Chapter 1

1997 2 0

Tuesday March 21,1922

First day of Spring

02:50 AM Moon in it's third quarter

Sam MacLachlan woke very early. As he lay there in the darkness he listened. closely. The cabin and the surrounding woods were quiet as a tomb. Sam got out of bed and pulled on his pants over his night shirt, buckled on his pistol and picked up his rifle, checking that he had a full clip loaded. Gliding over to the open window he peeked out.

A flash of lightning, brighter than he ever saw blinded him even as the thunder caused such pain he fell to the floor, grabbing the side of the wall Sam pulled himself to his knees, above him to the east in the sky was a white horse, its rider wore robes and a crown and was armed with a bow, again the thunder and lightning assaulted his senses. As he recovered in the sky there was another horse and rider, The horse and the robe of his rider were red, the red of new spilt blood, and he carried a large sword. As Sam began to tremble his senses were set upon again, and when they cleared another impossible horse and rider, black as the inside of a cave, holding golden scales. Sam was sure this one was talking but his ears were still ringing, Sam began to pray. His prayer interrupted by another flash and thunderclap, the fourth flying horse, a pale horse, running beside him a man, a man cloaked in shadow, though there was nothing to cast them, his clothing pale as moonlight.

Sam headed to the door, taking a knee as he opened it and surveyed the outside. Seeing nothing he gave a whistle, his two deerhounds nowhere to be seen. Moving slow Sam got as far as the porch when the night sky lit up like day, the light cloud cover vanishing from around a host appearing from a tear in the sky, he swore he heard Ruffles and flourishes as they arrived, then the call changed to recall. As the last note faded, he saw people, hundreds of them from the direction of Stevensville begin to rise and fly into the air. As they arrived, they joined the host and the bugle sounded Church call. The host turned and to General's March reentered the tear in the sky which sealed behind them.

Starting to shake his head Sam lost his balance and fell to the ground. As he lay there his vision was blocked by the blue of Gulf of Mexico. A voice, soft and soothing said “Sam, you have been chosen. Many were taken to be with Jesus, but you and those others here have been chosen to be Heavens soldiers here on earth.” Unable to talk or question the voice, all Sam could do was listen as the angel gave him instructions on how to use the blue status sheet that was blocking his vision. He was told the meaning of each listing, an explanation of development points, how to gain them and to use them. He also learned that with the End times having arrived not only had God begun to take a hand but all the other deities, and the races and beasts of myth and legend as well as magic and mysticism were now loose in the world. The gates have been thrown open, but mankind is not yet ready to travel through them.

His lesson over, Sam, shaking, was able to rise to his knee as his girls, Milleadh and Ironhawk, came running from the barn. Taking a moment to make sure they were okay, Sam and his deerhounds headed to the barn to check the horses. Tairenach had his head out of his stall, ears up and stomping his hoof. He was all set to answer the bugle, recall had sounded. Oidhche and Madainn were both standing with ears up and waiting, but lacking the cavalry training of Tairenach did not know the bugle calls. His animals accounted for and well. Sam headed back outside, the sounds of the night were soothing, and Sam went to sit on his porch, took a chaw of tobacco and fell into deep thought, he had a wealth of development points to use before heading to his brother’s ranch. No sense heading out before sunrise anyway.

Bringing up his status sheet Sam began to read what was there. A different voice broke into his thoughts, "Greetings from the God of Hosts, I am Hevakhemel, an angel of the Most High sent to guide you."

"What, you are who?" yelled Sam.

Hevakhemel in his thoughts replied, "Gentle Samuel, no need to yell or even talk, just think to me."

Sam thought back "Like this?”

"Yes" replied Hevakhemel, "I have been sent to aid and guide you as the Lord's Champion."

"Champion" Sam interrupted, "How did God chose me as his champion?"

With what felt like a sigh the response came "You are a man of deep faith. A deep love for God and a follower of His will. The oath you swore in His name when you entered the cavalry and the new oath you swore when you were in Paris forming the American Legion, For God and Country, do you remember these oaths sworn in His name? God is holding you to these oaths, made sacred by invoking His Power and His reputation, that is what in his name means." Thinking back Sam remembered his oaths to serve and protect, his country and his countrymen. His shoulders briefly sagged as the weight of those oaths, and the implications of Devine enforcement settled on him. Squaring his shoulders, he thought "Okay, Hevakhemel, that is a mouthful, even just in thought, is there something simpler to remember and say that would not offend you?"

The reply "My name translates roughly to Wisdom of/from God"

Sam interrupts, "how about guide?" With a sigh and the feeling of resignation the reply came, "I can accept that. Now it is time to get to work" Together they began to look over Sam's Status Sheet. (For a normal human all nine stats would be 10)

Samuel Peter MacLachlan           Height: 6’5’

Build Value: 129/265                    Weight: 200 lbs

  Old Stat New Stat   Old Stat New Stat
STR 12 14 HP 12 14
DEX 12 14 Will 11 12
INT 11 12 PER 13 14
HT 11 14 FP 11 14
Piety 12 16      

Advantages & Disadvantages

Old New Old New
Military Rank 2 Retired (Sergeant) Military Rank 2 Retired (Sergeant) Combat Reflexes Combat Reflexes
Fearless Fearless X2 Fit Fit
Less Sleep Less Sleep X2 Night Vision Night Vision X3
Addiction Tobacco Addiction Tobacco Soldier's Code of Honor Soldier's Code of Honor
On the Edge On the Edge Over Confidant Over Confidant
Alcohol Intolerance Alcohol Intolerance Allies Patron
  Absolute Time   Absolute Direction

The meanings of the basic attributes score for a normal adult are:

6 or less: Crippling. An attribute this bad severely constrains your lifestyle.

7: Poor. Your limitations are immediately obvious to anyone who meets you. This is the lowest score you can have and still pass for “able-bodied.”

8 or 9: Below average. Such scores are limiting, but within the human norm.

10: Average. Most humans get by just fine with a score of 10!

11 or 12: Above average. These scores are superior, but within the human norm.

13 or 14: Exceptional. Such an attribute is immediately apparent (as bulging muscles, feline grace, witty dialog, or glowing health) to those who meet you.

15 or more: Amazing. An attribute this high draws constant comment and probably guides your career choices.


Build Value for a normal human is zero. All attributes are 10 and they have skills that are normal for a person from their country and profession. Either no advantages or disadvantages or they equal out.

An Advantage increases your abilities and value, while disabilities decrease your abilities or in someway make your life more difficult.

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