Day 39

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77S/58W - Morning

Dear Diary, good morning... it looks like our time at the factory is soon over, for real. It started working again this morning, and I was approached by a Matchmaker. She told me that the recruits will have to leave very soon. That we should get ready for that.

I don't know how to "get ready"! I'm afraid...

77S/58W - Evening

Dear Diary, what a day this was... There was no training session today, because Kalgore had a different idea for exercise this time - team building exercise. That's what he called it. He told us that today, we'd "hang out and talk", so that we can get to know each other better, or something... since he'll be "stuck" with us in the future, too.

So in the afternoon me, Wren, and Wilk joined him at his garage, and we talked. Well, mostly Kalgore did. He talked a lot about the world out there. How it's going to be "colder and crueller" than the "cozy" factory grounds. Wilk also seems to think so. That didn't really help in making me feel better about it all...

Kalgore also said that he thinks we're not ready for it. He thinks we still need to improve our performance if we want to stand a chance against the hostile teams we'll meet. I wonder how he imagines that to happen in the short time we have left here...

I didn't want to listen to that doomsday talk any longer than necessary, so I tried my best to leave as soon as possible without making Kalgore angry at me. Which I did manage eventually. I also tried to discreetly signal to Wren that she should come with me, but she wasn't paying attention, apparently, and stayed.

She still hasn't returned, and the sun is already setting...

77S/58W - Evening (Again)

Dear Diary, I couldn't help but wonder about what else the others talked about after I was gone. So, when Wren finally came back to her garage, I asked her about it. She seemed very gloomy again, though...

Kalgore said to her that she is "too soft" to be a proper SPG. She asked him if he'd be happier if she just changed class, but he dismissed it completely. He said it wouldn't change her core... That she'd just be an "arty in a different body", and useless.

Wren asked me if I think the same...

I had to admit that I didn't really think about this before. I mean, apart from my stupid joke about Tzako turning me into a heavy tank. And speaking of him, I suggested we could just go ask him about it. He should know this stuff, after all. But Wren told me to "forget about it" and went to sleep.

I guess I'll do the same. I've really gotten used to the factory noises by now, they barely keep me from sleeping anymore. Makes me wonder if I'll miss them once we had to leave?

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