Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Tuesday, April 4th

Day 14 of the Event

The fourth day in a row, the weather is holding, unseasonably warm, bright and sunny, no clouds, no breeze. Almost like the world is holding it’s breath.

The ranch is stirring with the sun, the cooking area hard at work to feed the 46 people now living here.

After breakfast the adults and kids over 13 all chip in to clean; gather and split firewood; draw water; watch over the children 12 and under and all the other myriad chores that go into running a frontier ranch.

Sam and his Lance feeling the pressure beginning to mount to complete their quests in a timely fashion (Finish recruitment of 2 sergeants: a total of 30 others in combat and support roles: recruit at least 30 people to construct the refuge by Big Creek Lake: start building the refuge by May 1st.) decide to head south. The next closest town Corvallis being about 12 miles away and lots of homes on the way there. They take supplies for four days and head out directly after chow. Bull, driving a wagon and four of the pack joined them.

The team stayed on the road yet traveled slowly as they stopped at every house along the road. This took a bit longer as they often had to convince the residents they were not raiders before they could check to see if they needed any help. They also would talk to the residents about the refuge that was being set up and the need for people. It took them 5 hours to make it to the turn to Victor and they stopped to have a cold meal the dogs lay under the wagon to get out of the sun. The trip so far had many sights that were grim, the one ray of good cheer, if it could be called that, was that while they found couples whose children were all taken, and families where one parent was taken, the youngest child to have lost both parents was 12, and the young Master Olek Gee was happy to join the group and rode in the wagon riding shotgun, even taking a turn at the reins.

They got back on the road after a short break and had gone past three more houses, the third had a barn, all showing signs of survivors who had been attacked and killed or taken by raiders. As they were checking the barn area of the third house they found a sight that made their blood turn cold.

The barn had been broken into, but not by the raiders, there were claw marks. Tracks and claw marks that would remember in nightmares for years. Omitaa-dainah. The men made sure Olek was in the back of the wagon and armed with one of the special bowie knives they had worked on. Sam charged his carbine and the others drew swords. The men proceeded to clear the barn. Inside they found a woman, middle aged, her throat torn open and the body left. The sheep inside had been slaughtered and eaten. Not wanting Olek to see the results they finished removing the head from the body and set it and the barn on fire. Not wanting to be responsible for the fire spreading out of control they started to set up camp. About 20 minutes later they heard the sounds of hooves coming from the south, a group of riders, looked like veterans from the 163rd, Sam’s old unit.


Sam’s group moved to cover as the riders bore down on them. They had their weapons loose but not aimed at the riders, no reason to be the cause of trouble if they were not raiders. The riders pulled up about 75 yards from the barn and dismounted, two men took the reins and moved the horses to some cover while the other eight spread out on both sides of the road. Weapons in hand but not aimed. One man began to walk forward down the center of the hard packed gravel road.

Sam, “Looks like they plan to talk, cover me but don’t start anything.” Standing, Sam stepped out of cover and began to walk towards the oncoming figure. They stopped at about 20 yards distance and the eyes of the other man narrowed as he looked at Sam.

“Sergeant?” he started, “How is the herd doing?”

“L T they are ready to be rode hard” replied Sam.

“You burn that barn?” asked L T

“Had to Sir.” answered Sam

A chuckle from L T. “You look like an awful small group to be out raiding, you tracking raiders from up north?”

“Sir, we are not, but you will not believe me if I try to explain it. Said Sam.

“Sergeant, after what we went through over there, and your work on this new American Legion, thing, I think I can at least listen.”

“L T, this may just take a little bit. I got three troops and a civie. Can we all stand down and make sure the fire stays where it oughta?”

Nodding the L T turned and  signaled the men behind him to come in. Sam turned and called “Lieutenant Marco Serrano of the 163rd, come to see what regs we are breaking, cause we ani’t got no mounts for him.”

“Sam, that’s Captain now. I can handle a weapon with hurting myself, and since the Major isn’t here I guess you will have to talk to me.” Said Marco. (see chapter end)

“Just Sam now Cap, I turned in my papers.” Replied Sam with a head shake.

The two groups came together near the barn. “Cap, for me to explain why we had to burn this, I have to ask one question.”

Marco nodded his willingness.

“You got one of these blue contraptions?”

“We all do. Why?” answered Marco

“Sir indulge me just a little more. Please.

I see you are out patrolling, you seen anything different? Not raiders or looters, things that just never been seen before?” asked Sam.

“Sam, tell me what happened here.”

“I have to explain a bit before it will make any sense , Sir” answered Sam

“If you don’t want this down in the sheriff’s place talk to me.” Commanded Marco

“Sir the important part started on the 23rd” started Sam and he then explained the battle with the Omitaa-dainah and the explanation of them by Wyome. “Sir He said the same things we fought were what took out Victor and we found what looked like one of their kills in the barn. If it is what Wyome said, well the bodies from Victor are becoming these Omitaa-dainah and it is gonna be right rough around here.”

“Sam, you were always levelheaded. Never saw you outright lie. There are somethings we have seen that are not as God made them, but werewolves? You expect me to believe werewolves?” said Marco.

“Sir, not werewolves, made that mistake, silver don’t hurt these dog-men none. Need white ash oil, need fire to burn them, sir.” Answered Sam

“No white ash growing around here Sam, so how do we beat them?” Marco asked while giving a disbelieving grin.

“Sir, I need to ask you to have your men stand easy, I have an answer but the proof just may spook you all.” Said Sam.

Marco looked around at everyone, “You heard the man, don’t act without orders, Corporal you have the command.”

Sam looked around, inhaled slowly, “Okay Sir, your answer and your proof” Sam slowly drew his cavalry saber, raised it to point straight towards the Heavens, the blade of the saber glowed for just a second and burst into a white flame. While the newcomers started, stepping back, reaching for weapons.  “Men, slowly now” the remainder of Sam’s lance drew their own swords, just as slowly raised them high, and then the swords were all engulfed in a bright blue-red flame.

Old Joke to explain the difference in Military Ranks

GENERAL: Leaps tall buildings with a single bound, is more powerful than a locomotive, is faster than a speeding bullet, walks on water amid typhoons, gives policy to God.

COLONEL: Leaps short buildings with a single bound, is more powerful than a switch engine, is just as fast as a speeding bullet, walks on water if sea is calm, talks to God.

Lt. COLONEL: Leaps short buildings with a running start and favorable winds, is almost as powerful as a switch engine, is faster than a speeding BB, walks on water at the swimming pool, talks to God if a DA-4187 request form is approved.

MAJOR: Barely clears Quonset hut, loses tug-of-war with switch-engine, can fire a speeding bullet, swims well, is occasionally addressed by God.

CAPTAIN: Makes high marks by trying to leap buildings, is run over by locomotive, can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self injury, dog paddles, talks to animals.

1ST LIEUTENANT: Runs into buildings, recognizes locomotives two out of three times, is not issued ammunition, can stay afloat if properly instructed in the Mae-West, talks to walls.

2ND LIEUTENANT: Falls over doorstep when trying to enter buildings, says look at the Choo-Choo, wets himself, plays in mud puddles, mumbles to himself.

CHIEF and SERGEANT MAJOR: Lifts tall buildings and walks under them, kicks locomotives off the tracks, catches speeding bullets in his teeth and eats them, freezes water with a single glance, HE IS GOD.

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