Chapter 5

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March 22, 1922

7:00 am Each Ranch

The Lance gathered at the stables saddling their mounts and loading the pack horse for a week in the mountains. While the days in Bitterroot Valley were warm enough, the evenings were close to freezing, heading into the mountains things would be cooler. Gunner leaving his 1918 BAR in favor of a lighter M1903. By 7:20 the lance with a small pack of dogs were heading out. They started north to avoid needing to ford the river twice, then headed west. They forded the river and began to ride cross country crossing the rail road tracks after a bit over a mile and entering Indian Prairie. They were about half a mile into the prairie the pack ranging out ahead of them when Milleadh gave a yelp. Ironhawk and the rest of the pack ran over, and a small fight occurred. The men rode up as the dogs took down the prey. Alex dismounted, “By God, a real jackalope. Three of them.”

Tom, “We’re no tenderfoot. Not fallin fer such non-sense”

Gunner, “Yesterday Victor Township was destroyed by werewolves, and we were all initiated into a Papal Order of fighting clerics, and you’re having trouble with jackalopes?

Tom shook his head “you’re right, you’re right.” He and Sam started to dismount when Alex called out “Hold” while pulling his pistol and quickly aiming and firing. Another jackalope broke cover and headed deeper into the early spring prairie grass. Bull, “Holy Mother of God” the others shaking their heads, this animal was twice the size of the jackalopes with a single spiral horn unlike the deer horns of the others. Looking around carefully Sam got down and checked the dogs. I couple had minor wounds, little better than scratches. After a short rest for the horses everyone remounted and keeping weapons to hand continued toward Curlew lead and silver mine. They would get to the Big Creek a bit before making the mine. Getting to Big Creek just after 10, they started up Big Creek Valley. They took a short break to water the horses, check the loads and give everyone a chance to stretch their legs. The dogs took advantage to head into the woods looking for game. The men listened to hear if the 2 Scottish Deerhounds, a Tahltan Bear Dog and the 2 mixed bear dog-deerhounds would scare up anything. They didn’t feel too rushed they should make it up the valley to Big Creek Lake by 3. Plenty of time and sun to scout the near side and make a camp. After giving the dogs a bit of time, they set off up creek. Alex walking ahead as scout, Gunner on drag, Tom acting as horse handler while the two big men, Sam and Bull took flank. The dogs ranging the woods around them. They had traveled about three miles while climbing 1000 feet, they came to a saddle rising to the south and moved up into it for a break. The dogs came in and joined the men and horses. Sam gave that so loved by the dough boys command, “smoke em if you got em.” He then pulled his plug of tobacco while the others smoked or took a chew. After 15 minutes they all got up on command and headed back to the creek letting the horses have a drink. Continuing towards the white water about 2 miles ahead they noticed the dogs were not ranging out, but staying close. The men noticed that the woods are unnaturally quiet. While not totally silent they lacked the normal spring rustling.

The trip to the falls while tense was quiet. To get above the falls they had to travel about 150 yards south, into the woods. As they started into the woods the dogs drew in and stayed with the men instead of ranging, the horses tense and unsettled. They moved slowly, keeping alert and quiet, weapons ready. As they reached the turn to start back to Big Creek the animals; dogs and horses, became balky, not wanting to continue, the men noticed a smell, almost like a skunk had mated with a paper mill. They all took a knee, weapons trained outwards, the animals within the loose circle of men. A tense quarter hour passed, and the smell began to fade. The dogs moving forward to join the circle of men looking outwards, hackles raised. After another 10 minutes the dogs began to growl and the horses began to relax, just a bit.

“I am moving to calm the horses” Tom said in a low voice.

“Keep a weapon to hand” replied Sam. “Whatever that was seems to have move off.”

The men maintained the circle for another ten minutes, the dogs and horses now relaxed they got back in formation and continued back to the white water above the falls.

Upon getting back out of the woods the men began to relax slightly. Bull and Sam took a knee, rifles ready looking towards the woods, The others took the horses over to the creek. Tair moved away and took position by Sam. Sam looked up at his horse, “What’s up boy?” Tair tossed his head and twitched his ear. Sam raised his eyes to Tair. The horse lowered his head and pushed down on the M1903. Sam pushed his head, “careful boy.”

Bull glanced over, “What’s up with him?”

“No idea” Sam replied.

“Think he’s tryn to tell us something?” asked Bull. “Never seen him like this” answered Sam.

James called over, “What was that back in the woods?”

 Alex, “No idea, never smelled anything like it.”

Sam, “Seems to be gone the animals are relaxed.” Tom,  “The way they acted had to be a predator, could be it just moved downwind,”

Sam, “Stay alert but we can relax a bit. Take a few minutes to check the animals, then smoke em if you got em.”

After the animals were checked Bull pulled a flask of whiskey and handed it around, Sam passing. Canteens were topped off in the creek, Sam checked his pocket watch, about 2:24, the encounter set them back some.

“Gents let’s get a move on, want to have time to set camp by the flats near the lake. Don’t want to do it as dark as it gets in final quarter o’ the moon.” Taking their positions, they again set off following the creek. The natural sounds of the woods having come back they all subconsciously began to relax. About 4:15, Gunner, in the rear called halt. “Look up about our 7:30. Several of the men looked up and back. “Shit, neva seen one that big.” Tom said. The others looked up open mouthed or subvocalizing their own exclamations, in the sky behind them was a raven, but what a raven. Black as pitch, and the wingspan had to be ten foot. The bird rode the updrafts and slowly drifted across the sky. As it continued west, towards the lake, they heard a wolf howl, a powerful howl, from ahead and towards their right. The raven cawed and banked right speeding up as it dropped in altitude. The men looked at each other and a feeling of uneasiness passed through the lance. Gripping their rifles, they started forward reaching the “flats” the open area just before the lake. It was reduced in area due to the lakeshore rising with snowmelt.

“Sunsets in an hour n half, let’s get camp pitched, backs to the lake” ordered Sam. “No one alone. Alex, Tom get us some firewood.”

The two men started back into the wood, James taking their horses towards the lake. Dearg and Kaizer the two mixed breed dogs went into the woods with Alex and Tom. Jager, the Tahltan and Sam’s Millealdh and Ironhawk followed to the lake. As the set the camp the horses were allowed to graze in the early spring grass, the campfire, tents and picket line set, a pot of coffee set to brew. After a dinner of salt pork, beans and hardtack they hitched the horses to the picket line and setting the watch they retired to their tents. As the old (waning) moon was gaining height they heard the powerful wolf howl again, to the west by northwest, answered by another west by southwest. The remainder of the night passed quietly.



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