Day 30

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68S/58W - Morning

Dear Diary, today I was supposed to get my scheduled checkup. Buuuut I didn't. Tzako kicked me back out just as I arrived, because the factory finished its work and he had to tend to the new tank. I tried to catch a glimpse of the newcomer, but didn't manage.

However, as I was on the way to my garage, I was approached by one of the Matchmakers - Iva. I haven't really talked to her much before, but I always recognize her because she has a really angular frame with lots of dents in it. She took me aside and asked me if everything is alright. I was a bit confused at first, but it became obvious quickly that she wanted to talk about Kalgore.

She said that one of the other Matchmakers had overheard his argument with Wren yesterday. Iva wanted to know if we recruits don't get along with each other.

And I... I lied to her.

I said it's fine, and that we probably just need a bit of time to get used to each other. I don't know why I said that. I mean, I guess I do know. I'm not a fortune teller but I'm pretty sure the Matchmakers wouldn't just kill Kalgore. So imagine if I snitched on him and he found out! What if they punished him because of me, or something? I think he wouldn't appreciate it. I don't want to make my life harder than it already is, you know?

After I told Iva that we're fine, she left me alone. She did look a bit skeptical, but didn't try to prod.

68S/58W - Evening

Dear Diary, I did manage to get my checkup, at last. All mechanical parts are working as they should, according to Tzako's verdict. But he said that my... attitude needs some fixing.

As he was finished working, I was being silly and asked him if he can weld some additional steel plates to my hull and turret, as well... He seemed to take the request seriously and asked me why I would want that. For some reason I felt the need to say, "So I can be a heavy tank, too."

I didn't really mean much by it... I meant it as a joke! But Tzako apparently didn't think it was funny. He sternly told me that there's more to being a heavy tank than just a few tons of extra steel. And that... really irritated me, for some reason. I actually got angry! It feels weird, and bad, in hindsight. I snapped at him that, yeah, you also need at least "fifty tons of extra crudity".

He wasn't impressed. He also told me to "get out". And I quickly did.

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