Day 2

516 1 0

39S/58W - Evening

Dear Diary, today was really exhausting. But also exciting. Just like yesterday, I guess - but for different reasons.

Yesterday, I didn't actually do much. After I woke up in the factory's hall, I was received by a Matchmaker right away and all the explaining started. There was so much of it! That was actually the reason why I started this diary... I was going to record all the stuff they told me about so I won't forget.

But when I was dropped off at a garage to rest after we tested my weapon, I was simply too... what's a good word? Befuddled? I was just sitting in that garage and thinking about a lot of things.

And I think I also decided that this diary is good for much more than just a dump of facts I learn. I don't know for sure, yet, what exactly. Maybe it will just be myself looking back at all this sometime in the far future? Or maybe someone else will find it after I'm gone... and find it useful in some way. Who knows.

In any case, since I've made that decision - I'll just go ahead and record what happened today!

Like I said, it was pretty exhausting. The sun was barely up when I woke up because someone knocked on my garage door. It was - of course - one of the Matchmakers. She said that she was going to properly introduce me to everyone here.

The first stop on our 'tour' was the fuel depot. It's open for everyone here, at all times. So if my engine needs fuel, and I get hungry, I can just go and grab some of the fuel. We grabbed what the Matchmaker called "breakfast" at the depot.

Afterwards, we went around the factory grounds and said "hello" to everyone. I didn't remember all the names because there were about... a dozen tanks? Maybe more? Some of them also looked very similar to each other. Others looked very different. I don't know if I look like any of them, since I haven't actually seen myself in full yet. But they all did look a bit scary. They were friendly to me, but they have really big cannons.

Except for one of them, actually! We visited him last.

His name I do remember: Tzako. He's the owner of the workshop that is near the factory building. He doesn't have a big cannon like the others. When I asked him why that is, he said that he's a "mechanic". And apparently, mechanics don't need big cannons.

He did some checking up on my body - he called it a "frame". Made sure that everything was constructed the way it should be. He said that sometimes the factory makes mistakes, and bad things happen if those go unnoticed.

While he was doing that, I asked him about a strange, large box that was sitting on one of the shelves. He said it's a "camera". A device to take "pictures", or "photos", of anything one wants to remember or show others who haven't seen it themselves.

I found that very interesting. After all, I'm trying to document everything I can! Pictures will really help, I think. So I asked him if I can use it. He didn't mind, as long as I don't break it. And I'll also have to get the film myself. The camera spits out the photos after you take them, so you need to feed it film. Tzako told me who I can ask to order some, but I'll have to ask him again about it later since I don't remember whose name that was. For now, though, I can still take a few photos before the film will run out.

I tested the camera right away, and the photo it took turned out pretty nice! It took a while until the picture showed up, but it was worth the wait.

In any case, after the checkup was done, I was 'released'... I guess. The Matchmakers said I can now move around freely on the factory grounds. Only the factory itself is taboo. I can't go inside it. But other than that - I could even leave if I want to. They cautioned me against leaving before I am "ready", though. Because once I leave, I can't return. Ever.

I'm not sure if I'm anywhere near ready... I will have to ask one of them if I have to leave at some point. Of course I don't plan on staying forever, but... I feel like I still have a lot to learn before I can compete with the world out there.

Sorry for the musings, I should really end this entry before I start rambling too much. It's just that the factory has started working again a couple hours ago, and it's... very loud, to say the least. I can hear it all the way over here in my garage! It's giving me some trouble with falling asleep.

I hear someone drive past every now and then, too. The Matchmakers are very busy right now. They're making sure the factory has enough materials, I think? I don't know just how involved they are in the process.

Oh well! I'll try to get some sleep, anyway. I don't know what will await me in the morning, but I should try to get some rest, in case it's as exhausting as everything else was so far.

The factory, from inside the workshop across the yard. I will try to take lots of pictures from now on!

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