Day 22

522 0 0

60S/58W - Evening

Dear Diary! Like I was planning to, today I asked Tzako about the trucks. He was the only Matchmaker I could get a hold of, and only because I told him that I had noticed some "weird noise" in my gearbox. There wasn't actually any noise, but since the factory got back to work, all the Matchmakers are very busy again. I got the idea from a tactics manual, actually. It was something about feigning injury to fool enemies. Who knew, all that reading was good for something after all!

In any case, I asked him what the deal with the trucks is while he was looking for the cause of the non-existent noise. Turns out that some machines are just not as advanced as others. Or maybe that's the wrong way to say it. Tzako said they are not as good at the things we tanks are good at, but quite good at other things. And also that they just don't need to be very smart, because unlike us, they don't ever fight.

He also mentioned other types of machines... I don't exactly remember their names, except for the "planes". Tzako said that the other machines are all also not very smart - but the planes are. He said not to tell the other Matchmakers, but apparently he thinks the planes are actually a tiny bit smarter than us. And that tiny bit of extra smart they have... they use to hunt and kill us tanks in wicked ways.

I won't lie, the way he described them seemed pretty terrifying. I thought that other tanks are scary... but the planes sound so much worse. They are larger than tanks?! And yet they can fly? Like a bird! And the shells they use, they just drop on top of your turret and not only you, but also the whole block will be gone if they do!

...Dear Diary, I think I will have nightmares tonight! The only good thing about this is that Tzako assured me that the generations before us made sure to keep the planes in check. So they are very rare. Nevertheless, I'm still very scared of meeting one now.

Well, after telling me about the horrible planes, Tzako said he couldn't find anything wrong with my gearbox. I said that I probably just imagined it. Tzako more or less kicked me out of the workshop after that and went back to helping the other Matchmakers with the factory.

I went to find Wren right afterwards and told her what I found out about the trucks and the planes. ...I think she also won't sleep well tonight. I mean, it's not like we would have slept well anyway, since the factory is doing its thing, and being very noisy again. We actually sat together for a while and tried to guess what the new tank will be. Waiting for the factory to finish its work is going to be annoying, because we're already very excited to meet the new friend! Whatever they turn out to be, they can join our team, too!

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