel of the Most High. Samuel has requested to call me Guide as my name is difficult for him. My assignment is to guide Samuel, the Lord’s Champion, and his companions during these times of trial. “Samuel as a Champion of the Most High has been given several boons to aid him. He is also encouraged to name 5 companions to form his lance. He has so far named you. Do you agree to aid him in these end times?”

Gunner responds, “we have been his men since we got back from the Great War, can’t see as we’re gonna turn our backs on each other now.”

Tom chimes in, “We have each other’s backs. Brothers in arms.”

“What is it that we will be doin?” asks Bull.

“Samuel is a member of the “Supreme Order of Christ”” replied Hevakhemel. “As such he is charged with protecting the weak, aiding the poor, upholding the Lord and his works. You will be aiding in this. If you agree each will receive gifts to aid you in protecting and aiding others.”

The three men looked at one another and putting their heads together had a brief quiet exchange lasting less than a minute. Turning back to Sam and Hevakhemel, Gunner responded, “We agree to remain with Sam, what do we need to do?”

“Stand here, look at me and recite this with me” as Hevakhemel said this the status screen came up and a scroll appeared in the view of each man.

“I, <each man’s name appeared in his screen>, Do swear and avow to be a true disciple of Yeshua, to be shield to the weak, sword against the adversary, almsman to the needy, and to give all Glory to YHWH, forsaking all other deities. I swear this in the name of Yeshua”

As the men finished Sam saw a scroll on his status screen and read “I, Samuel Peter MacLachlan, do swear and avow as a follower of Yeshua and in his name, to lead you, support you, and be your brother in these times of apocalypse, and into the next world”.

As Sam finished the status screens of each man changed and notifications began to show up, Sam’s read “Congratulations on recruiting the start of your lance, your clerical investiture now includes a power investiture (3), +3 IQ and the basic knowledge to imbue your personal weapons.”

His men meanwhile read “Congratulations you have been invested by YHWH as a warrior cleric: +2 points Piety access to clerical miracles and rituals” the next read You have received Power Investiture (2) +2 IQ, Finally “Congratulations on achieving the rank of Sergeant in the Supreme Order of Christ: +2 reaction to allies of YHWH, -3 reaction to allies of the adversary” the next scroll(s) were different for each of the men. The screen for each man was different from this line forward:

“Bull” Harald Fisher: “Congratulations as a Sergeant of the Order and Companion of The Champion you are granted: +2 HT, +2 Piety, and the power and knowledge to Consecrate, Desecrate, and through your smithing and ceremony Sanctify and Bless items.” (Enchanted and Blessed Weapons)

Tom Thomas Schultz: “Congratulations as a Sergeant of the Order and Companion of the Champion you are granted: +2 Dex, +2 Per, and the power and basic knowledge to control the Beasts. (Mind Bond, Empathy, Telesense, 4 slots 30 minutes of control takes 2 turns and uses 1 slot, Long term bonding takes 2 days and uses 2 slots)

Gunner James Halprin: “Congratulations as Sergeant of the Order and Companion of the Champion you have been granted: +2 HT, +2 Str, and the power and basic knowledge of fire. (Ignite, Create and Extinguish)

The men began to talk all at once, “How do I”, “What does this”, “WOW I can”, Hevakhemel interrupted them and they each went into a private conversation, at the same time, seeming to last minutes or even close to an hour, but lasting only seconds of real time. Each of the men having been briefed on the gifts they had been given they all turned to Hevakhemel as he gave them their first quest.

“Head west to the Big Creek, at the headwaters, Big Creak Lake you must go and find the cave on the far west shore. There you will find allies in these end times.” Instructed Hevakhemel.

“That’s a lot of area to search” replied Tom. “How do we narrow the search?”

“Who are we searching for?” asked Gunner.

Sam held up his hands, “lets give Guide a chance to answer, just like a morning briefing”. The men turned back to Guide coming unconsciously to rest position. Sam looked over at his friends with a smile.

Guide started in again “travel to Big Creek Lake, on the western shore there are caves. Search the lake area and the caves to find allies and maybe more. No, I will not tell you more. This is a quest, not an assignment. To tell you more would be to lessen the rewards.”

“Is there any other information you can give us?” asked Sam.

“Paper money will have no value, but you may want to bring some coin or trade goods.” Replied Guide.

“Brothers, anything else?” His companions all shook their heads. Military men, cavalry scouts and army, they were used to heading out into danger with no in-depth guidance. “Tom, join me in going back to my cabin, gonna have to lock the cabin down and bring the horses to the ranch.”

Sam and Tom continued to the cabin while Bull and Gunner took the small wagon with the carcasses back to the ranch. After closing up the barn and cabin Tom and Sam rejoined them at Each Ranch around sundown.

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