Day 1

504 1 0

38S/58W - Evening

Hello world! Or should I say, ‘Dear Diary’? I don’t know. ‘Hello world’ was the first thing that came to my mind! But, anyway. Bear with me please, this is my very first entry. This is my first day.

I am… a tank. Well, if you are hearing this, you probably are one, too. But I’m not sure how else to describe myself just yet. I don’t even have a name yet!

Being a tank, apparently it means: I was built by the factory, just today. I am made of steel, with paint on that steel. Mine is dark brown, a bit like the mud around here. I can use that paint to blend in and hide, if I have to. I have wheels and tracks; they are powered by my engine that will always need fuel. I need them to move around, as quickly as necessary. And of course, I have a turret with a cannon in the front. I was told to be careful with this cannon, because when it is loaded, and when I pull the trigger, it will damage whatever it is pointed at.

The others here are tanks, too. They said they are called ‘Matchmakers’. They told me many things today - so many that I’m afraid I don’t remember everything. But they made sure that I understood the most important of things they told me. Apparently, not everyone in the world is a tank. There are also animals, they are not vehicles and are not made of steel. They are not built by factories, either. The Matchmakers said I don’t have to worry about them.

And here’s the important part: They said I only have to worry about the vehicles: The ones made of steel, built by the factories. That I will always have to worry about them. Here, no one will try to harm me. Once I leave the gates, they said, everyone will be my enemy. The vehicles will try to find me, hunt me, and take me apart. They want my steel, my fuel, the wheels, the tracks, and all the other parts. I will want theirs, and we will have to use our cannons to fight each other until we die.

Dear Diary… I am a tank. I don’t have a name yet. Today is my first day… on this Earth where all the other tanks will try to kill me.

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